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I wish to be in Solitude,*
Away from countless distractions and useless epiphanies.
I wish to be in Solitude,
Away from tiring conversations of endless encounters.
I wish to be in Solitude,
I long to sit in silence, a blanket of tranquility,
To only hear my own slow breathing.
I long to listen to the trees,
While a wave of wind flows over me, into Serenity.
I long to close my eyes,
To only see my gentle hands and the natural colors of the woods when I open them.
I long to see these vibrant colors of life again,
Not to be diluted by monotonous greys.
I long to clear my head of anyone’s voice that is not my own,
Allowing only the harmonic song that the flowers sing of healing.
I long to heal and to rest,
To forgive my brain and body of self-inflicted harm.
I wish to be in Solitude.
 Oct 2016 Jordan Dean Ezekude
I want to tell you stories
of how I dream to be great
encourage me to reach them
with you
in each passing days.
I want to hear you giggle
at my lame jokes
laugh on how corny they were
declare that I'm better in somewhere else
and that I should quit it
but I will still going to tell you more.
I want to cuddle you at night
whisper sweet nothings
until you fall asleep
in my arms
hear you snore
watch you in the dim light
watch you stay safe by my side.
I want to wake up next to you
the first thing I'm going to see as I open my eyes
was your taunting huge brown eyes
twinkling brighter than the morning star
the first thing I could touch
would be your porcelain skin
to prove to me
that the last night was not a dream.
I want to love you.
But each time I close my eyes
I see my hair in the sheets
tangled with amber strands
and yours are *jet black.
Goodnight all, I'm done
I will see you at sunrise
Or somewhere in there.
Maybe more like 9:30
 May 2016 Jordan Dean Ezekude
"My David don't you worry
This cold world is not for you
So rest your head upon me
I have strength to carry you"
- Lazarus by Porcupine Tree*

When the ways of the world
just seem too much.
When everything just doesn't click together
like they should.
Puzzle pieces that incessantly mock
when they don't fit.
When the tears don't soothe like they
promised they would.

When you're up to your neck,
almost fully submerged.
When the fatigue you feel comes from constantly
treading water.
And desperately you try to
keep yourself afloat.
But relentless storms fail not to threaten,
and rip you asunder.

Remember that we're only here on
borrowed time.
And that the everyday's sun will set
after its daily reign of tyranny.
What good are these arms
if they stayed folded shut.
They only invite you fall deep into me.
Now embosomed, I'll carry you to safety.
Dear Night,
please *******
out of my life
back to your bars,
& big neon city lights
don't visit the suburbs
of this small town
where there is
nothing to do
but wait for the dawn
& write
because yeah
I'm even tired of that
old hat trick
& again
there are no stars
in the sky
to comfort my
rickety heart
& no-one on the telephone
& no nightingales
in the garden
I think I am going to have to catch a bus & go into town now or I shall scream because the Suburbs at night drive me insane except say, in the summer...
Look behind a face of an endless smile,
Maybe you'll find a tear that
You should listen to.

Find behind the lines of a striped t-shirt,
A bleeding heart that's quietly
Pleading for help.
the expression was solitude
sadness so profound
it bit the dew of her lip
salt cascading waterfall
mauling dreams
until ashen confetti fell
Vesuvius erupted
purging passion
to a myriad of maggots
lavishing larvae like
a heart enveloping caul
cage chrysalis consuming
boring at the core
till blood ran black
and hope withered
beneath the longing -
barren in the dirt.
A cigarette after ***
  gets old
when it's the only thing
in your world.

When Netflix feels like
you wonder where
  everyone went.

******* feels like
  a cry for help--
So help you God.

Missing your home
  is second
to missing who
  you once were.

Eastern philosophy,
Karl Marx, Rawls--
We don't know
  any ******* thing,

Pretending to be more.
Pretending to be smarter
than we really are.

May holes in our sides
let others see
that we're beating, too--
just not as ferociously
or as honestly.

May we vanish
into the darkness
that best suits us.

If the light is our night,
may we follow it.
Follow it...
Follow it...
Rebel from our frame.

May God grant us
to be more
than losers.
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