I search through the vast ocean of bodies, scanning through unfamiliar faces until finally I find the one I'm looking for. As our eyes lock, the world around me fades into nothing. Every colour bleeds away and all that's left, right in front of me, is her.
And the colours exist only for her.
One step, two steps. Closer and closer. My heart starts beating, pumping, pounding at the sight of her. Without a single motion, she paints a smile on my face, and she herself laughs.
The sound of her laughter purges the air of pestilence. It reverebates throughout my body, injecting so much colour into my blood stream that I experience a series of happiness, ecstscy and joy all at the same time.
Finally, she's in my arms.
The instant that she is, the world of grey collapsed onto itself, quickly followed by a stream of infinite colours emanating from our intertwined bodies, violently painting colours into everything around us.
Suddenly, silence.
Just the familiar scent of hers.
Just the familiar curve on her waist.
Just the familiar small of her back.
Just the familiar feel of her hands in mine.
Just the familiar pair of eyes looking back at me.
Everything, is complete.