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 Sep 2017 Mystery Girl
KA Poetry
It feels like a thousand years had passed with my soul ripped
And my heart torn into pieces.
A thousand memories that we had
A thousand places that we've visited
A thousand dreams that we've dreamed of

Is it me or the world that's going crazy ?
I can't forget all of that ;  yet you moved on and forget about us
All of the kisses, hugs, laughs
All of that happiness

You threw that away easily

You've left me a bad Legacy.
You've abandoned me in this cruel world that we tried to ran from it
Is it me or you that deserves this madness ?
Is it me or you that deserves to be left with?

A legacy that i will never forget
A legacy that i will never accept
A legacy that never leaves my thoughts
A legacy that never leaves my heart.
25/09/2017 | 11.56 | Indonesia
 Sep 2017 Mystery Girl
This car I own
What's it worth
If I can't drive you around town

This house i live in
What's it worth
If I can't love you in it

The college I go to
What's it worth
If I can't tell you about it

Loneliness and aloneliness
Is all we have now
You and me
Both of us
And so I think
Losing you
Was just not worth it

So tell me now my love
Was it worth it for you
To lose the long night talks
and short morning walks
The bed blanket and me
The taste of my lips
Or the French toast I made

Was it all worth it in the end ?

I hope it was
For how can one bare
All this loss
Was it ?
 Sep 2017 Mystery Girl
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when the moment I close my eyes thinking that I am safe you crept up and left me
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when the only thing that is certain in my life you want me to turn around and backtrack into uncertainty
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when you don't even realize all the pain that you've put me through
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when the past of my life is a shadow of a man beating me down with words
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when the stretch marks on my skin are proof that I have done everything that I've can just to hear you say I am pretty and then not believe it
WHY should I tell you I love you
   with all these tears creeping down on my face and you act like they're not there
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when I have given you my bones and every fiber of my being and you responded with thats it?
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when I wrote out my heart on this wholesome message that you acted like i didn't even write it
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when you cant even say it back
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when the moment that you said you do, you put distance on us like I am all the way across the world
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when you question every thought in my mind
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when I'm doubting everything you gave me
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when you say the things I do are not fair
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when you left me for someone else and never looked back
WHY should I tell you I love you
   that the moment you did, you thought that was enough
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when you don't even know how to apologize to me
WHY should I tell you I love you
   when you take back every word you've said
WHY should I tell you I love you
    When that is not all you did
 Sep 2017 Mystery Girl
pretty girl with pretty flowers,
do not be afraid to trace the soft curves of your body
with your round, round eyes.
your monsters hide not there—
your guardian angels do.

when your night feels longer than the day,
breathe the smidgen of youth you have left in you
into the birds swimming fluidly with the stars—
their wings swiftly cutting smooth ripples into the sky,
disturbing the grumbling twilight.
you could be one of them,
able to go nowhere and everywhere.
like air.

don’t you want to go home?

sad girl with sad flowers,
keep your leaves tucked inside your old books,
in lacy sleeves, your peeling boots—
hope He finds them all there.

sing sweetly of the poets of all ages—siken, plath, wilde, whitman
shamelessly climb inside His chest,
gently rip His ribs apart,
the you that's serenading, softly seducing Him
with songs unsung and dreams undreamt.

let your baby blue skirt ride up,
drip, drip, drip,
let His calloused fingers brush your thighs made of syrupy milk,
as you smile, and smile, and smile.

fiery girl with stormy flowers,
the best things in life cannot be confined to a physical shape, cannot be
seen, or touched, or heard, or said—
yet in your eyes set heavy by damp eyelashes,
there is the primal, unconfined, raw thirst,
desperately hoping and searching.

is it a lost love? an unfounded love?
what is it that you are looking for?
snippets of a poem i wrote
My head against your neck, I am breathing you in. I am breathing
                                                       ­                                             you
                ­                                                                 ­                   in
and I feel transported to somewhere that isn’t where we are, your shapes welded into my memory as though building a house where each brick is another moment. A moment. That shimmers when light slathers its face, that quivers with a sound when we speak of things that nobody else needs to know. Doorbell rings, dog bark, jangle of rain on the roof. Our spider web of memories a pearly glisten. It’s nice to be an ours and not a theirs. Sunflower voice on my lip.  This is a private matter, a fragment in the shadows where we play play play. You are my shadow. My shadow. Magic dust, body of the night. Touching you is like a snowflake wickedly intricate in my palm. Look at you in my midday dreams, a spicy smirk, bringing your own brand of pandemonium. Bloodshot eye red, a day on fire. You don’t know you do this, no no, ain’t that the way. I still breathe you in. Ain’t that the way. Inhale, inhale, I say your name as if its clockwork, regular and there, my seconds, my hours.
Written: September 2017.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time, more prose-like in style, and rather different from my usual style. Changes are possible. Feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed from HP at some point in the future.
I find myself here, by choice,
the swells of heat between duvet
and body and your body,
naked except for a gold necklace
half sunken in light
from the bedside lamp.
My skin is slick and unpleasant,
my toes knock yours
in the space we can’t see.

Not the first time, not really,
but the first time here.
A different mattress, pillow,
shapes that before were yours
and yours alone
but you’ve let me in,
a secret place to many
with frosted grape walls
and your name
blaring ornamental from a shelf,
seen by only one man besides me.
You told me who.
The blistered image of you
with a stranger
in the place I’m now in
makes my throat sting
a little,
makes my muscles tense
as though about to
run the hundred metres.

You look at me,
tangled in white,
a tattoo of a flower
I don’t know on your shoulder,
moving when you move,
a grey filling
clamped in a tooth
at the back of your smile.
How strange, perhaps,
I notice this now,
I didn’t before.
I wasn’t looking.
Written: September 2017.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time. Feedback welcome. 'Frosted grape' is genuinely the name of a paint shade in the UK. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed from HP at some point in the future.
tell me what it is you want,
the bits that make you tick
when the doors shush shut,

the want that scurries within
like some electrical current
making your skin tickle.

tell me what you feel
when he doesn’t ring back
and the phone sleeps,

an inept white brick.
tell me. go on, your head
a knot of faulty Christmas lights

and how you wish for someone
to grab your heart (not literally)
and make a home there

or just renovate it.
Written: August 2017.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time. Feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed from HP at some point in the future.
there is
steam on the mirror
like a milky cellophane

and squiggles of water
in the bath
from half an hour ago

half-dried footprints
are a language
that leads

to where you sit
in dungarees
hair dripping and slippery

a beaming delight
with mahogany marble eyes
crescent moon smile

and we mention how we’ll walk
down capital city streets
choking on their own traffic

giggle at a fingernail
smidge of coffee that grips
my upper lip

skirt past knots of tourists
bury our heads
in a bookshop

where floorboards snicker
where we murmur a story
among many a story

and say how goodbyes
are rotten apples
if you’ve yet to say hello
Written: August 2017.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time. Feedback very much welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed from HP at some point in the future.
I should warn you
   I am made of glass
spli nters for fingers
one touch and there’ll be
                                            a wicked
                                                                ­                                   crack

as part of me ruptures
like a wound breaking     open

you can paint me
   whichever colour you like
but whether I’ll stay that way

is     another     question

and that’s all there’ll be

questions dro
                  ng like hail

with a thunderous          smack
and sandcastle answers

sturdy at first
but quick to cr

in the brittle          distance

                                      ­                                                             of a second
Written: July 2017.
Explanaton: A poem written in my own time - sadly, HP has altered the format slightly, but I have tried my best to change it to how it orginally appears. Feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed from HP at some point in the future.
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