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I knew a man of wisdom, faith and knowledge.
A man of destiny.
I knew him well enough to know,
this man was far from free.

For wisdom comes from pain,
and faith from the unseen.
And knowledge from the hard pursuit,
of learning what has been.

I knew this man, and he knew me.
We frowned upon each other.
When death came calling suddenly,
we counted neither brother.

He passed from here to else beyond,
to where I have no knowledge.
Yet, if you ask the text,
they stuffed in him at college

He withered into blackness
and became a captive of the fact
that nothingness awaits us all
in darkened final act.

Such knowledge… oh wasted man…
from such knowledge I abstain.
Ashes to ashes belief to belief
I dreamed a dream so perfect
of white and pureness found
Of swimming pools of happiness
and creativeness unbound

Where I was king forevermore
and you could not invade
With all my joy in full display
and all true feelings laid.

You entered not
for it was you who feared
Me! You feared me
and dare not ever neared.

So beautiful.  Magnificent.
Yet slumber comes to end
and soon I found myself returned
into your lap again.

Until I can once more escape
in sleep where truth is gone
to places you shall never know
nor ever gaze upon
escaping through slumber where one cannot be touched
Such a sad sad tale of woe,
the story of the wood nymph Echo.
Cast aside with never a care,
her sobs reverberate through the air.

Warning the forest of her sorrow,
no fanfares did she need to borrow,
far and farther her tears did go,
fading and fading, just like Echo.

© Pagan Paul 25/07/16
Echo is the Nymph spurned by Narcissus
when he fell in love with his own reflection.
Always felt sorry for her :)
If it is anything that describes my life, it is comparable to being a Goldfish. A Goldfish stuck inside a plastic bag. I can be floating at ease until someone traumatically shakes it, the water will begin to even out until everything starts shaking again. I lose my balance, I lay at the bottom yet I still have the courage to get back up again because I still have the capacity to try.
 May 2017 PaperclipPoems
Emily B
I was a poet, a healer and a woman
a dreamable woman
who got behind his eyes

I learned about flying

I still dream about flying

so ****** pragmatic these days

Afraid to write

Afraid to fly

He said my wings
really stoked the fire

And now I remember
why I am afraid to fly
a conversation of sorts
Sometimes things go sideways on the way up,
especially when you’re dealing cards in Heartbreak Hollywood,
When the King of Diamonds meets the Queen of Hearts,
and you mix in some Ace of Spades things can get mixed up…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

The HH Trilogy Vol.2; 5/5/17
I blink,
she’s still sitting in front of me,
but I feel like she’s already gone,
as I try grasping something that’s vanishing,

as the contrasts of our two seats,
collide in the middle where they meet,
she’s a Dreamer & I’m a Dreamer,
why can’t we agree on anything in this Dream

Aaron Lux
The HH Trilogy Vol 2
available worldwide

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