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8.7k · Mar 2016
Pia Mar 2016
Everything in the world
is about *** except ***.
I don't know what is your question
But my answer is ***
7.1k · Mar 2016
My Desire
Pia Mar 2016
He smell my desire
Through the warmth of my *******
He is salivating
6.9k · Feb 2016
Pia Feb 2016
I saw him..
He was in busy in a tight look..
I ask him about his hurry...
He says...
It was very tight...
It have two doors..
Juice, come from the door...
It feel like home..
Some sell what is between the door..
It is not a mystery..
I confused...
Then he touch mine and push..
I feel happy-pain..
He says..
Men is from that...
And women is from women..
*** is a great experience.. As soon as possible try to experience it...
4.6k · Feb 2016
Pia Feb 2016
Kush on my breath,
******* on my tongue.
Eat that p*ssy,
make it numb,
she can't feel
herself ***.
2.6k · Mar 2016
Pia Mar 2016
Life is like ***
When i get down on my knees
It is not to pray
2.5k · May 2016
Ahh!! yee!!!
Pia May 2016
Shake it
Rub it
Touch it
Lick it
***** ***** wet *****
***** ***** rose *****
2.0k · May 2016
Pia May 2016
Use a ******
The world doesn't need another you.
1.7k · Jun 2016
Pia Jun 2016
Kisses and breaths deepen
Your hands on my hips pulling me close
I wrap my legs around yours
He begins to insert himself
And with every ******
We make waves in our tiny ocean
1.6k · Feb 2016
CaRnaL lOvE
Pia Feb 2016
I want
the kind of kiss
that takes my breath away,
makes my skin feel
like electricity and leave
Anyone who is in love is making love the whole time, even when they're not. When two bodies meet, it is just the cup overflowing. They can stay together for hours, even days. They begin the dance one day and finish it the next, or--such is the pleasure they experience--they may never finish it. No eleven minutes for them.
1.6k · Jun 2016
Pia Jun 2016
I want to rub my ***** all over your face Spray your juice all over my ****
Put your big fat baby maker inside my ***** and **** my brain out. Right now!
This is how a real man *****!
You look so **** when you do that
You taste sooo good
Oh, that feels so good! Do that again!
No one has ever made me come as hard as you can.
Kiss me thereā€¦
Lick every inch of me.
Come over here and ride me hard!
**** me. Right now!
Use me as your toy all night long.
Touch yourself and let me watch you
Do you want more? Take it!
Faster! Deeper! Harder!
1.4k · Feb 2016
Sex & ArT
Pia Feb 2016
For the human race
The game of *** is an art
One has to learn it
Good *** is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.
1.4k · Apr 2016
Pia Apr 2016
I write
about ***
often it feels
like the
most important thing
in the world
1.4k · May 2016
Pia May 2016
single night
I dream
of you,
1.1k · Feb 2016
Pia Feb 2016
Oh my gosh... confession time.

When I was married and he was married--we were both married, get it? Anyway, I started working for him on projects. Pretty soon, I got the feeling that he was just making up reasons to hire me.

There was no mistaking the chemistry the first time we were alone in the elevator together. It was just the way he looked at me. He had boundaries, but something else in his eyes had me captivated. I went back to his place of business over and over to do more work.

Once, in a meeting with the project team, I sat next to him. I had my notepad in my lap and was taking notes. Someone said something and I asked him for clarification. What I got was his hand tracing a diagram on the notepad in my lap. The diagram ended up with his finger pointing in the direction my crotch--all because he was explaining "how things worked."

Pretty soon, he invited me to share, with he and his friends, a certain sport. Well, I tried it and really enjoyed it. Fell in love with the sport really. As a group we would go out every weekend. A couple of times he and I went alone. One of those times we were in the woods together, alone practicing this particular sport. Actually for climbing you always go out into the woods somewhere, so that's not out of the ordinary.

He wanted to boulder by himself for a while and I just didn't enjoy it. So (and this is summer time so we were dressed minimaly) he takes off his shirt and starts out on one rock, while I sat back to wait. By this time the chemistry had built up to incredible near chreshendo (sp?). And I was just watching him, his muscular back and arms. It got so that I had to lie face down on the rock to cool my body off. He knew the whole time that I was watching him.

When he was done, we went off down the trail to find the perfect spot to ascend. Suddenly, he stopped and said, "look at that bird over there." Of course, I didn't see any bird and asked, "where?" He started pointing and then I realized... (you know how you have to line yourself up to see something someone else sees?) I realized then that he was trying to get me to come closer to him.

I did. We ended up about six inches apart. Both of us breathing heavily. Had we not been married, or maybe because we were married, all we would have to do is turn our heads and that would have been the end of it. I couldn't live with that on my hands--his and my marriage in jepoardy. So I stepped away... I wonder now if that was a good idea. Oh, the temptation. And on top of all that, we were both from a religious family.

Now that I'm not married any more, I often think of looking him up and calling him.

Do you all think I should? I wonder if he would remember.
my life
my life
my life
1.1k · May 2016
Pia May 2016
are the key
Pinch them,
**** them,
twiddle them
I am
808 · May 2016
Pia May 2016
Touch me
all over
Then plunge it
deep inside me
Like that!
Yes! Yes! Yes!

— The End —