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Nicole Sep 2019
I spy with my little eye
Your hands intertwine
With another and your favorite tie
Nicole Sep 2019
If you were my bed
Id never want to leave

If you were my favorite book
Id read you all over again

But you're not

You were that bed sheet i should've replaced

You were that book  i should've just stuck at the corner of my shelf

And until this fragile heart
Hurts no more
And until the last allegory id think of you
I will always compare you
To every piece and every word
Because darling
I love you
Even if it hurts
Nicole Sep 2019
you are every allegory
in my catastrophe
Nicole Aug 2019
my first love was
in the right place at the wrong time
my second love was
in the right time at the wrong place
and you
my last love
i may not have met you yet
but you're still in my prayers
Nicole Aug 2019
im still in daze
are you my love story?
or just
another picture to burn?
Nicole Aug 2019
someone out there
is praying
for the moon
for you
Nicole Aug 2019
i heard my friends today
they hated our society, they say
they forgot
the society is them
its us

the mother of all mother
what happened in Amazona
will forever left me scarred
she does not deserve
this kind of cruelty

we destroyed
who saved us all
im sorry
but i lost all my hope
for humanity
What happened in Amazonia just saddens me so much. I dont want to live in this generation. We destroy what gave us air to breathe so much. It hurts seeing mother nature in this situation.
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