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 May 2014 Zead
Charles Bukowski
first time my father overheard me listening to
this bit of music he asked me,
"what is it?"
"it's called Love For Three Oranges,"
I informed him.
"boy," he said, "that's getting it
he meant ***.
listening to it
I always imagined three oranges
sitting there,
you know how orange they can
so mightily orange.
maybe Prokofiev had meant
what my father
if so, I preferred it the
other way
the most horrible thing
I could think of
was part of me being
what ******* out of the
end of his
stupid *****.
I will never forgive him
for that,
his trick that I am stuck
I find no nobility in
I say **** the Father
before he makes more
such as
from ONTHEBUS - 1992
 May 2014 Zead
Hipster Poet
 May 2014 Zead
I liked that poem
before it was trending.
Just a little humor to add to my seriousness!
 May 2014 Zead
Shannon Jeffery
 May 2014 Zead
Shannon Jeffery
Answers of the imagination
Rendering through whimsical translation
T**ruth of the heart & soul, pure aspiration
 May 2014 Zead
Shannon Jeffery
Once upon a time
You would never cross my mind
Every second of the day
In my head you settle and lay

My heart you cause to hasten
And yet my love is a wastin
For you never acknowledge me
My eyes only for one, can't you see

Why do I continue to love you
When you treat me as if I'm from a zoo
To you I'm just a ghost
Nevertheless I still love you most
 May 2014 Zead
 May 2014 Zead
I don't have a name
Meaningless and unexplained
I am lost
Shaking and eyes glossed
I can't feel
Bound by an illusive shield
I want to remember
Lost connections once so tender
 May 2014 Zead
imaginary reality
I shouldn't be this clingy
I swear I never was before 
But now if you leave me alone for just a second 
I'll probably fall straight to the floor

I know it's bad to need you like this 
I swear I never would have before 
But now i'm begging you not to leave me
I just can't watch you walk out my door

I'm sorry if I use you to fill the gaps 
I swear I never would have before 
But now I can't cope with being alone
I swear I love you like I would have before 

The only thing that's changed 
Is i'll need you more and more
And i'm sorry if you need your space 
I swear i'm trying like I would have before 

I'm a ******* at heart
Please don't let my madness scare you away
I need you to provide me with control
I swear I'll get better every day

My love for him is just a dying ember 
I swear it's nothing more
I didn't tell you because it doesn't matter 
He won't ever be coming back, i'm sure...
 May 2014 Zead
imaginary reality
If I had four feet,
I doubt I'd do much better.
I could run so much faster,
I could balance so much steadier.  
But I wouldn't.

If I had three hands,
I doubt I'd do much better.
I could type so much faster,
I could play so much better.
But I wouldn't.

If I had two heads,
I doubt I'd do much better.
I could see so much more,
More of the world I could explore.
But I wouldn't.

I'd just be stuck
Get me out of this warped body
I would scream
Give me a life of normalcy I would plead
Just take away my abnormalities
Until the world
Seemed less unfair
Rid me of this shame
I don't want to play this game.

I would never stop to see
The rainbow that could be
I'd be the devils work
And nobody would be able to convince me otherwise

So if I had one body,
I guess it would still be the same.
Even though I could have two eyes
My body would still be my demise.

I'd have one body,
And along with it I'd get a mind
That would have it's own ideas
And would forever bring me tears.
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