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Charles Bukowski ate my girlfriend
He started with her head
Fiddled with her like finger food
Putty in his hands

Charles Bukowski took my girlfriend
Slapped her hard upside the face
Now she likes it *****
So this poets been replaced

I'd like to say so long Charlie
As far as I'm concerned
You can hit the literary highway
Never to return

Charles Bukowski took my girlfriend
And showed her a good time
As I'm watching from the shallow end
Of my kiddie pool of simple rhyme

Charles Bukowski ate my girlfriend
Chewed her up then spit her out
Now that good for nothing Charlie
Is all she talks about
Ran across some poetry from Charlie tonight and thought...Didn't I write something once about him? And here you go...
 Sep 2015 Raphael Uzor
Isn't it amusing?
Your exhaustion is
craving your energy,
dragging away your breath.
Isn't it lovely?
Sleep is actually
the son of life,
but also,
a cousin of death.
Hard to tell if I'm family or not.

© Copywrited.
 Sep 2015 Raphael Uzor
I'm a dreamer
I don't want to be with someone
who would dream with me
I want him to take me to reality

Leigh Herondale  *August 2015
Posting my thoughts. Gn. #impromptu
You catch them hanging out
Pretty much on the edge
Of the cranium
Where they like to lay their eggs

They keep you remembering
All that you should know
If you need to have a name
They go by the mindful

Once the eggs have hatched
You'll be mindful of this and that
Keeping you on your guard
Of what should be done and said

Into your brain they will burn
All in life we need to learn
Keeping an eye on those around
Is mostly the mindful's concern

They take it to task amongst themselves
To be mindful of everyone else
For after all isn't that
What a mindful life is all about

So don't be scared, don't be afraid
When you feel an itching of the brain
It's just the mindful laying ground
Soon enough to be paved

Making sure the road ahead's
Not too bumpy or too rough
As you're on your way to what
You should be mindful of
Like swimming in molasses
trying to ascend
hoping to begin
to get where I want to be

Swimming in molasses,
can’t get there from here
as a robot in first gear
trying to go with the flow

Swimming in molasses
waiting for the gooey
mass to warm
for me to find my way

Swimming in molasses,
Grandma’s Gold Standard all natural kind
dark, black-brown viscid glue
that holds and restricts

I’m swimming in molasses
deliberate, lethargic,
lagging, leaden, swirling toward
the promise that awaits me
depression, blues
 Aug 2015 Raphael Uzor
I have a burning need to be adored
To hide the fact I'm insecure.
The guys I date all soon get bored
While deeper in love I seem to fall.
 Aug 2015 Raphael Uzor
 Aug 2015 Raphael Uzor
The longing I feel
cannot be compared
to anything I've ever known


Where your words once were,
I have only memories now.
Where your hands once were,
I feel the ghost of your fingertips
Where your lips landed on mine,
I can only recall
how you taste
by closing my eyes.

I miss you
beyond anything words
could ever convey
And I'm hurting, yes,
deep down, I'm hurting
So badly.

But baby I don't blame you,
I promise you, I don't.
I've only myself to blame
for this hurricane of events
and I know I haven't said
I'm sorry
But I am so sorry.

I'm sorry
I wasn't enough,
I'm sorry
I couldn't show you
how I feel;
I'm so sorry
that I couldn't make my words
become promises
And I'm sorry
that you had to ever
cross my path.

My heart hurts.
I would be telling
an atrocious lie
if I were to ever say it didn't,
but it hurts so bad
sometimes I can't breathe.
I guess you could say
I'm heartbroken.


Consider yourself lucky, baby.
Because had you not
broken my heart,
**I eventually
would've broken yours.
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