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  Feb 19 Riz Mack
Anais Vionet
Attraction is a small and fragile thing.
We started with stolen glances,
in crowded halls, across a coffee shop.
I was glancing (I hoped he was glancing).

It was hard, we lived in a rushed way.
We were on schedules, we had routines.
I had doubts about having a boyfriend
but they fell away, like leaves fall off trees.

I’d been warned, "don’t saddle trouble."

But finally, feeling that we were
deserving of love’s rich value,
we came together,
as marble-hearted sinners
with the serpent's contempt
for God’s stable order.
I don't think electricity was invented back then when I was a boy so we saved flashes of lightning in old pickle jars and we had a candle in the barn in case of emergency.

A backup was useful unless it was the toilet and then that was useless,
We could never have foreseen that back then we were really living the dream.
Riz Mack Jan 19
searching hard for the fear of god
in an overflowing ashtray
digging through the pile of grey
for memories of honest days
bittersweet reprieve
a pause
before the final applause
swaying in a symphony
of smoky dreams
someone else could believe
  Jan 15 Riz Mack
Amanda Kay Burke
November arrives on schedule
Comes in to visit each year
Whispers goodnight with stillness
Rustling one can hardly hear

I only see her four weeks
In heart time is of no concern
World to her is a routine on repeat
Myself know I have just a turn
Written you guessed it; 11/2/18 haha
  Jan 15 Riz Mack
Nishu Mathur
A shining star in the night sky  
A sliver of a moon
The burning wick of a candle in darkness
A bud pushing itself out from the ground
A green leaf on a winter-worn tree
The silver lining in a dark cloud
A rainbow after rain
The first rays of morning sunshine
The light at the end of a tunnel
The promise of a happy ending
The laughter of a baby
The antics of a puppy
A bird in flight
A hand
A smile
The words —
Everything will be all right

The rope of life
We hold on to
For without hope
Where would we be?
  Jan 15 Riz Mack
With my hips I sign my name
Into your pleasure,
I cast my spell into your breath
And watch you fall
You’re sinking into me whether you
Like it, or you
Admit your love, succumb to me
My love, don’t sink
Just float.
A true story
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