Poetry is much more than ink's indulgence, it's a memorialized rebirth in shared experiences, coming to terms and celebrating verily before our eyes. 365 followers / 4.6k words
Chambord recollections, exhaling smoky vapors, wisps of Madagascar aromatics midst a French Château dream, dipped in honeysuckle reminisces of cardamom spice and the pungent zest of once 'neath a midnight legend
Your love is like skydiving, an unnerving thought, breathless & intoxicating elevations beyond exhilarating, as it transforms life's panorama nothing seemed ever the same, after the thrill of the fall
evermore eyes so bright they could pierce starlight, a twinkling wonderment of an infectious smile, the ultimate sentiment 'pon a captivated heart in a tender child's earnest devotion of unyielding adoration