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 May 2016 Putri Emilia
Sia Jane
She was told from
an age so young
that she indeed possessed all
the magic she needed
within herself
to set
the world
to right.

She placed daisies in
her long black hair
and skipped to the beat of
the songs her mother
had sung to her
before she left
her father.

She was often alone
rarely with friends as
she found comfort in the faeries
she spoke and sang to while
the wind
gently blew
hair in
her face.

She giggled when with
her only little sister
the best part of her world
to whom she adored more than
the breaths
she took
each and
every day.

She stood firm at home
never allowing
her father’s drunken words
to penetrate her self made wall
of anger and despair
because inside
her mind
were angels.

She closed her eyes at night
wishing the demons
to disperse into the heavy winds
that howled through the rafters
reminding her
she was
in fact

© Sia Jane
Taken from my first collection  "Wanderlust" which is now again available via all Amazon stores <3;=1463244170&sr;=8-1&keywords;=sia+jane+lloyd
 May 2016 Putri Emilia
Syaff S
1) I dreamt about you today. You didn't say a word but I remember that I kept trying to find ways for you to fall in love with me again. I woke up empty, with our song stuck in my head the entire day. (20/5)

2) The moon is round and bright tonight. I wonder if you still look for the moon and stars and think of me. (23/5)

3) I dreamt of you. I couldn't go back to sleep afterwards. (21/6)
This is something new I'm trying out. I'm gonna keep adding on to this list as time goes by. Let's hope the list is a short one.
 May 2016 Putri Emilia

*If I were a poem
I’d ask you to fold me up
and put me in your pocket,
then at the end of the week,
toss me in the wash
with the rest of the clothes

And when you find me later,
smudged and smeared,
ripped and tattered into
little unrecognizable pieces,
don’t worry about it,
I was already like that
I have been notified that this poem was plagiarized and posted on Poetfreak by someone using the name Blurry Face. I can assure you, this is my poem.
 Apr 2016 Putri Emilia
Got Guanxi
You been suicidal so long now,
that you forget what it feels like
to actually want to die.
Everyone wonders if you cut
or have suicidal thoughts.
I can still be depressed
and not want to die
or hurt myself.
Everyone wonders if you're sad.
No one ever asks if you're
I miss the laughing
I miss the talking
I miss the feelings
Which you woke in me...

I miss making memories
I miss the funny episodes
I miss hearing you talk
About all the things you love...

I keep trying to fool myself
That the one I miss
It isn't you
But no matter what my head says
Then my heart refuses to listen...

I miss your smile
I miss all the stupid things we used to do
I miss the time when I didn't cry
I miss just being with you....

I miss you being my weakness
I miss smiling like I used to
I miss when my worst sides
Comes out because of you...

My head tells me to move on
It tells me you aren't wroth it
But my heart disagrees
And it still won't listen...

I miss wondering about
How you even feel
I miss wanting to touch
I miss feeling surreal...

I miss the mess I became
When you used to be near
I miss the days out hate
When everything was unclear...

I miss not having to fool myself
Each and every day
Telling myself that my feelings
Was never even real...

I miss not having to force myself
To believe
That it's the other guy
Who I love
I hate the fact that I trick myself
To believe
That the one I miss
It isn't you...

I miss all the small things
I miss when your words sounded true
There's only this one thing I miss
And that is
Just having one of those days where I'm being honest for once....
 Apr 2016 Putri Emilia
Don't just tell her that she's beautiful

Show her that she's beautiful

Make her feel beautiful
 Apr 2016 Putri Emilia
Celia Rose
Dance with me, darling
Dance with me under the stars
And the glimmer of the moon.
Dance with me, darling
Sweep me off my feet
And make me swoon.
Dance with me, darling
Hold me in your arms
And let's sway to and fro.
Dance with me, darling
Just hold me close
And don't let go.
Oh darling, just dance with me
 Apr 2016 Putri Emilia
Star Gazer
You know you're a poet
When you have walked the tightropes
Of being placed into a confined label
And still look up to a brighter sky of hope.

You know you're a poet
When you hear echoes of voices
That resonate within your mind
From all the mistakes and bad choices.

You know you're a poet
When you can see shades of colour
Within a black and white film
And see value beyond the dollar.

You know you're a poet
When the winter comes you cheer
For all the new found imagery
Like the sight of snow that is white clear.

You know you're a poet
When spring has arrived
You think of a spring in a step
and how a pen-spring is alive.

You know you're a poet
When heartbreak is motivation
For a chance to write sullen words
And heart ache becomes a wonderful creation.
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