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Rafael S Lasala May 2018
To the pale light
Head first
Love in hand

Gasp for breath,
Cloak in white
Wash and

The sins,
A life anew
To start
I'd like to think dying is birth. And birth is dying. Here is my shot at reversible poetry.
Rafael S Lasala May 2018
I am small.

I am afraid
to to be trampled
by the giants
so proud and tall

their footed feet
of fancy boots
stripped me bare
to my unyielding roots

I long for
my neighboring tree
and my humble plower
among the iron steeds
and the crowding towers

For what am I
For who am I
On this street?
But a mere flower
growing through concrete.
Rafael S Lasala Aug 2016
If it has been done,
then it can be done

If there is great,
then forever holds
Rafael S Lasala Jul 2016
Over my cup, pour on me your bitterness
Let me vessel your darkest liquid, your bean.
Let me drink your laced water, your deadliest poison,
Your shimmering toxic, the water of your abyss.
And let me marinate in this roux, of your time-fermented emotion.
Rafael S Lasala Mar 2016
Equinox reddens
halfhearted cheeks
Bites from which
palates are made sweet

Though cores forgotten,
For in solitude
redness' cheeks hold,
the cyanide that lingers,

Left to rot,
its bitterness untold.
Cyanide is a strong base
Rafael S Lasala Jan 2016
I am what you see and what you feel inside.
I am my soul, my heart, and my mind.
My poetry, the music that this orchestra plays,
will set us on fire, our hearts ablaze.

Listeng to my songs,
though sometimes dischordnant,
They're me, they're us, they're I,
its notes, their whisper, not fraudulent

Listen to my songs,
and let's sing ours together.
Let's burn the world,
And let's sing forever.
I believe that we have a mission to use our art to inspire and to change the world we write about.
Rafael S Lasala Jan 2016
Within me, the beauty I found,
echoes not from my mind, unsound.
Within me, the beauty I found,
comes from her whispers, so loud.
Into madness, I descend.
For I seek the words,
I cannot comprehend.
Do I? Am I?
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