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 May 2014 Zead
Wolf Irwin
Peace at first,
Seems like hurt,
When you let go of thought you find out what your worth,

It could be through teaching,
It could be through preaching,
As long as to the sky you're continously reaching,

The allegory of the cave,
For those who are saved,
Could be a road well traveled or one unpaved,

If you choose to pray,
Or with conscious you play,
We can go and grow together to start a new day,

Once separation can cease,
And on common ground we meet,
The sun will shine brighter and we shall all know new peace.
 May 2014 Zead
Wolf Irwin
Stumbling to the edge of the cliff,
Fear is nowhere to be found,
As I stare into the void,
A noise escaped,
Was this my thoughts?

Hearing silence is odd,
You can feel this sound,
With the beast circling over head,
I rethink my intentions,
Who I thought I was is simply holding me back.

I out grow my shell to become what I might be,
With toes dangling over edges,
Waves crashing underneath on rocks bellow,
Its hard to believe what I think I know.

Yearning for a greater sense of connection,
With winds of change pushing at my back,
As I prepare for this leap of faith away from belief,
I think back one last time,
Fear is tapping my shoulder again,
I look ahead to see love standing with arms wide open,
The dynamic of my mind will never surely be the same,
Gathering courage as my knees bend,
Wondering where in the water I'll land.

I jump into what I perceive as free fall,
I was free but I was not falling,
Illusions peel away from encasing my being,
I began to spread my wings and fly off towards the horizon of truth,
Finally, finally I'm on my way home.
 May 2014 Zead
wolf mother
if she had asked me, then
"Do we all die?"
i would have answered in a solemn sigh:
"Of course we do."
the realism impenetrable, the grounded logistics.

she asks me now
"Can we exist in other dimensions?"
and i reply, with a taxed, drudging honesty:
"I have."
 May 2014 Zead
Hot love
 May 2014 Zead
It's cold and the heater isn't on but my heart is on and its love for you is keeping me warm.
 May 2014 Zead
Robert Purvis
If you ain't got perspective
And you ain't reactive
Then you aren't proactive

These words only have meaning
If you make them meaningful

should be a vice
Get your daily dosage
So in your old age
You can be part of the new age
The thoughts of many
Has wisdom uncanny
If you ain't ready
And you aren't steady
Then you lose yourself
To the crowd
 May 2014 Zead
This little red pill gives me life.
This little red pill makes me think.
This little red pill makes me understand.
This little red pill understands me.
This little red pill keeps me up and running.
This little red pill is my friend.
This little red pill makes takes life away from me.
This little red pill extinguishes my thoughts.
This little red pill doesn't make sense.
This little red pill doesn't understand me.
This little red pill makes me miserable.
This little red pill is my enemy.
 May 2014 Zead
Shannon Jeffery
Garden of beauty
Is where you lay
Trapped on the outside
Is where I stay

Your heart full of roses
And your soul of tulips too
Your eyes the diamond river
A glorious beauty is true

My heart beats for two
But locked out i am from you
Untouchable serenity
Mind stirring insanity

I lay here expiring
Watching you through a glass window
To your garden of eden
I dream to go
 May 2014 Zead
 May 2014 Zead
At dooms door,
tears galore.
Not tears of sadness,
but tears of fear,
fear of what lies behind the door.
Furthermore, my soul is sore,
sore from war,
war with myself.
Oh but why?
i need not know,
all i need know is that lies lie within a lie,
it was all a lie.
The Minds conviction, the Hearts metamorphosis
 May 2014 Zead
Release the tension. Let it go. Let it all go. Empty everything out of your mind. And take a look inside yourself. Take in every last detail. Observe all the colors. From the red, too hot and determined, to the yellow, bouncy and wavering. From the orange, warm and confident, to the green, tolerant and comfortable. Behold the shapes you see. Observe the unity and perpetuity of the circle. Feel the connectivity and intimacy of the square. Follow the directivity and order of the triangle. Describe to yourself all these colors and shapes and they will describe to you your true personality, and it will be the most beautiful thing you have ever seen in your life.
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