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Randy Johnson Jul 2016
I won't pledge allegiance to the United States flag, I only pledge allegiance to God.
Certain people may think that is stupid, ridiculous and odd.
I will only pledge allegiance to The Almighty Lord.
When it comes to making it to the paradise, I'm on board.
Randy Johnson Jul 2016
When Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton, he sold out.
He let his supporters down and he's two-faced, there's no doubt.
One day Bernie told his supporters that Hillary is unfit.
Four weeks later he vowed to help her get elected, he's a hypocrite.
A person is judged because of the things that he or she does.
Sanders is two-faced, he isn't the man who I thought he was.
Randy Johnson Jul 2016
If I was a celebrity, I wouldn't want to be idolized.
You may think that is dumb and you may be surprised.
But God is the only one who deserves to be the people's idol.
Worshipping him isn't only the right thing to do, it's also vital.
If I was a celebrity who people idolize, I would ask them not to idolize me anymore.
God is the only one who should be idolized because in the end, he will be our savior.
Randy Johnson Jul 2016
It's important for people to please God and Jesus.
We should please them because they please us.
We can please them by being honest and not cheating, stealing, killing or lying.
We may fail when we attempt to do these things but that shouldn't stop us from trying.
The world is going to Hell in a hand basket, it's like a disease.
But if we try to do our best, God and Jesus will be pleased.
Randy Johnson Jul 2016
The Philippi rulers had Paul and Silas beaten, imprisoned and their feet clamped into the stocks.
Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to The Lord continuously after the cell was locked.
But at midnight the prisoners bonds were unfastened when the foundation started to shake.
This happened because God caused an earthquake.
The jailer feared the rulers because he thought the prisoners had escaped and he was going to commit suicide.
But Paul told him that they were still there and the jailer saw all of the prisoners, what Paul said was verified.
The jailer asked Paul and Silas how that he could be saved and he was told.
They said to believe in Jesus and he would be saved along with his household.
The jailer cleaned Paul and Silas's wounds and then they baptized the jailer's family.
Paul and Silas were released from prison and then they were asked to leave the city.
Randy Johnson Jul 2016
Jesus Christ rules his father's kingdom and he's a magnificent leader.
One day Jesus predicted that he would be denied three times by Peter.
Peter told Jesus that he was somebody who he would not deny.
But when Peter said that to The Messiah, it turned out to be a lie.
Peter denied Jesus three times just as Jesus predicted.
And soon after, Jesus died on the cross because of the wounds that were inflicted.
This is the 21st Century and now a days many people deny Jesus as well.
Sadly, the people who are denying him won't live in paradise, they will fail.
Randy Johnson Jul 2016
Moses, Miriam, Aaron and the children of Israel wandered into the wilderness of Zin.
The Israelites complained because there was no water, their patience was wearing thin.
God told Moses to take the rod, call the people and speak to the rock.
God said there would be enough water for the people and their livestock.
But instead of speaking to the rock like God commanded, Moses raised his hand and struck it with the rod.
Water flowed from the rock but Moses was punished because he became angry and didn't follow the command of God.
Because Moses didn't do as God commanded, God wouldn't let him lead the Israelites into the promised land.
Moses quickly learned that the best thing to do is to always do as Jehovah God commands.
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