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Feb 2018 · 291
furies Feb 2018
there's no cures,
no hopes,
no hi's, nor bye's..
there's not really much left to say then is there-
so why do i try?
why do i reach for words just out of reach,
why haven't i let it go?
why do i wonder so-
wander so?
what am i looking for?
i have what i want, i have what i need,
i have the joy i sought so sorely so,
i have my grasp on a future,
no longer so futile..
and yet
guilt clouds my mind.
i wish so badly that i could take what you gave,
that i could scatter my seeds amongst the many already strewn,
intertwine my life into the fabric of yours,
and be happy doing it.
but i wasn't happy, i was empty
and your pieces didn't fit quite right,
despite how hard i tried..
because i did try,
oh how i tried.

i just wish i hadn't
poisoned the medicine maker.
Jan 2018 · 244
furies Jan 2018
we live in a box
with endless walls and tiny windows
unseen beings
lurking in the creeks
of despair and desperation
whilst barrows of bodies
whisked away and turned to
ash that soils the otherwise
spotless home you've made
within the cell...
ular confines of existence
Jan 2018 · 311
"Me too"
furies Jan 2018
I thought I knew what lonely was until a movement I couldn't take part in came along.
I was used to being on my own, but when surrounded by the voices of people speaking out against the atrocities they've faced at the hands of others I was filled with a need to join them-
Until I realized I couldn't.
For the resulting commotion that would fill my life if I did would not equate the relief I may or may not feel by telling all.
The demons in my life wouldn't be prosecuted by my voice, despite the promises some naive like to make.
To stay silent is to stay protected, even if it is at the cost of one's own sanity.
For I reside in the middle. In the place where things aren't so bad that I need saving nor the place where things are so safe that I can speak without fear. My voice wouldn't cause a worldwide commotion, nor would it cause arms of those dear to me to envelop me in embraces of comfort and support.
It would cause mass pandemonium in my world while changing nothing in the world.
So lonely has been redefined to mean utter panic in the midst of temptation.
Jan 2018 · 504
revise the moments //
furies Jan 2018
Technology makes it so easy to be intimate despite having voids of separation between souls,
Taking tiny screens and filling them with the image of joy,
Talking at it for hours on end,
Burning the night away into bliss,
and yet...
Oct 2017 · 409
furies Oct 2017
I can't stop crying
Some people can't even start
I ponder on which is worse while choking back tears
Oct 2017 · 586
furies Oct 2017
I messed up
Sorely and irreversibly
Stealing moments I can't return
Regretting them near
I ****** up
Oct 2017 · 659
An Ode To My Therapist
furies Oct 2017
You say if I'm actively suicidal you'll have to commit me, so can I please verify whether this is a passive or active feeling?
You don't seem to understand that I am passively active at all times, that suicide is not something you have to die to commit.
You don't grasp that I am both fine and alive while being broken and empty, all at the same time.
You don't see that I can comprehend that something is wrong with my mind for the way it whispers to me of deaths inviting embrace, that I know this isn't normal, but oh, oh do I wish it was.
You ask me to rate my feelings on a scale of 1-5, quantifying my mind's nuances before I have a chance to explain that I don't even know myself half the time.
Do your best, you say.

My best ran out when I stepped over the threshold, next time I'll know not to waste it on a visit to you.
Aug 2017 · 248
Let's Fuck Shit Up
furies Aug 2017
ride out into empty highways,
headlights off, windows down

let the eternity contained in the heavens
guide your way-
trace the footsteps of millennia

paint your life outside the lines,
let chasms overfill with your blood
before you give in
before you give up
Jul 2017 · 292
If I tell you (Pt. 1)
furies Jul 2017
If I tell you where my unkempt sneakers have been
will you still stay the night and caress my skin?
If I tell you what my wide brown eyes have seen
will you still want to learn about what resides between?
unfinished, ideas
Jul 2017 · 355
I'm not asking for a break.
furies Jul 2017
I don't consent,
I won't consent.
I know I said it was okay,
that I wanted to see where this would go.
I know I said that I was chill,
that I was ready, that there was no need to go slow.
But now I'm saying
I'm saying I don't want it, want you, want this-
even if that makes me some sort of priss.
I'm saying step off,
and don't come back.
I'm not asking for a break,
you can't make up for what you lack.
I know I said I'd be down,
that I would be willing to try-
but boy, that's before I found my crown,
before I realized that it wasn't normal, how much you make me cry.
I won't tolerate any more teardrops, not in my sky.
So leave. Now.
Apr 2017 · 287
furies Apr 2017
I don't understand
how people feel so grand
when they're taking another's only land.
Feb 2017 · 648
furies Feb 2017
I'll never be rid of the taint of ****. No matter how well I pretend, my nights are not my own. They forever belong to the shadows, to rough hands and blank eyes.

What karma did a child accumulate to be punished for such a lifetime?
Feb 2016 · 349
furies Feb 2016
time on my hands, time to ****
the demons know where to go
a trigger to pull, thoughts to blow
Jan 2016 · 365
I was in love so I....
furies Jan 2016
I cleared you of your sins,
took them as my own.
I'd say yes when I
should've said no.
I begged for attention,
cried when it burned me.
I pried where I shouldn't have,
lost myself when the secrets swallowed me.
Jan 2016 · 311
furies Jan 2016
You make me sorry
for every breath I take
for the space I encompass
for my very existence
I still love you.
Jan 2016 · 270
furies Jan 2016
things I hate:


things that make me hate me:

Dec 2015 · 574
furies Dec 2015
Having an opinion
Is most definitely
One of the hardest
Things about being
Dec 2015 · 431
furies Dec 2015
Swift attacks on ones weak points will bring them to their knees in an instant.
Delayed blows to ones high points will slowly cause one to shrink smaller than ever thought possible.

You may be able to get up off your knees, but darling growing and rebuilding is near impossible when you don't know where to begin.
Dec 2015 · 1.0k
I Know
furies Dec 2015
I know I'm not enough.
I promise, I know. So please,
I'm begging you,
stop reminding me.
I promise, I never forget.
But sometimes I get tired of
being sad, being upset.
I start to hold myself higher,
I let myself get past that roadblock.
But then you drop it suddenly atop me,
and I'm left further down the track than
I ever was before.
I know I'm not enough.
How many times will you remind me?
Dec 2015 · 325
I'm not sure.
furies Dec 2015
Sometimes I feel like the moon wouldn't shine so bright without your eyes being my lens to the world.
Other times I feel like the ground would stop swallowing me up in its earthy embrace if my mouth wasn't mistaken for yours as it taunts all that it can.
Oct 2015 · 311
furies Oct 2015
Endless and intangible,
yet the only reality that makes sense.
Oct 2015 · 320
furies Oct 2015
How do tears burn like acid,
Why does your mouth emit poison,
When did your fingers start burning my wrist,
What had you intention been?
Jun 2015 · 289
furies Jun 2015
East and west
Right and left
Never will there be a greater void
Than the one created through those that are too poised
May 2015 · 617
Analogy of Feelings
furies May 2015
Want is to Lust as Need is to Love
Feb 2015 · 11.1k
furies Feb 2015
I'm laying in the grave
you dug from the *****
of your heart, covered in
petals of ignorance-
which are not
so blissful anymore.
Jan 2015 · 340
You Took Me From Me
furies Jan 2015
You saved my soul
Or so it seemed
You said I was lost
You said you could help me breathe
I took your hand
Let you taint my skin
Felt your aura eat away
At the person I used to be
Jan 2015 · 651
furies Jan 2015
Please please please
I can't handle
You're everywhere
You're smothering me
Please leave

You left.
Why did you leave
the flames?
Dancing flames
You're mocking me
I'm burning
I'm losing everything
The flame are everywhere
Don't leave me

Please please please
Come back
I was wrong
Please please please
Don't go
I didn't mean it

Jan 2015 · 418
furies Jan 2015
louder and louder
harder and harder
until everyone around you
can't help but pay attention

with all your strength
because there's no use of
conserving it

let out your angst
against the world
that owed you nothing
but gave you less.
Jan 2015 · 833
furies Jan 2015
I am a *******.

My hands are not my own,
my words are spoken for me.
I do not have a choice
in where my legs drag me.

If not a *******, then what?
Dec 2014 · 606
tis' the season of trinkets
furies Dec 2014
I fall beneath the wings
I hang above the chasm
I let my resolve crumble

Breathless whispers bring forth
enticing thoughts of snow globe worlds
As useful as paper weights

I fear the collision of worlds
I wait for the ringing to stop
I allow the peace of destruction to befall

Covering the world
in satin trimmed words
Pretending the tides would shift for the better
Dec 2014 · 551
Caught in Plaster
furies Dec 2014
It's an echo of a scream,
lost in the midst of thousands.
All of whom just need one chance
to live a life dictated by their own hands.

Plaster poured upon bowed heads,
forever to be frozen as beggars.
Not one whisper to be said
from those immortalized together.
Oct 2014 · 354
Good vs Bad
furies Oct 2014
There are choices
Choices to be good
to be someone who cares
Who does everything possible
to please the plethora of people
asking for your soul.
Choices to be bad
to be someone who is selfish
Who does everything possible
to please the heart that
resides within.
furies Oct 2014
Release me from this hell hole
Of feelings not yet felt
Of words not yet said
Of people not yet met
Of relationships too soon set

Release me from this hell hole
I beg of you, please
I cannot sit here and listen
To the petty problems of
Society. Especially when they
Fall out of my mouth.
How could I be affected
By crap that has no meaning?
Why do I pretend that any of this
Will matter in the end?
Why am I so ignorant of
The life I should be living?
How could I take part in being
A normal teen, when that right
Was taken at birth?

There are issues and problems
And then there is my life.
The embodiment of disappointment,
My life serves the perfect example
Of what happens when cultures are
Mixed by the hands of inexperienced
Adults, that think they know best.
Oct 2014 · 371
There's always an End
furies Oct 2014
I feel a bit lost,
I feel like I'm drowning.
I feel as if the world
is looking at me, frowning.
Everyone must think
that I'm a fool for letting myself
reach the brink
for someone that only looks to me
when he can't see himself.  

I care too much
I care too fast
I make mistakes
with consequences that last
I don't take chances,
I take risks
and that's all the difference
that matters in the end.

I wish you luck,
I wish you joy.
Please don't look back
and notice the quiver
of unspoken thoughts
hanging in the air
as I say nothing
and think everything.
Oct 2014 · 420
furies Oct 2014
Explain to me this
Why does the world say that love is the best feeling?
When all I feel is cold
Empty words from empty people
****** words tumbling from my mouth
Masking the ****** up feelings inside
The tough face I put on melting for moments
Before I realize that those moments of weakness
Ruin my chances to live
Because being numb is better than being vulnerable

Explain to me this
Why does everyone say it's okay to take a chance?
That it'll be worth it to say what I feel?
When all that leaves is ****** souls
and broken hearts. Jagged words pierce
skin, leave blood on my fingers.
Whose blood is it?
Because what hurts even more than rejection
is being rejected by someone you had a chance with.
Not even rejected actually-
But completely sidelined by.

Explain to me this
Why can't I have a life of friendships?
Why do I have to live through others,
Without seeing anything for myself?
Learning and yearning
Wishing for something different
Hoping for someone to save me.
Sep 2014 · 435
furies Sep 2014
Sinking ships
Severed rain
Drops of gold
Floating dreams
Crying oceans
Soaring clouds
Hurt filled caskets
Ends of vows
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
The Sweater
furies Sep 2014
I've been lounging in the sweater
I wear it even when I know I'll be with
People that would provide their own sweaters.
But nothing can warm me like the sweater.
I wear it year round, despite the weather.
I once let another's fingers unzip the sweater
and the next moment I was across the room.
I apologized of course, but those fingers
Never did touch me again..

I know why people are tied to objects
I know why sweaters are so sentimental
The person whose comfort I seek
Could not have picked better torture
Than the torture of leaving me the sweater.
I broke the sweater wearer,
But now the sweater will break me.
Sep 2014 · 315
furies Sep 2014
Shaky hands, shaky fates
Steady beat, steady life
furies Sep 2014
Losing myself
In clouds of desperation
Oblivious to the hands
Reaching towards my trembling fingers
Just asking for me to try a little
Asking me to reach and reciprocate
To allow myself to be pulled to the other side
But I've made my home here
In the pits of despair
And the effort to accept the help
Seems infinite
Compared to the ease of huddling
Into the nooks of numbness
Sep 2014 · 516
furies Sep 2014
I learn so much about you
Everyday another boulder falls
Crushing countless other beliefs
Beliefs in your honesty being no.1

Forget what the words do to me
Don't you wish it wasn't said
That you'd lost your charm?
Or better yet, don't you care
About all the people you've lost!

I wish I could say
That knowing how painful
You're realization might be
Would make me stay by your side
And make me want to be your support
But it overwhelms me

I don't care about your pain
How selfish
Oh well
Sep 2014 · 382
Fragmented Damages
furies Sep 2014
Please stop
I give in, time after time
Promises to myself
Promises to my faith
Broken- shattered so easily. Too easily.
Fragmented pieces flying
Embedding themselves within my soul
Like the pain a newborn feels from a splinter
Like the ache an arthritic man feels as he ages
Like the sting a toddler feels from a bee
Seemingly insignificant
Yet so terrifyingly huge
You keep coming back
I need you to stop
Sep 2014 · 389
furies Sep 2014
I panic at the thought of being alone
I found solace in a classroom
and even that was taken away
I get dizzy when I encounter my blood
though everyone says the bond is unconditional
I sit in the midst of those that say they love me
I weep and not one of them sees
I cry out and not one of them understands the pain in my shell of a heart
I try to be good but sometimes I can't control it
It all comes out- actions, words, thoughts, feelings
in a mess of emotion and release
A release that causes nothing but pain
I wish I could control my fate
I need control of something
The slight reprimands of actions not yet taken
Just instigate what shouldn't be started
I can't keep up to the future
I want to tear my heart in pieces
Hand one to everything that has a greater control
Over my blood than I do
And tell them all to do as they please
Mold a new heart from the old
Recycle the broken me into a machine
Because it's feelings and freedom of thought
That started this mess
My insecurities and weaknesses lead me to the brink
But a machine is monotone and cold and hard and
Frankly much more suited to the others
Than my blood-pumping heart is.
I want to stop living under the perception of control
Give everything up once and for all
Allow the gears to slip from my unwanted brain
Into the hands of the finest technician
Or perhaps the cheapest, as that would be what I deserve
Become reprogrammed to follow the whims of
Everything that controls my blood.
Sep 2014 · 405
Seeping Emotions
furies Sep 2014
Kissed by the lights
Fluttering in the space between foreign and dangerous
Burned by their constant nearness
Yet fearing more the cold
Wanting to drink in their warmth
To keep them forever near
Wishing their floating nature could be adopted by me
Hoping no one sees the marks they leave
Hoping no one sees the happiness they give
....Though the lights are nomadic
and one day will wander too far
I give myself false hope that they will stay near
However I understand that even the lights' time will come
Aug 2014 · 416
No Point
furies Aug 2014
There's really no point
in changing oneself
Especially when everyone
thinks they know you.
There's really no point
in righting ones wrongs
Especially when everyone
decides you're tainted.
There's really no point
in apologizing
Especially when everyone
claims you're lying.
Aug 2014 · 564
furies Aug 2014
Never will it be said
That she was a genius.
Never will it be said
That she was talented.
Never will it be said
That she spoke kindly.
Never will it be said
That she was beautiful.
Never will it be said
That she carried value.

What will be said
Is that she was normal.
That she was average.
That she was capable
of ******* everything up.
That she didn't try enough,
didn't achieve enough,
didn't listen to what
would have saved her soul.
What will be said
Is that she wasn't terrible,
just mean.
Is that she wasn't stupid,
just dumb.
Is that she wasn't a gem,
just a pebble.

Scuffed soul,
scuffed body.
Imperfections layered
to cover the disappointments
of never being
of worth.
Aug 2014 · 12.5k
furies Aug 2014
I hate myself
and my blandness.
I hate my hair
and my sadness.
I hate my nose
and my bruteness.
I hate my feet
and my bitterness.
I hate my legs
and my desperateness.
I hate my wrists
and my selfconsciousness.


Aug 2014 · 733
Strong Souls
furies Aug 2014
Ebbing through the haze
Overshadowing the little ones
Clawing at the backs of the elders
Whispering thoughts into the ears
of the impressionable naive ones
Silently beckoning all those
with the need for release
Eagerly awaiting a chance
To make a difference
To have a voice
To bring upon a change
Teenage Rebels
Aug 2014 · 342
Good Bye
furies Aug 2014
I lose my focus
Get lost in thoughts of you
Wonder how you're doing
Wish I could talk to you
Hate that it's become so much of a problem
Think of where I'd be
If I hadn't done what I did

I wish your brightness
Hadn't brought me to you
Like a moth to a flame

It was instantaneous
You filled my soul
And I drowned in the newness of it all

Other people talked to me
Other people showed me what love could be
But I never forgot you
I fell in something with the others
But I fell in love with you

The others don't know
No one knows.
You're my secret
But I don't- no. I can't
keep you anymore.

Aug 2014 · 395
Drop Everything. Just Stop.
furies Aug 2014

To the roaring in your head.

Notice the chill.
The chill that comes with realizing how long it has been
since you stopped.

Do you remember?
When you were alone in the midst of society?
When you took a moment to listen to yourself?
When you gave in to the roaring behind your ears?

Sometimes all you need to do is
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