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 Jan 2016 Nadanadsss
Kudos to you
for ever make me think you were true.
You lured yourself into me like a lost bandit,
but it was my mistake, you were just another bad habit.
You broke my heart but that's okay
because it wasn't real anyway

#WasteHisTime2016 more like #IWastedAllMyTime2015
Love those who accept blame
Along with the power
The greatest human beings
There in your darkest hour
Thank you to those who sacrifice themselves to get equality for ALL human beings on the living rock we call Earth.. Know that someone out here loves you for it.
 Jan 2016 Nadanadsss
if pretending
that i dont love you
is the only way
to stay close to you,
i swear i will do it
a million times over
 Jan 2016 Nadanadsss
Emily B
Your icy breath brushes my neck
on summer days when no one sees.

I doubt that you ever

belonged to me.
I don't recognize your spirit.

Tell me
what it is you want
and maybe I can set you free.

— The End —