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 Feb 2015 Paige
Board Games
 Feb 2015 Paige
February nights rip me into pieces
So when I'm scattered randomly
across your bedroom floor,
I hope you look down
at my knee caps
and collar bones
& think about how much you
enjoyed doing puzzles at
the small, cherry wood
coffee table in your parents'
living room when you were ten
And I hope you put my tongue
back in my mouth
and my eyes back in my skull
And you breathe your
cinnamon & whiskey
breath all down my throat
until I remember how to
find air on my own
 Feb 2015 Paige
Sophie Herzing
You are my personal taste of sorbet, sun-tan lotion, botched
slices of the sun that sit on my tongue like pills
before I swallow. I hate necessity, and crave your entity
in ice cream scoop sizes. I want to pull the batteries out of your back,
**** the juice onto my palette and spit it back into your eyes
so maybe you can feel the sting you left me with when you pushed
my heart off the side of the bed while pulling your pelvis closer to my head.
I hate when we’re cooking and you slide ice cubes down my shirt,
but did you know that’s the only time I ever felt anything
from you that wasn’t warm and bitter and bruised? I think
that sometimes your nightmares even scare me.
I can feel them when you sleep,
your arm flinching beneath my neck, how you curl
your toes against my calves and grind your teeth like you’re trying to fit
your square memories into the oval-shaped hole of my spine.
I get that that’s why you’re a little crooked, but you used me
to straighten yourself like the post a tomato plant wraps its stem around.
You took all the nutrients from my center and fed yourself.
You are the palm tree in my snow globe, but no matter
many times I shake you
the snow still falls on my shoulders.
 Jan 2015 Paige
Need to
For you
... Can't
Find words
Think back
The silence
Car rides
I remember how free I felt
Nothing could stop us
Not even reality
We were going to run away
Build our dreams together
Find new passions
New people
Our magnets were strong
We fell in love with what we seen inside of each other
A true love story
 Jan 2015 Paige
Anthony Zabala
It started out as just hanging out,
After school at your house,
We watched movies, relaxed, & just talked,
Sometimes there would be no words,
But it felt like the best conversation,
I was nervous, I admit,
Your beauty was astounding,
But that was only on the outside that I saw.

Soon I got to know you better,
I saw your inner beauty,
it shined bright,
Like a light in a dark room,
You lit up any room that you stepped foot in,
There is something special about you,
The vibes you give off are so positive,
I admit I fell in love.

At first it was just a crush,
But we opened up to eachother,
I saw more of you than I ever did,
And in that moment I knew,
I knew I was in love.

Now you have gone away,
Left me all alone,
It's not your fault,
But now you just ignore me,
You don't even say a word,
It's been months and I miss you,
I miss you and I need you.
 Jan 2015 Paige
Scranton has me wrapped
around its broken finger
I fell abruptly into the palm
of Philadelphia
with eager eyes
and shaking hands
but the boring consistency
of a quiet purgatory
is too easy to come home to
And truth be known,
I am no artist
I'm just an other
tired college student
with displaced anger,
alcohol poisoning
& a surplus of anxiety
thriving on a tethered
thread of hope some
sad boy with a guitar
gave me in high school
and it's wearing thin
 Jan 2015 Paige
Maybe A Little
 Jan 2015 Paige
Well, you know me.
I'd hate to miss an opportunity.
But it's just too good
Not to pass up.
 Jan 2015 Paige
You want me to let you in?
To call off the guards?
To let down the walls?
So passionately,
want me to
stop fighting

so I will.

I will fall violently,
& freely
in love with you.

Just like you want me to.

And you'll lie in my bed all day,
while I try on eight different
dresses for my cousin's wedding

And when you leave,
I'll watch my skin shrink
as I lie
in my bathtub,
day dreaming
about the two small freckles
under the left corner
of your bottom lip

And the first time we argue
& you spend three whole days
angrily ignoring my calls,
I'll chain smoke
until my throat burns

And when you
finally decide
to show up at my door
with a vanilla latte
and apologetic eyes,
I will melt
into your collarbones
and all down your spine

And then we will sit
Indian style
across from each other
on my kitchen floor
& you'll tell me in
detail all your past lovers'
infidelities and unkindnesses
that led you to fight with me

And that will be it

That will be
the exact moment
when I will know,
without a doubt
that I am
completely & entirely

And I will cry into
your neck,
knowing for sure
that from then on
even the most passive,
mention of your name
will make my stomach float up
into my chest
& jolt back down
into my abdomen
like I'm falling
from the highest point
on a roller coaster

And no amount of
midnight drives,
house shows
or therapy
will make it stop
or even distract
my soul from it for
a ******* split second

once I allow myself
to love,
I love until I break &
then I keep on loving
until I'm nothing

And I just don't know
if your conscience
is strong enough
to carry the weight
of my shattered heart

tell me Hazel Eyes,
just how bad
you actually want me
to pick up that phone
 Jan 2015 Paige
Wolf Irwin
I wouldn't be surprised if my eyes were out of tears,
I've seen so much heart ache the last 21 years,
And still here I stand with a smile on my face,
I figure to grow bitter would be such a waste,
Of the beautiful gift my mom and dad gave me,
I hold all the power so I'll use it to save me,
And try as I might sometimes I still get down,
I know the flip side of a smile is a frown,
So I take the bad with the good and remain thankful,
Training this mind to see chaos as tranquil,
With a soul full of hope I have to carry on,
And try to make an inpact before my time is gone,
It hasn't all been good but its all been worth it,
Sometimes wisdom looks like pain on the surface,
Coming to place where you can't handle anymore,
Just shows you your strength and what you can endure,
And so far thats everything because I haven't broken yet,
I wish somethings didn't happen but I have no regrets,
Because the price of pain is knowledge gained,
Like a homeless man begging for change,
Self diagnosed insane because I didn't know my mental,
I think the best thing to do is let this stress make me gentle.

I love you dad.
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