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Riz Mack Jan 14
she's just the kind of girl
basement dwellers portray
scamming cash from weirdos
the dumb ones anyway

she wants to be a doctor
but life gets in the way
she still finds time to hit the gym
and keep the belly at bay

sometimes I have to pinch her
"just making sure you're real"
she smiles but I don't think she knows
the way she makes me feel

it's like rain at the window
while you're warm inside
it's finding the sharpest pencil
when you really need to write

it's the clinking of coffee cups
beneath the morning sun
and Euclid's consternation
as two remain one

she's just my kind of girl
that's all I have to say
the kind of girl to make you wish
you could sleep all day
living in a dream world
  Jan 14 Riz Mack
Drunk on you.
I waited for you to be drunk on me too
Past the point of sobriety.
Intoxicated of what you showed me
I fell for false words and potential
The intensity
Fake imagery
Failed chemistry
Got in me but wasn’t into me
Couldn’t get the symmetry
I was drunk on you
Waited for you to be drunk on me too
  Jan 7 Riz Mack
Mrs Timetable
Standing in
Your shadow
Not able to see
Or feel
The light
It's not so easy
To just
Shelter Protect Shade... Conceal
Shelves need a dusting
Recover a brush
Into the bathroom it goes
Look at those toothpaste stains
In the basin
I surely need to clean those
Under the kitchen sink
To get me a sponge
Look at all those ***** dishes
I’ve gotta clean at least some
First put the clean ones away
The cabinet is in such disarray
Here’s that stupid electronic adapter
I looked for yesterday
Gotta put it in place right away
But look at this unorganized drawer
What a cluttered way to store
Electronic adapters, or anything more
Organization is what it needs
Here’s that book I was looking for
Back in it’s place, it goes
Oh my
Shelves need a dusting
  Dec 2023 Riz Mack
Anais Vionet
Fear not, doubt's dark whispers,
embrace the testing ground.

We face the same old existential dreads -
the unexpected twist, the vague essay prompt.

Genial birdsong mocked our anxious morning
and squirrels still scampered unconcerned.

“You’re a beautiful bundle of stress,”
I assured Lisa this morning
as I handed her her water bottle.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: genial = cheerful and pleasant
Riz Mack Dec 2023
am fae a toon that's done so bad
they gave it twa D's

whar the future greets
o' barren streets
on starless nights
an' the same ald wind

a suppose
ah wi kin dae is sing

an' sing wi dae
but no in tune
for ev'ry uphill
there's anither twa doon

an' some *****
howlin' awa' at the moon

it's quite the place meh toon
am gona quit the place quite soon
as I finish writin' this doon

an' tak' a last wee look
at the failin' toon
that helped write this book
take that, spellcheck
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