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6.1k · Apr 2013
Rin Apr 2013
they bloom
pink popcorn
sprouting on trees
cotton candy flowers
soon to be devoured
by hundreds of hungry tourists
at the click of a button
one flash
and the moment
is over
beauty becomes litter
and litter turns to dust
3.8k · Mar 2014
Rin Mar 2014
I counted the hours
and forgot about the days.
I sat and stared
at my cracked palms,
too dried out to bleed,
too calloused to feel.

Time, it seems, has worn us
down to statues
frozen in the heart
of this burning desert,
counting hours,
waiting for the rain
that never comes.
1.7k · Mar 2014
Daily Horoscope
Rin Mar 2014
The horoscope says
We’re not meant to be that
Good friends is
All we ever could be
Apparently the air
Between us
Is highly conducive to
Failure in relationships
That romance
Between a Virgo and an Aquarius
Is as likely as getting a suntan
In the middle of *******

Well, you know what?
Those astrologers
Can go ahead and kiss
My *** that you love so much
Because clearly they’ve got it
All ****** up
Like my hair after 8 PM
On Saturdays.

Why exactly does it matter
That I was born in August
A year after
You were born in January?
Is that why we don’t hold hands?
Is that why nobody knows
Including us
Exactly what the **** we are?
Is the planetary alignment
At the times of our birth
To blame for why
We could never
Have a proper date?

You see the reason
Why I’m all messed up is
Because I downloaded an app
And it told me that
It was being nice
When it said
We should just be friends.
And really
I shouldn’t care.
It’s just an app.
What does it matter?
And yes, it’s true
It doesn’t matter, still
I couldn’t help but wonder
If maybe
It’s not the only one
Who sees things
That way.
Wrote this a while back on my Tumblr. Just did a little editing, still not final though... I think. >_<
1.4k · Mar 2013
Unmarked Grave
Rin Mar 2013
so dark they swallow reflections,
dried and burned by acidic lies,
avalanching down proud cheekbones,
scream curses to the sky.

stand watching on a hill.
painting blood on the green of grass,
bit shut to prolong the silence,
reflecting flames of the setting sun.

From where I stood
I could see
Shadows dancing
Around the barren patch of land
Where you stood watching
As the sun plummeted
Extinguished by the frozen skies.

You stood
Looking out to sea
Fingernails cutting
Deep into the palm of your hand
As you held on
To a single white rose
Dyeing it red as the grass at my feet.

From where I stood
I could hear
Tears pounding the soil
At your feet
A steady rhythmic beating
Like a heart
Still bent on living.

You stood
Whispering to the shadows
Circling like vultures
Their wings clipped
So they crawl on the ground
Like worms slowly trying to make their way
To the secret underneath your feet.

gray as the bright lonely moon,
whispering the silence of goodbye,
settling on the edges of a crooked smile,
took something that was once mine.

lie buried in damp regret.
locked behind deadened eyes,
poisoned by your last goodbye,
sewn shut by the hand of your obsession.
1.3k · Mar 2014
Tea Party (Haiku)
Rin Mar 2014
Sometimes I forget
these are demons in my room
sipping tea with me.
1.1k · Jun 2013
Rin Jun 2013
They're all delusional.*

They can only wish they're as flammable as we are,
because together we make the sun look like a chunk of painted rock...

**..and they're all freezing.
1.1k · Mar 2013
Rin Mar 2013
I dropped a pebble
but the ground refused to break.
The sky turned sour,
its stubborn pride at stake.
1.1k · Jun 2013
Rin Jun 2013
The fire has gone cold.
The kind that eats like maggots
The kind that rots like wood
Do you see it burning?
Too slow to be feared
Too hard to be controlled
It eats everything.
It is hunger.
It is greed.
It's coming for you.
Once it's done
with me.
Rin Apr 2014
There are days when my happiness gets tangled up on a high tree like a kite that I tried to fly during bad weather without knowing the very basics of how to fly one in the first place.

*Perhaps it was my mistake to let it go so carelessly.
784 · May 2014
4 AM
Rin May 2014
There are
bad things
that come
at night when
you’re all alone
and broken
and weak.

772 · Apr 2013
Acid Rain
Rin Apr 2013
Everything burned like fairy dust scattering in the night.
Teardrops danced like silver shadows reflected in moonlight.
Poison spread like wildfire ripping through her veins.
She's a dying flower soaked in acid rain.
725 · Apr 2013
Rainy Day (Haiku)
Rin Apr 2013
She started dancing
barefoot and soaked in the rain.
Doctor's note -- Cancer.
710 · Apr 2013
Rin Apr 2013
"It has to be white!"
It's an obsession.
Every night
She's in the shower,
Scrubbing away.

"It has to be white!"
She keeps scrubbing.
Some days
She doesn't stop
Until she feels the sting.

"It has to be white!"
She can't stand the filth.
All the time
She waits
For the color to change.

"It has to be white!"
It takes hours
Every time.
Over and over
She scrubs.

When it's finally white,
She lets the water run,
Watching the suds
Like pure snow
Wash away
From her body.
She closes her eyes
And smiles.

In that moment
Of ephemeral bliss,
She hugs herself.
Gripping her shoulders tight,
She whispers,
"I am clean."
706 · Apr 2013
A Note on the Refrigerator
Rin Apr 2013
It rained in the kitchen this morning.
Oh, what a mess!
You should have seen it.
The cat was furious.
Your breakfast was ruined.
And the tea couldn't be saved.
I wanted to be upset.
I wanted to cry.
I tried so hard to make you breakfast.
But then I noticed you weren't here.
And I realized I didn't really care.
So I left everything as they were.
Your breakfast is still on the table.
The tea is sitting on the stove.
I don't know where the cat went.
But I'll be gone by the time you read this.
695 · Mar 2014
Best Wishes (Draft)
Rin Mar 2014
There was something to be said about her last Saturday at her best friend's wedding -- sitting on the bride's side wearing a little black dress, red lipstick, and sunglasses. All she needed was a hat and you'd think she was at a funeral.

There was something to be said about her last
Saturday at her best friend's wedding. "Congratulations!" she
yelled after the kiss as she pulled a pistol from her purse and shot a bullet through his heart.

There was something said about her last Sunday, at her best
friend's funeral. She was on the paper, Woman Arrested for Shooting a Man on His Wedding Day Committed Suicide. She stabbed her jugular with the pen she used to write a note that read "See you at our wedding!" addressed to his widow, dated Sunday.
*Work in progress. Comments and suggestions are very much welcome.
629 · Mar 2013
Rin Mar 2013
I felt a butterfly
flutter ever so slightly
that's why I was led
to tell a lie
because if you ask
for the truth
I'm sorry to say
though my heart skipped a beat
my eyes
were wide open.
617 · Mar 2013
Rin Mar 2013
The necklace on the floor
Under the unwashed sweater
You never really paid attention, did you?
Because you were laughing
When I tried to remind you
Still you never really cared to ask
Or even wonder why
I always took the bottles home
You’re always too busy
And you never see me
You like those songs
So you never hear me
But that’s okay
Because I like to listen
And watch you drive
And I like to smile
So you don’t have to ask
About the bottles
Or remember the necklace
On the floor
Under the sweater
That I left a year ago
Before the car crash.
612 · Dec 2014
Can of Worms
Rin Dec 2014
The secrets
I whispered
to the wind
have come
at my door.
608 · Mar 2013
Rin Mar 2013
This heavy winter
air is poison to the land.
Flowers cannot bloom.
581 · May 2015
Untitled (First draft)
Rin May 2015
Mornings sigh the remnants of nights spent dreaming
Faint whispers of a restless heart -- intoxicated, yearning
You are moonlight slipping through my fingers
Gone with the dawn but your promise of tomorrow lingers
Will probably go back and edit or add more. Please feel free to comment and give feedback/suggestions.. Especially for a title. Thank you.
573 · Mar 2013
Rin Mar 2013
The ballerina's legs
are broken, still
the music keeps on
545 · Apr 2014
Afternoon Tea
Rin Apr 2014
Across from her,
on the other side of the steam
kissing a tea cup goodbye
sat an empty chair of
what could have been.
A dessert for two
with one unused spoon
and concealed regret
occupied the space
where intertwined hands
clearly should have been.
But through the veil
of fabricated loneliness
that tried to fog her eyes,
a single smile of remembering
something someone said or did
started to give her away.
Suddenly it was a child
who sat there with eyes
gleaming like Christmas
morning in the land of
and everyone in the room
turned to see no one
walk through the door that
her eyes softly gazed upon
before settling on a table napkin
where she resumed writing
a poem dedicated to the one
who never showed up.
537 · Jun 2013
Rin Jun 2013
There's no need for a rescue party.*
Just as a sunken ship makes its home
On the bottom of the ocean,
I will make mine in a box
Under your bed.
534 · Mar 2014
Dear Mom,
Rin Mar 2014
There are days
when I fail
to remember
the little things
that you said
always mattered.
501 · Mar 2013
Rin Mar 2013
I will not change
even when the glass shatters
and the ruby ink spills
on the cold marble floor
where you once stood
looking out the window
talking about dreams
to the setting sun
and the lonely moon
wishing night would never end
and the stars would never die
but that in itself was just a dream
that you conjured up
in this small room
with no windows
and no doors
just icy white floors
that burn the soles of your feet
when you stand
and rip the skin off your back
when you lie
down and dream
the same old dream
of you
standing here
looking at me
hating me
killing me.
498 · Jun 2013
Rin Jun 2013
I had fun today.

We played hide and seek,
your memories and I.

I was it
so I closed my eyes
and counted to ten.

I heard them scatter
and run.

I think a couple left
through the back door.

The house,
it got quiet.

I opened my eyes
and ran after them.

I tried to look everywhere.
They just disappeared.

Somehow I have a feeling
I'll never see them again.

Nevertheless, it was fun.

Hello, I'm Rin.
What's your name again?
493 · Mar 2013
Writer's Block
Rin Mar 2013
Her eyes
saw darkness --
a blank page.

Her pen
touched a void --
her soul.

She sat
and bled
unto the page.

A single bullet
in her throat.
490 · Apr 2013
Twenty One
Rin Apr 2013
The stars fell from the sky.
A rain of shimmering dust
that filled our lungs with fear
and made our hearts heavy
with all our broken dreams.
489 · Jun 2013
What I've Kept Hidden
Rin Jun 2013
One day I will forget.**

They will scatter
In every direction.

They will run,
Wild horses
That they are.

They will be free.
As long as it is farthest
From me.
477 · Mar 2014
Rin Mar 2014
It sits on my shoulder —
a crow
weighing down,
bending a spine
that was once
so tall and proud.

Tainted blood
of the most precious
midnights hues
flow down my arm
from where black talons
had dug into the flesh.

Red is only fit for those with passion.

Mine had gone
so long ago,
taken away
by vultures
constantly feeding
on the broken dreams
of those delusional enough
to fancy themselves

Now I live
— barely —
as one of the broken
who sit and watch
as the lucky strut in arrogance
spilling watered down ink
at the expense of our blood.

But when the moon is high
and darkness comes alive,
my heart rejoices
as my mind rages
filling empty pages
with scornful desire
hidden in the sweetest of words.

The crow sings,
haunting the night
with the melancholy song
of a soul
invaded by the moon
and haunted
by broken dreams.

In the morning light
of the arrogant sun
as the moon disappears,
the words of the night
inked in blood
become nothing
but black smudges
to the eyes of the lucky
who think that ink
is the only thing spilled
to make art.

The broken
know very well
that empty words
written in ink
wash away
like promises on sand
but desire
inked in blood
will always glow red
in the moonlight.

So rejoice,
children of the sun,
for ink is cheap
and recognition
a giveaway.

Bask in the light
for as long as you can
because fame is short-lived
and the vultures are
Still needs some editing. Please feel free to give feedback / suggestions. Thank you.
443 · Apr 2013
Rin Apr 2013
The story splits to
two separate fantasies.
I'm drowning in yours.
400 · Mar 2013
Looking Glass
Rin Mar 2013
Murky waters
that drown your eyes.
You say,
"It's full of lies."
I say,
"You are what you despise."
397 · Jun 2013
Rin Jun 2013
There is beauty in things unknown
and lies in all that we are shown.
So close your eyes
and forget the world with all its lies.
On that distant moon
is where we will meet soon.
367 · Apr 2013
Taking Flight (Draft)
Rin Apr 2013
I drew a line across the sky
And told myself that's about as high as
I'd let you take me.
Beyond that line is when
The fall becomes fatal.
Beyond that line is when
I can't let go.
You crossed that line
Before I could stop you.
So please be kind and
Don't let me go.
Because I just realized
I'm afraid to die.

— The End —