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6.9k · Mar 2014
1.6k · Apr 2014
Eh ! Wry dry Don't Kill Me
Nivrith Gomatam Apr 2014
Peter got a sandwich for you.
mama went shopping ,
Gabriel needs a carwash,
Cristen choked on his ***** ,
Iris sailed the oceans,
Blake died of ennui.
Martha blew her neighbour,
Adrian stole her *******.
Beth went out of liquor,
Walter cooked a new batch.
Marla is a ******,
Gambit dealt a new pack.
And so and so they pass by
All these million names.
Who cares to blink twice
At a facecless face?
And then came eh...! wry dry, Dont **** Me, " ... " I can't even
Say his name.
It's like this name
Blew my heart out with a shotgun
right through my rib cage.
And these are the names
Which pierce your heart
And make you breathless
Because they hold stories
That you always hid in darkness.
You have skeletons In your
Like thats not enough
To give you the brain flu!
But the salt on the wound
Is that-
so does your wife,
Your mistress,
And everyone around you.
1.5k · Mar 2014
Nivrith Gomatam Mar 2014
Dream to reach stars but dreams can be broken,
Bitter memories and the pain is unspoken.
It won’t be erased, but submerged beneath new pages.
Expectations do not match reality.
Reality is what you choose to make real.
Turn inside and guage what you have earned,
Smiles will not dissolve forever,
For there is always a lesson learnt.

Be ready to except a fall,
You might be just witnessing an illusion.
Things don’t need to be the way you dream.
'haps you're living someone else’s dream.
The dreamer was an artist, the hand that wrote it all.
Hate is not bad; it’s just an emotion after all.
Paint a picture on the canvas but know that it can be burnt.
Throw the ashes and treasure the scars, to remember the lesson learnt.

Life is not bad; it’s irregular, unanticipated but grand,
Changes make you alive, but through them only one will take your hand.
Time is a two faced arrow, your mind is vicious and vast,
It flows from present to future, but also to the past.
Light is just not beauty, Encompass the dark,
Your canvas will be painted, not alone but with the stars.
When your walk is not alone, when you’re whole you will discern,
One day you cried and now you laugh on what you learnt.
800 · Mar 2014
Go Away
Nivrith Gomatam Mar 2014
Yes you ought to know
you ought to know
what it takes,
for me to
face the awful things
you did to me.
but I'm not one of them who'd bear to take
no way
I'm just going to
fix the pain
and go away.

The chorus of the first song I ever composed in High school. Memories.

— The End —