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  Apr 2020 Neli
I wish i wanted more out of living, than death.
this isn't very much of a poem but i thought i'd share it anyways.
  Apr 2020 Neli
Travis Green
He is a dangerous temptation to my soul,
an explosive and strong beat in my mouth,
a rollercoaster ride spinning me out of control,
sheer seduction running through my cells
as I drown inside the swirling sea storm.
  Apr 2020 Neli
I live in Sweden
But I was born and raised in France
From parents who came from Haiti
Which is a former colony of France
Where slaves were brought from Benin
(To feed the greed of French monarchs)
I speak French, English, Swedish, and can understand creole
I feel in French, think in English, listen in creole and live in Swedish
I love Florence, I am forever bound to Paris and have international friends
Being a French citizen means that I am European
Am I then also Dutch, Danish or German?
Does it really matter?
Am I not just another man?
A question to those who tell people to go back to their country.
  Apr 2020 Neli
I get that you’re angry
I can see it in your face
But not everyone knows you
Like I know you, so for once
Speak up

Speak up for yourself
Because no one else will do it for you
What happens when I am no longer here
No longer telling them
What you want me to tell them

What happens when a nod
Or a shake of your head
Isn’t interpreted the way
You mean for it to be
Just please, speak up
  Apr 2020 Neli
Erin Riley
Our bodies
run around all day
while our minds
try to catch up all night.
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