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It went from crying out of anger to crying out of pain
The times I felt alone to the times I felt shame

The lost adolescent...
Still learning from her lessons & appreciating her blessings

I bathed in the depths of the darkness and hoped to come out pure
Every time I looked in the mirror I wasn't sure

That's not me, that her
She was screaming so loud I had to purge

Suddenly she stopped
I stood there & I watched

All the sorrows leaking from her pores
All the despair soaking in the floor

Seeping down to the chamber of hearts
Wondering how mine got so ripped a part
 Aug 2015 Raphael Uzor
I hope you're happy.
Wherever you are.

I hope I still haunt you, though.
All the words you said to me that were like bullets,
The actions you took just to make a point.
I hope something reminds you of that and you regret it.

I hope you're happy.
This is not about a guy I dated, for I haven't dated anyone. This is about my section leader from a few years ago. Please don't hate on my writing, its very rude.
In my youth I put aside my studies
And I aspired to be a saint.
Living austerely as a mendicant monk,
I wandered here and there for many springs.
Finally I returned home to settle under a craggy peak.
I live peacefully in a grass hut,
Listening to the birds for music.
Clouds are my best neighbors.
Below a pure spring where I refresh body and mind;
Above, towering pines and oaks that provide shade and brushwood.
Free, so free, day after day --
I never want to leave!
 Jul 2015 Raphael Uzor
Typing furiously
The websites you administrated
The cool stuff you created

Dancing graciously
The pictures you enhanced
The movies you edited

Plucking gentle
The guitar strings
The songs you sing

Moving delicately
The way you put your chopstick
The way you stroke your joystick

Approach hungrily
Touching the sacred spots
Knead, caress, massage, pinch, rub, enter.
Undress the inhibitions
Souls wrapped in
Ones imagination
Exposing the beauty
Enamored hearts
Entwine in dreamland
Celebrations galore
Scintillating display
Of passion
Like all beautiful things, love came,
Showered sweet dreams from stars above,
One day, he left without my name
Leaving me like a mourning dove.

What are vows if they are relapsed?
That’s how this heart gently collapsed.
Glass broken into sore pieces,
Lived my days in poison kisses.
A Rispetto, an Italian form of poetry, is a complete poem of two rhyme quatrains with strict meter. The meter is usually iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of abab ccdd. A Heroic Rispetto is written in Iambic pentameter, usually featuring the same rhyme scheme.
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