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A wine bottle
filled with keys
is all I drink.
I never cared
for the bitter,
sick taste of
old grapes,
taunting me.
But the bottle
fits nicely
in my hand
and I enjoy
the tang of
on my tongue,
reminds me
of the blood
I used to draw
when you got
Lip torn,
to kiss, or not.
To speak, or
be silent.
The keys,
I find them
in crevices
of other
lives, after
they've released
what had to be
locked away.
The edges cut
on the
Some part of me
is still soft, now
I can prove it
with the blood
I've coughed up.
Paint this truth
deep wine red,
with spare keys
jangling loudly
in my stomach
like the nerves
of my body, if
you'd listen to me.
But now when I
speak, you hear
You’re done
kissing me
and I taste
salt. Tears.
Still drinking
sharp keys from
a wine bottle,
hoping they unlock
something inside.

**V. K.
 Jul 2015 Rachel Dyer
 Jul 2015 Rachel Dyer
the bottom of the bottle doesn't have any answers
but i drain it anyway
i can't find jesus in this burning on my throat
but i sin in hopes of seeing him
i'm ripping my own heart out and it hurts so ******* much
but not as much as you did
tomorrow will be loud and painful
but it is today and it was yesterday
spinning like a top and the walls look like your neck
but kissing them won't bring you back
my names sad juliet and i care what you think
No matter how many times
I scrub my skin,
I still feel *****.

No matter how many
layers I burn away,
I still feel contaminated.

I cannot wash away your touch.
I can still feel your lecherous hands
and I hate it.
If Pain was a payment....
My bills would all be solved....
If Loneliness was my line of credit....
Then I would max it out for you....
If Sadness was a passport....
We would fly around the world.....
But i only have a coupon called Hope...
And it barely makes a difference on the payment of Life....
And all the I O U's from the bank of Trust...
Barely get me by...
I see the economy of Happiness an empire not worth investing...    Because no price is as low as the discount of Loss......
But i break my life savings kept in Piggy bank called Memories...
And I remember I saved just enough Love to get me thru......
 Apr 2015 Rachel Dyer
I want to say that I wish we never did it
but I don't regret it

and if anything
at least we have the memories
of what we almost,
could have been....
 Apr 2015 Rachel Dyer
People think they're either cursed or blessed.
Although I'v seen a happy man cry
and a sad women smile.
We just need to face it,
we're all in denial.
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