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 Jun 2016 Pia
Sad Cherubs
 Jun 2016 Pia
Who cries for the little children
When pain and hurt fall upon
The little hearts of purest love
From the hands of the cruel and sick

Who cries for the little children
Locked up and fed a fist
Thrown around the floor like dust
No meals or drink no more

Who cries for the little children
When their voices are so mute
The only thing they know right now
Is life must be extinct

So let them fall into the arms
Of hearts that truly love
In sleep forever they rest now
And tears shall fall no more
 Jun 2016 Pia
Lazhar Bouazzi
 Jun 2016 Pia
Lazhar Bouazzi
Writing is
the frozen music
of an ellipsis,
the silent song
of a lonesome poet
who sings in the dark
among howling winds
crossing swords
in the white shades
of unseen things -
a winter on the Pole
on whose  obverse side
there's Rio,
and dancing
and mirth
and the sun's critique
of hegemony.

© Lazhar Bouazzi, May 31, 2016
 Jun 2016 Pia
Mohd Arshad
O Temptation,
Why are you so musical?

And walks like an elf
And sometimes a little bit ******.

Don't you struggle
To strip from head to toe?

I know We are lost
The very next moment.

After you are gone
We are fettered in deep wounds.

O dear O friend O dear
Stop visiting us all the way,

Or be religious and be holy
To stay along with us no end.

Think of the heaven
And its blaze on our heads

That burn if we hail you
And you will face the same hereafter.
 Jun 2016 Pia
Frank DeRose
I have watched wars waged and won,
Waged and lost.
I have died 100 deaths,
And lived 1000 lives.
I have loved and romanced,
I have fallen and cried.

Each life I live,
I live again,
And again.

Within the confines of these paperback worlds,
I have lived more truly,
More passionately.
Free of constraints and norms to censor my actions.

These hardcover entities have taught me--
Lessons more true and earnest than any parent could deliver.

I have ridden dragons, killed Voldemort, cast the evil ring into Mordor, been through Dante's Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, watched Milton's birth of the world, and seen Shakespeare deliver us thousands of new words.

O, what brave new worlds therein lie!

And all in a day's work.

All those things a man does in life,
And those a woman does, too;
I have done also.

I have done them ten thousand times over,
And done them with infinitely more passion.

I am he who lives most without leaving the house,
She for whom hours are spent, lives exhausted.

I am--
The reader.
(20 minute poetry)

Everything is possible

That first step is probably the hardest one.

The deeper you've been
makes the light seem
more inviting
and biting the bullet to
take that first step is exciting in a dreadful
sort of way.

Everything can possibly be
I look in the mirror and see
it's the truth.

When the lights go out and the wind whistles
when your head's so full of thistles and thorns
It's hard to believe
you can move on and leave it behind you.

and it
is what never finds you if you don't let it

everything is everywhere
you want it to be

I look in the mirror
locked into me
and see
it's the truth.
 Jun 2016 Pia
Cyrus Gold
 Jun 2016 Pia
Cyrus Gold
I urge you not to trust a magician
Leaves you in disbelief,
makes you question without permission

Perception is everything,
intercepting your understanding,
patience is wearing thin
I promise you

I was a victim of trusting
someone who’s double faced
Showing me tricks, and
they had me begging for double takes

A bitter pill that I always had trouble swallowing,
please heed my words
as I warn you about the following:

I paid to see*  Fate The Fantastical
Showing sketchy tactics and
very far from magical
Stuck in your life and you're seeking help?

He'll try to convince you
that he's the monster who played
the hand that you were dealt

A "one-way" in your journey never existed
so throw those cards back in his face,
tell him “don’t get it twisted!”

Then leave the show and get your money back,
fill your money bag quick
while making your own plans
with money stacks

I saw the power of
  The Spellbinding Heart-Breaker
He promises forever but claims he’ll see you later
I caught him backstage
rehearsing his apology
illusionist at heart
and a student of escapology

A Houdini whodunit level of disappearance
Shackled by love and commitment,
begging for interference

And my advice is that
you crash his performance
Reveal him to the audience,
damage would be enormous

The mental menace known as
  Doubt The Diabolical
*The worst of the bunch since
he’s demanding and methodical

He has the gift to convince you
To give up on your dreams,
Taking the stage with volunteers,
“voices” sing his theme

Enticing suicide, heartless,
and pushes you aside
Signals your sayonara by
serving you soothing cyanide

So boo him off the stage
as loud as you can!
Steal his thunder, change the world
'cause I’m one among your many fans!
 Jun 2016 Pia
Anthony Carrasco
It took only a few seconds to
in love with you.
It took only a few seconds for us to be,


, side by side.  
It took only a few seconds for you to
me from your life.
Why can't it take only a few seconds to pick
up again?
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