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  Jun 2014 Putri Widma Maghfirah
how will i let you go
if you look at me
the way sunflower looks at the bright sun

how will i let you go
if you smile at me
the way a poet smiles to their muse

how will i let you go
if you hold me tight
not letting me to slip away from your grip
and soak me in to the deep ocean of yours
a place without oxygen

how will i let you go
if you make my heart beating
the way a blind man seeing a sunrise for the first time

how will i let you go
if my fingers can't stop dance
around the inks and papers
to write these meaningless poetries for you?

*tell me, how to let you go?
The last time I saw you,
you were living off the moon
and over ripe peaches
The last time I saw you,
the mountains echoed
and the northern lights spelled out our names
The last time I saw you,
our hands were full
of each other
The last time I saw you,
I watered your dying flowers
The last time I saw you,
I knew it would be
our last
You said things
like perfect timing
and stars aligning;
I imagined constellations
of every galaxy
in every universe
conversing, adjusting
to a position
where we would collide
and I tried
and defied
those stars as best I could
because I knew then,
as I know now
If the stars gave me you,
I would never
give you back
And if there is such a thing
as equal
and opposite
I plan to defy
the laws of physics
© 2014 by Jazzelle Monae. All rights reserved.
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