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 Jun 2016 Katelynn
The demons of darkness
Found her again,
How could they?
When she was wearing a pretty and happy face

Oh silly girl,
We never really left,
In moment of darkness,
Everyone's pretense crack.

She screamed for help
The demons laughed,
When has screaming into a void
Ever gotten anyone anywhere?

Why do you follow my each step?
Why do you lurk in the shadows
And stab me in the back

Because you're our favorite prey,
The Harder you fight,
The stronger we get.

We have seen your desires,
They are what you'll never have,
You were right in thinking,
You'll always be inadequate.

Like an eclipsed sun,
like the delayed monsoon,
No matter how much you try,
You can never repair the damage you caused.
So what is the point?
I might just end it all.
With that, she drew her blade close

in those dark, bottomless, demonic eyes
The hunger was evident.

Maybe, left in me,
Is yet another fight,
the girl gave them a wink,
and took her flight.

She smiled and the sun broke through,
The delayed rain washed away,
All the Bloodshed of yesterday.

The war never stops,
Neither should you,
The world will keep conspiring,
But why should that stop you?
 May 2016 Katelynn
Lou Morgan
my mind no longer lingers on
my memories of you
my eyes no longer search for yours
and their shade of blue

my stomach no longer turns
when I remember that you're gone
my heart no longer breaks
when I remember I need to move on

I know I'll always miss you
and I'll still have bad days
but although I'm not doing great
I'm finally *okay
 Apr 2016 Katelynn
Lou Morgan
as the words escaped your
struggling mouth
and made their way down my spine
leaving goosebumps in their wake,
I looked away from your
vulnerable face.

  we were soulmates, you said.

the possibility that I could have a soulmate
had never crossed my mind before;
it didn't make sense to me how one person
could be made for another.
but when you spoke those words, everything made sense.

it was then that I understood why you were the only person to ever see
the galaxies in my eyes,
and why I was the only person to see beyond the galaxies in yours.
 Apr 2016 Katelynn
his nature
 Apr 2016 Katelynn
he was made of atoms
kissed by stardust
and droplets of sunshine
little flame wisps of passion
and night rays of the moon
he surges through my entity
crashing on me like the wild sea
soft but firm like the ground beneath my feet
holding me high up like a strong tree
and in this nature, this universe
where i thought i was lost
and searched a way to escape it all
but in his nature, i was found
i wrote this for clara, to mean that there are sometimes where we want to escape our universe or this world because we feel lost, only to realize that we are safe and sound at home here, and we cannot escape reality because it chases us like how the sun chases the moon and vice versa. and also how wonwoo is clara's universe and she can never escape from him and his nature (and his love for it). in the end, i know you always come home to him.
 Apr 2016 Katelynn
she said,
"don't grow up,"
and i replied,
"my darling,
it's a bit too late for that.
the fun and games
have ended.
the curtains
are closing.
the adrenaline
is fading.
the smiles
are dying.
the hearts
are breaking.
and i feel
i have lived
a thousand lifetimes,
each one lacking
a childhood."

welcome to reality. enjoy your stay.
Do you see me
I hope you don't
Do you see my tears
I feel them come,
'Till I lay down
Mhead and just let go
Do you see the pain
In my eyes
Do you hear my
Cry for help
Do you even care?
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