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Everything feels heavier today
Like my back is the axis
Cut or sliced in half by the equator
Of who knows what's when or to begin
Watch for cars don't get hit
I don't give a **** about wearing a lick of make up

Orange lips will do
I pour a little cayenne, some tumeric
Cuz I'm a modern day witch
A shell in which to formally burn safe
I hate it when mama judges me
My ******* soaked and stained
In red wine
I call it out my voice echoing I judge myself and say
***** you aren't that intelligent
No one can really get it
The men don't really get it

I'm sick of the summer
Ready for newness
A photo appeared on my time hop
Of you and me
I felt nothing.

We shave our hair off you
You can't ever fathom the **** that oozes
From what you claim to like
I've been thinking lately

What if I just went all natural
I got myself high I thought it might ease the cramps
Of the blood that doesn't flow out of me
Cuz I always wanna be so fuckable
Someday I look in the mirror and think
Yes girl
And others I think
You are the worst

And my mind, at times
We will fly so gently and with charm
And on this week my mother referred to as Aunt Rosie
Everything's covered in red dusty rust.

Funny to think I use to look at my home blue line stop
Like I was searching
Now I just get on and off

I cried so heartily the hardest I've cried in a moons time
My love said he could make me out among the darkness
For I know I had become a part of the weeds
But I found my way out with crisp demeanor
And the cement and I now howl
Woman's hood.
 Sep 2016 Neha shimoga
 Sep 2016 Neha shimoga
There's money
Profits to be made

And I don't have the money
Or a steady job

Why should I care?

I'm living off
The fat of the land

I'll work some

But never 40 hours a week
It doesn't interest me
Darkness in waves, he finds in this ocean,
All round his world, even at high noon.
While seeking light in that dark continent,
In her eyes, a surprise; he encounters sun!
Under the spell of the milky way's surge
an illusion  past a zillion  light years,
among a million things dull and bright
flashing messages like crazy fireflies,
all the time demanding my attention,
how did, just you became my cynosure?
As I sit amazed like a kid on an ocean shore
foolishly start to analyze, without knowing
how to go about it, except dreaming  in poetry,
my eyes catch the same  galaxy in my veins
in your eyes churn, to catch the essence of this spell.
And I realize : you too are like me,  puzzled
about this magical conspiracy of stellar configuarations
that make the star dust within us attract each other.
What do we know about the cosmic dynamics that make us work as a clockwork, intricately connected to  one limitless consciousness, in which all form a part...
You know how-don't ever tell me you don't
How I love the sun rays play with the cloud
As I curiously look up, I clearly see me falling
Through the swaying foliages of a cloud tree
Frolicking with the philanderer wind tickling her.
Sowing goosebumps you think, as falling raindrops
While she wishes she wouldn't respond to such
                                           frivolous machinations.
Is it love?
She gets no answer.The day marches on
an illusory ground, not worried about  THE END

Falling through the space, I see a sky full of holes.
Absence in presence and presence clouding absence
This, nobody ever takes notice.
                                                    An invisible particle
Of matter yet to be discovered,
I was stardust for a while,
I was falling,
Then I was quantas of energy
Without a given name, that wanted
To be on the move, singing,
While there is still  a song within.
Yes I was falling.
I confess: every night , I was curious about the moon's routine
Even on those nights she kept me waiting in the darkness guessing
"Woman, by spurning my love , you destroy light legitimately  ours".
The love I only kept,  for your silver lashes that pleases me!
I was falling:
On the face
Of the moon
I saw it's

I was falling
All alone,from
Your memory
Like the
                          Of a dead
Every leaf would invariably fall, however green it looks!
I wish that I
Felt braver and stronger
Than I've been feeling these past
Count them
5 days.

Returned from the woods
We lingered in the sunset and dog kisses
Light and lean

Returning to the city was like pulling teeth
Burning away at chapped limbs
Everything's about work
We bleed and lick our teeth
Can't not talk about it
Can't not think about it
And I've had to put my spectacles on to see
They won't all understand
But cry in the grocery store
Buy some bananas
And move through.

I miss some things
I've hit that brink of feeling a little bit incomplete
Like I don't really have a solid ground
But you're right sweet friends
I know my cards are swell.

They are
But theres something in me
Since we returned to the cement
The sweat
That is adrift
And I'm not sure how to fasten a pretty picture on top of it
So I'll resonate in the darkness.
I need a night
A night to lean into the moonlight
Bear my soul and forget my name
Leave it on the packed sidewalk
Highkick in heels
Forget patrons and sickly sided grins
Watch my scripts fall from my hands
Like shredded glass inside of paper thin lipstick
Tumbling backwards and forwards
Repeatedly echoing and crooning
Away and neither here
Or within the windows outlooking
The top of the heads
The skulls that make up the city.

Phases of running and walking
Calculating and mistaking
Ears opening and closing
Had I been a singular unit
I would have kissed and ******
My fears away
But like the icy clouds outside
Hot and wavering in their glaze
Suits of armor zipping and sliding up one by one
Allowing them to ooze onto the ground
Wish I had perhaps
Said less.

Maybe its because of this or that
I don't ******* know
But I'm sick of feeling

I don't know how to articulate it.
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