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 Apr 2018 jenny
 Apr 2018 jenny
you're like a stain on my white dress
that I'm aiming to remove
it just leaves more creases on the fabric
no matter what I do, I can't, nothing
but in fear of losing you
I cannot throw you out of sentiment

—you're my favorite dress
this can be written by my friend's character in her story (that's actually me); her white dress is one of the most notable pieces in the storyline | 180331; 1:32 am

 Mar 2018 jenny
Oscar Wilde
To outer senses there is peace,
A dreamy peace on either hand
Deep silence in the shadowy land,
Deep silence where the shadows cease.

Save for a cry that echoes shrill
From some lone bird disconsolate;
A corncrake calling to its mate;
The answer from the misty hill.

And suddenly the moon withdraws
Her sickle from the lightening skies,
And to her sombre cavern flies,
Wrapped in a veil of yellow gauze.
 Apr 2017 jenny
 Apr 2017 jenny
I want to approach you
how have you been?
I hope the summer's breeze
doing you well
I miss you
Heat's fastly approaching
But I still feel
the cold you're bringing

At least look me in the eye
Stab me, let me bleed
please, if you may
At least, pierce through me upfront

If this is goodbye
please tell me
Though, I'm afraid to let go

Just tell me
all the hatred
you feel against me

It was never my intention
to hurt you, dear
But I still did
I guess...
This will be the last time
I'll apologize
the damage has been done,
and you'll already sick of this...

I'm sorry... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
 Jan 2017 jenny
Ryan Hoysan
You're perfect,
        She said.

And I felt myself crumble
        Because I knew I was not so

You are perfect,
        She repeated.

Perfect for me,
        You are everything I could ever want.

And I felt myself
        Become whole again.
This was written at 1 am, while I was missing your 2 o'clock snores and your 3 am sleepy smile floating across your face.
I could be just like a speck of dust in your eyes;
when you blink I'm gone forever
I could be like blood in your heart;
that is where I belong.

Lust lives in the eyes
Love lives in the heart.
 Oct 2016 jenny
Y Rada
Six Packs
 Oct 2016 jenny
Y Rada
My heart flutters wild
When I gaze at your six packs
**** your cigarettes!
Day 4: Write a haiku (a three line poem where the first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables). Haikus are often about nature, but yours can be about anything.
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