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Rachael Judd Jul 2015
There are so many eyes in the world and I can only see yours
Rachael Judd Jul 2015
I took your soul and you burned a hole in mine
You stole my heart and placed it to the side
I threw away all the memories you left behind
It's all just racing through my mind
All those memories wasted nothing but time
There was never a reason to stay and watch the sun die
We just wasted our life trying to see the moon shine
Only to lighten whatever hope we held in hands intertwined

You couldn't even hold me while I cried
Only gave me a look saying I'm sorry that I lied
You tore apart every inch of my insides
My body was begging to just lay down a die
A stranger at the bar bought me a drink and said baby don't worry all you have to do is try

So I gave you another piece of my heart, a second time
You said that life was just a lie and all you could think about was my dark grey eyes
This time your cried

And I was the one who watched you die,
Maybe in satisfaction or maybe in pride.
Rachael Judd Jul 2015
Connect with people you've never met, people you already know, and people you are destined to find

Protect yourself, your loved ones, and even a stranger walking down the street

Respect yourself, the people around you, and our earth we all call home.
Rachael Judd Jul 2015
You fail to see the beauty inside you, you can't see the person I'm staring at.
I am screaming at you and you can't even hear me. I am begging for you to just look in the mirror and see what I see.
I see a man, with curly brown almost black hair. A dimple on each cheek, and misplaced freckles that make your face like a painting from van gough.
I see the poems thought up inside your head, just not being able to write them down because you don't want the criticism.
I see a ten year old boy, living with his best friend at the time cause his mom was an addict and his dad was a drunk.
I see a boy with sad eyes crying because he doesn't feel loved from the world surrounding him.
I see a boy yelling and cursing at his parents for bringing him into this unfaithful world, crying out for attention that he thinks he doesn't deserve.
But now,
I see a man who is stronger than his demons.
Rachael Judd Jul 2015
It's 3am and the moon is casting a shadow across your face, for some reason I can't sleep, but you've been gone for hours. Wrapped around my body like a prison.

It's 4am and I can't stop thinking about the stars and how they light up all this darkness in our lives.

It's 5am and the clouds are starting to get lighter, the sun is peeking trying to escape the darkness. The blinds are shut but mind eyes are bloodshot and open, starring into the nothingness but these four walls.

It's 6am and I can hear the birds singing in the trees. The Suns almost out and I can't feel my feet.

It's 7am and it's shining through the blinds, your eyes are awakening as mine are watery, and tears are falling down my cheekes.

It's 8am and the pain has subsided and my mind drifts slowly to nothing and my eyes are shut. But I hear you whisper good morning.

And it's the same again, repetitive nights and mornings.
Rachael Judd Jul 2015
I think my heart is starting to decay without you.
Rachael Judd Jul 2015
Will you still hold me when my body goes numb and I can't even feel my own heart beat, let alone yours?
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