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 Jul 2014 Niecy
Mike Hauser
When we slow down long enough to look back on this

Will we breath out relief in a sigh

Will the unanswered question hold its hand out for us

To guide us down the last lonely mile

Will the aftershock ride in on a city bus

Will it all wait until it grows dark

Bringing to mind tomorrows yesterdays

Shining a light on who we are

Take what you can from this firm belief

That isolation has its own list

And if anything was lost in the making

We'll slow down long enough to look back on this
I wanna grow old with You
I am living for You
I am serving You
But Lord, it's all because of Your grace.

Like a tree,
I will be rooted in You
Deeper and deeper
Will fall in love with You
The wind will blow
But surely, I will remain
Standing still
Knowing that You are my God.

I will grow higher
Upwardly, You'll see me
Some of my roots
Will be lateral
Grinding itself to the ground of Yours
To Your promised land.

I will be like Redwood Tree
Interconnected with other roots
We'll have the connection of love
Of great encouragement
To strengthen each other
That none may fall.

I will grow outwardly
That I may bear fruits
That will last forever
******* labor oh Lord
May I please You.

I will grow inwardly
There's a hole in me
That only You can fill
Lord, I will love You more
The more empty I am,
The more broken I am,
The more you'll move.

I praise You
And I will rise for You
And flourish the Kingdom of Yours
Help me indeed
Fertilize my soil
Give me the living water
I exalt You!
I choose You, Jesus
The one who chose me *first
 Jul 2014 Niecy
Mike Hauser
 Jul 2014 Niecy
Mike Hauser
time at times
gets the best of me

time can be
friend or enemy

we sometimes treat time
like some dreaded disease

while hoping that time
for us never leaves

the passing of time
is both hated and like

we all wait for time
to give the final ride

too soon comes the time
to say our goodbyes

as we watch time fly
in the blink of an eye
 Jul 2014 Niecy
 Jul 2014 Niecy
I'm sorry if I scare you away with the thoughts in my head
but everytime I lay in my bed
everything runs through my mind
like is this the right one
or dang why can't you have fun
my happiness is there
but my mind is telling it to go down
even though when you come around
everything magically falls into place
there's still this voice in the back of my mind
saying remember last time
so please don't run
when everything I say comes out like a doubt
but what can you expect from someone
who's been broken
and can't find all of their pieces
how can you find pieces when
they're all engraved in the people
who lied the most
and now the one who cared the most
can't even enjoy the great gift
they've been given
 Jul 2014 Niecy
 Jul 2014 Niecy
I am kinda like a star

people make wishes on me

but all they really are doing

is wishing on a memory of me

hoping on a memory of me

following a memory of me

because I'm already dead
For those who dont know, astronmy says that all of the stars we see died millions of years ago.
 Jul 2014 Niecy
Mike Hauser
 Jul 2014 Niecy
Mike Hauser
The closer I draw to you Lord
The more I see of myself
The sinful man
I know that I am
Needing you more than life itself

Until I no longer can stand
Falling into your mercy and grace
For it's all that I see
Being all that I need
You above everything else

Not dwelling on countless misfortunes
Rejoicing when trials begin
Knowing inside of the fire
I will be refined
To where I should always have been

Held tightly to your *****
Tucked safely under your wing
Where given the chance
I drop all pretense
And you then are all that I see
It's raining*
.     .          .
.      .      .            .
Pour it out Lord,
Your Spirit on me.
I sing of Your great love!
 Jul 2014 Niecy
Priyanshi Dass
I wasn’t born to write
With every bent petal,
and every fallen leaf,
my ma’s sweet kisses
And papa’s gentle smile
I learned to write

A five year old me was once fascinated
by the loop of an ‘e’
and the playful swing of an ‘m’,
The wide smile of a ‘d’ delighted me
Words were powerful and mesmerising,
now they lie discarded and ignored
in broken stanzas of self proclaimed irrelevance

I watch the black ugly marks
That taints countless sheets of paper
They surround me in a sea of ink
That once flowed carefully and slowly
A thousand thoughts with each single word
Drained lies my mind, my breath’s not a whisper but a plea
My heart pumps blood not ink, I’m not a poet, it says
Incoherent scribblings mock me with their existence

As a child, confined spaces scared me
But now, a confined mind petrifies me with just a glimpse
A pen stays gripped in my hand
I wonder what it fears more
My inability to let the ink flow coherently
Or my arrogant ramblings, regardless
And fearless of consequences
While I stumble on disjointed verses

A paper aeroplane is my best accomplishment
In my two hour search for freedom and thought
Who cares for pretty words and mystifying couplets?
When the idea of a paper boat seems much more exciting

-പ്രിയാന്ഷി ദാസ്‌
Written on 19 June 2014
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