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  Apr 2018 PM
I sense a presence

a brilliant star
in a black eternal sky


in the night
we feel her

she is the fog

drifting in

drifting out

just a breath away

a part of life
the other side

in those darkest
stillest hours
that hushed time
the worlds of dark
and light

she's just above
just around
changing partners

May I have this dance?

she takes a hand
and leads the soul
onto the dance floor
where it pirouettes


separate from its fleshly burden
soft and circling

she smiles  
all is well

once more she has a partner

I sleep again
my soul intact
having not yet
learned the dance
Old one...A re-write/renamed.
  Apr 2018 PM
and at that moment
i looked at you
and i froze
i looked at your dark brown eyes
and i didn't know how to speak
i looked at your smile
and i couldn't breathe
i heard your voice
and i was lost

i was lost in you
suddenly i didn't know where i was
or who was with me

i just knew i was there
with you
and thats all that mattered

it was all about you
PM Apr 2018
You don't stay out in the sun to cure sun burn,
You don't blast loud music to clear a head ache,
When you're ill, you don't eat anything out of turn.
And no, when you're sleepy, coffee is not what you take!

You know what to avoid when you're body's ill,
but then when it comes to matters of "heart",  your resistance is nil.
Why stay and give someone's undeserved power, a regular fill?
PM Apr 2018
Every day we utter an array of words,
"Thank you", "Sorry", "You're Welcome" or "Be careful"
But how many of these words do we actually mean
in the way that people understand them?

"Thank you" for a thousand things.
"You're welcome" for a million things.
"Sorry" for a trillion things.
"Be careful" of everything.

The next time we utter these words to somebody,
let's specify what we mean and specially specify our love in them,
because this is what they have left,
when death knocks on our doors and gets away with theft.
Inspired by a book. "I See You" by Clare Mackintosh. Funny how the inspiration for the thing I love most in the world comes from another which is second best to none. Reading is the inhale and writing - the exhale.
  Apr 2018 PM
Your smile
Comparable to every ray of light
Your eyes
Glimmering with the twinkles of the night

You you you
are the sun and the stars
and you you you
are my favorite by far

Though in truth, I don't give a **** about the stars in the sky
The one I'll always love the most is the one close by
Sure, there are plenty of stars that have more light to give
But the sun is the only star I'll ever really need to live

You don't know, but your gravitational pull is so strong
No matter what, I always find myself strung along
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