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richly held
hidden in
fractured chest

big people
shifting boxes

a child's fissure
clasping favourite shell

swift salvage
in tight world
rescue from
gaping hole

#family #disruption #moving #treasures #mementos #lost #ignored
For a very young child, moving house can be incredibly bewildering, disruptive, even traumatizing, especially when moving countries tends to mean belongings need to be severely curtailed.  Few remember their own childhood attachments, closely held treasures, even if perceived by harried adults as inconsequential as a bag of broken seashells.  Would a little more listening and empathic explanation with kindness ease things well at such transition times
She gave up the fight
She let her demons take control.
Knife to her arm
It breaks her skin
Another cut; another scar.
She watches the blood
Dark red the colour,
Warm and familiar
It runs down her skin.
Drop after drop
Onto the floor,
A puddle of blood
Now beneath her feet.
One more cut,
That's all it will take
For her to go and take her place,
Among the flames, among the tears.
She drops to the floor
Her body stops there
But her soul keeps falling,
Till it meets its demise.
This is my first poem. Hope you like it.
There are no promises
      for tomorrow,
   it may never come
say I love you today
to those special ones.

Set goals
       dream your dreams
but, live within today
       for right now
          this moment
             is truly everything.

Stop wasting time
      on what was before
the past,
lessons learned,
      now it’s time
          to close those doors.

Comes a time in life
   when one must grow,
      the saying is true
you reap what you sow….

Give your heart
to the one you love
         make it a point
to show them
          No One Else
   could ever rise above.

Live in the here and now
   give a smile
          to all you meet
walk every day in love
make your
            life complete.
 Jul 2018 forestfaith
a M b 3 R
 Jul 2018 forestfaith
a M b 3 R
stop torturing him please
it hurts me to know that
he is suffering
the voices
in his head
please just quieten down
and never echo back again
just let him have his peace
and a normal life
stop making him feel that he is the worse
when he is not
he feels like a failure
when he is not
he is so much more
so stop telling him
that he is not
when are you ever going to stop hurting him
please hush
well i hope that he is alright (my friend). i really wish that the voices can go away. but it isnt that easy :/
 Jul 2018 forestfaith
 Jul 2018 forestfaith
It was a night...
That bore so little words
yet was worth so many.

A night when the eyes
spoke more than the mouth.

Fueled by a feeling
that spilled beyond
the consciousness of mind.

A rapid drumming
that deafened the ears -
the undoing of a hopeful heart.
 Jul 2018 forestfaith
a M b 3 R
 Jul 2018 forestfaith
a M b 3 R
never mind just go
just leave
just ditch me
for everyone and anyone else
and leave me
by myself
why do people keep doing this to me
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