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 Apr 2016 Noandy
Diska Kurniawan
Pernahkah terlintas dalam pikiranmu,
tentang seseorang yang hadir di beranda?
Dialah yang menangkap setiap
perasaan bimbang dan cemasmu
Pernahkah engkau benar-benar merasa takjub,
ketika ia mengatakan: "Burung kolibri merah dadu itu kuterbangkan dari hatiku, hanya untukmu. Sungguh." Lalu kaucuri sepasang bintang dari tatapannya yang amat cemerlang. Pernahkah?
Kef. Tak terasa bertahun-tahun telah bertemu dia.
 Apr 2016 Noandy
Diska Kurniawan
Hancur tak selalu lebur
Jika hanya meradang
Karang yang teguh
Tak selalu gagah
Hingga masanya runtuh.

Hancur tak selalu lebur
Saat kamar kecilmu        
Dijejali oleh,
Beribu-ribu partikel biru

Haru, kau nanti
Hingga mereka bereaksi
Dengan tawa dan bahagia

Pada sang karang
Yang akhirnya menangisi                                          

 Apr 2016 Noandy
Diska Kurniawan
Pukul satu, kakiku melangkah ke sudut warung kecil itu
Sunyi, lalu ku pilih tempat duduk di ujung sana
Setelah memesan kopi, pilot ku menggores kertas
Yang sama putihnya dengan kulitmu
Tak lupa kubakar ujung rokokku
Yang namanya sehangat pelukanmu
Lalu kuhembuskan kepulan asap tembakau
Menguar sama harumnya dengan tubuhmu
Sepekat nikotin di pembuluhku

Ku tulis kisah kita, dari awal mula hingga akhir bersua
Yang terdampar di sudut kenangan dan rindu,
dan kupaksakan masuk ke dalam loker kerjaku
Sehingga lupa ku adalah tabu, dan memoir adalah *****
Dirimu ku lukis dalam surat ini;

"Di hingar bingar kota, dimanakah kau berada?
Jika lelahmu beradu, dimakah kau berteduh?
Aku disini kasih, Surabaya tempatmu lari
Menolehlah jika kau ada di sudut persimpangan
Mungkin, aku disitu mencari dan mencari
Sisa-sisa cintamu jika itu memang terjatuh
Menadah air matamu, jika itu memang tercecer.
Temui aku, jika berkenan menjumpa nostalgia"

Kuhembuskan uap-uap tar yang menguning
Menerawang di bohlam remang-remang.
Ketika kabut itu pergi, begitu pula aku
Saat api ini padam, redup juga jiwaku

Pukul tiga aku beranjak,
Bayar dan pergi
Surat itu kutinggalkan di atas meja.
Credit to Burhan-san for title
 Feb 2016 Noandy

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•let my secrets be buried unknown•
never to resurface, never again shown•one
mistake was all it took...•invested my heart
in an unassumin-                g crook•that was
enough to set m-                   y world on fire•
fuel for wagging to-       ngues' desires•days
only elapsed with l-        eers from disgusted
eyes and whispere-          d mocks•time was
inconsequential o-              n faceless clocks•
a hard lesson lea-                 rnt, painful price
to pay•now i have my secrets heavily pad-
locked... and the key thrown away•

 Feb 2016 Noandy
Black Parade
 Feb 2016 Noandy
Today bears the weight of erstwhile trepidation.
Uncertainties exhumed only to be hung up as ominous flags.
Black as night my widowed heart paraded through the procession.
Garbed in ash encrusted, sequinned frock, hemmed train all tattered in rags.

Herald the face with no features yet obscured behind a chiffon veil.
In hands, a bouquet of black roses, worm-eaten to the stems.
The mourning sun only gave the weakest glow,
feeble attempt to rejuvenate all that is stale;
to imbue the shimmer back into forsaken jewels and dulled gems.

Her entourage kept up with heavy feet; all grim and sullen.
Also faceless... Armed with pitchforks and torches.
Today they will draw much; having thirst for crimson.
Today they witness her death as the black parade marches.
Inspired by My Chemical Romance's "Welcome to the Black Parade".
 Sep 2015 Noandy
Elle Sang
Ketika malam berganti pagi
Bintang-bintang berkelip sayu
Menanti angan yang tak tiba

Dua anak manusia
Dibawah temaram sinar lampu
Berbicara dari hati ke hati

Merah ingin mencapai Mars
Hitam ingin mencari yang hilang
Satu berdiam
Satu menangis

Sebuah memori dan luka
Datang mengambilnya
Dalam hati terus ia berucap
"Kembalilah... Kembalilah pada dirimu"

Hanya isakan yang ia dapat
Dan sebuah cerita
Yang dilalui dengan tercabik-cabik
 Sep 2015 Noandy
Against your dogma
Felt like a solace
Being said that,
It's a constitution

Humans vail
Agreed to their stupid conception
Made by
Their greatest grandfather

Shriveled, i say
The gyves
Yet they still asking,
Where is my rights?

And you just sat there,
Befriends with silence
Behind the coffin
 Aug 2015 Noandy
Mike Essig
The moon has poured
a welcome mat
of light before
my bed.
      Wipe your feet
in radiance
before you join me,
       We will
merge in incandescent
ecstasy and glow
white hot with
the night's fervid,
perfect photons,
one where once
there was two.

Painting by numbers the sky and one wonders where cyan should be, let me see, next to the pink it would go well I would think but Prussian blue blows its nose and tell me who if anyone knows the colour of wind?

Splash me a rainbow full of candy floss magic
and let me go,
let me explore all the sights, let me
smell the aroma of far flung away places and
taste the taste of the faces that look through
the stars into the wonder of nights.

Painting  a sleep in which the artist could keep all his dreams on the simmering heat,
where numbers like sheep follow on, follow on and follow on until the rainbow is gone.
and the paint becomes memory in the creases of age,
painting a dream on the page.
The passionate propensity
   of waxing moons' passages,
I crave your poetry
    as the air I breathe,
vital spirit aches within intention
    hungering the  blissed taste
       of essential Neruda -
midst the significance of
  rose and topaz
    arrows of wildflowers,
whence your own  scripted
   inclinations unfurl
     searing 'neath my flesh,
   rendering me speechless
      'tween ***** sighs
   I surrender in the exhale
      of a thousand blazing suns
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