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 Mar 2016 Raihah Mior
Got Guanxi
Are you disappointed?
That our dislocated touch
In buildings now dilapidated,
Days seen better,
Pupils dilated in dire straights.
Are you frustrated?
Our genetic make up,
Ran away
laced with love -
but deflated.
To reveal pale skin,
Rivers of mascara flow,
Eyelash flickered like wings,
And flew into destructive mushrooms clouds en passé.
We must move,  
To survive the dynamites blast.
Let me demonstrate this,
Do you still see stars in my eyes?
Is it constellations,
Or conversations behind turned backs you wish to have?
Out of order,
To betray with sharp knifes in spines,
In spite of the time we spent
Fermenting like fine wine.
Are you still mine?
Or just disappointed?

I'm just pointing out the obvious,

In an ominous motion we


We made it this far,
the space i used to take up in your heart.
 Mar 2016 Raihah Mior
People tend to hide away from storms
Seal their windows, close their doors
Never did it cross my parents' minds
They raised a child who didn't conform

As I would watch my little light show
I saw traces of you in the cracks in the sky
And while you are in everything I know
This resemblance was eerie

The lightning that threatens to strike the ground
Just like you, it makes my heart pound
Harmful, deadly, to be feared
And yet one of the only things that ever brought me out of the gloom

The growling thunder that refuses to be ignored
Much like your voice resonating in my ear
One year, two months
And you're very much still here

I guess what I never quite registered
Is how with storms come tragedy
Only beautiful from afar
Not when its where you are

If only I ran like the others as you were approaching
I wouldn't have been burnt to a crisp
Soaked in my sorrows
Unable to forget your touch on my skin

But honey, you're long gone
And I still haven't looked away
Hoping for our chance encounter as new faces
Maybe tomorrow, if not today.
I love storms a little bit more now.
A moment with you,
my dear,
is enough.
One sip of you fills my soul
but, oh, how I wish
I could drink the whole cup.
 Feb 2016 Raihah Mior
People are always
be brave,
like it's something
I can

and at night, when I lie
in my bed
and I'm on my back, quieter than
a branch
or the floorboards
beneath my frame,

I want to tell you
that I am a bird-
who does not know
that she is
brave when
she jumps and trusts
the fall-

who knows no difference
between courage and
instinct and
is not brave
at all
 Feb 2016 Raihah Mior
Your hands around my throat
as you tell me you love me
Choking me slowly
as I'm gasping for your air

You promise you care
as your hand is in hers
You tell me not to cry
but youre the cause of my tears.

You say you’ll wait on me
as you leave everything I say in the wind
You say you’ll stay
but you ignore me for days

Why do you let your actions contradict your words?

Id there some sick pleasure for you?

As you have me pinned against a wall
screaming that you love me
With your hands around my throat
you’re choking me slowly
leaving me trapped as I gasp for air

I am your game
I see that…

**Maybe it’s time for me to win
Sadness is my game; poetry is how I play. (No actual abuse happened here; it is all in a metaphorical sense)
you are alive. you are here, presently, surrounded by reasons why you must stay alive. even if the noose of your grief holding up your happiness shows no signs of letting up, stay. if you can't count every reason to die on your fingers, grab your friends and start using their hands to count the reasons you need to be here, with these people, these places, these moments. think of old men smiling to themselves as they drive by their childhood homes. sure, it was sad for them to leave. but they gave the wound a while to heal and sixty years later their wife is waiting for them at home with a plate of cookies and their son is just about to have his first kid and their daughter is the most beautiful starburst ever let out of heaven and that old man, that old man is happy. everybody has a crumpled suicide note if you dig deep enough. everybody's adolescence is stained with forgotten kisses and broken beer bottles and ****** knuckles and several prayers to dine with the dead and you are not alone. you are not alone in wondering if this is the end. the show will go on with or without you, and you need to love the sound of the applause because, baby, your big scene is coming up.
Perfection is what every human being seeks,
An idea that is foolish to dream,
A very beautiful word it is,
I have always dreamed of it,
Do not laugh for what you too have done,
To reach this dimension,
A dimension which we could only dream.
Ah, perfection,
It's what keeps us going,
To find that head,
To find that heart,
Seeking what cannot be sought.
What we do not know,
How easy it is to capture,
To take,
It could be found anywhere,
Just look in the mirror,
What do you see,
Cheesy poem, but it's true. What Allah gave us is no mistake.
Everything has a beginning,
And that beginning always has an ending.
In the middle is the story,
And somewhere in that story is you.

You are lost from the moment you see the words.
How it amazes you,
And how it grasp you in.

For the moment you are lost,
You are in a different world,
A world that none are real,
Only you.

How wondrous it is to be somewhere else,
Somewhere you have never been before,
Somewhere you can never go to,
But here you are.

The thrills and suspense,
Compells you,
Not giving you up,
Not until you've had enough.

The time that passes by,
Seems shorter than a minute.
Taking deep breaths to remind you where you are,
Nothing feels real,
Nothing was real,
In that moment you know,
You are in another world.
A poem that expresses my feelings after reading a good book. Sometimes, depending on the book, you gain new perspectives; that's when you know you've read a good book.
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