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Feb 2024 · 826
Every day...
Moholo Kawahi Feb 2024
Confirm the fact and fate
Of a life of contrariety & frustrations,
With a note on every date,
And a count of its disruptions.

Bear it all with amusement,
Be a witness and shed the torment,
Give it beautiful words for garment,
Help heal the worlds' ailments.

You are the maker of your Joy
So wait not for the end of all ploys,
To grant yourself the gift of radiance,
And step into moments of only gracious dance...
... And live the Beauty of a life of Defiance.
Dec 2021 · 788
Screaming loins
Moholo Kawahi Dec 2021
Screaming ***** & Volumes of joys ungiven
An uneasy joint & The Waste made to happen
For lost Hedon & pleasures untaken.


You, are a high one free of those burdens
A woman of the real and true garden of Eden.
Call me then, and if in Eros you're a brethren,
I'll find a quick way out of the shackles of this den.
Nov 2021 · 653
Rotten bounds
Moholo Kawahi Nov 2021
Bad love, bad ties broken
Of the bitter truth a token,
That Wisdom is nowhere to be found
Where there is nothing but a rotten bound
Nov 2021 · 550
Sed Lex
Moholo Kawahi Nov 2021
Up and ***** and deprived of ***
In the throes of desire for a future ex
A never to be assault of Harmony's Lex
On the set of righteous Chaos' Rex.

You are perfect and I am vexed,
So what I am doing next,
Is make contact and send a text,
To see what, and how that, needs to be flexed.
Oct 2021 · 522
Moholo Kawahi Oct 2021
In the recesses of my mind
Lies a fearless monster
Whose heart is blessed and blind
And whose love grows forever

Its beauty glows of a shine
That suns and moons polish brighter
And its pain draws a line
That tears and turns into laughter

Its madness is of wisdom a shrine
And its lightness can never grow paler
For He expresses the sublime
That my aches breed for you, dear Reader.
Aug 2021 · 446
Moholo Kawahi Aug 2021
Night clouds rip apart,
Tension fields and a poisonous dart,
Obvious schemes, nay wheels of the cart...
Heighten up, and change your ways, Bart.
Jul 2021 · 296
Crypt & waft
Moholo Kawahi Jul 2021
A crypt in a flurry of words
On pearls, fires, and swords,
Raised on a fertile ground,
Under a merry-go-round,
On a path of a flower and a rose,
And a healing through a prose.

A vision of fluid domains,
Sights of free purchase and open truth,
Where the streams of the plains,
Cross, merge, split and always soothe,
With the warmth of the sweetest rains.

There the thousands jewels' desires,
Flourish under the rays of radiant suns,
Crystals and clarity for crowns that never tire,
And I weave a waft of gold through which I run.
Moholo Kawahi Jul 2020
Your mind, your body, your soul
Your smile in my sky the light of the most shining star
Your mind high and bright and sharp as the song of a sitar
Your body, flesh of desire, well of pleasure
Your soul, pure, true, in perfectly balanced measure.

Your mind, your body, your soul
All mine to have through infinite threads of real love
Save for the hardened reality here above,
That each absence pulls me back to my loner's trove.
Jan 2020 · 248
Take this
Moholo Kawahi Jan 2020
The burning truth of a depth of sva
Ire, ired sire
Your dire dier dyes the dice of my dreadless houha!
Houpla! blah, bam, splash, crash and dive
Pointed target of all the curvatures of highness & strife
Noble trouble doubled and cobbled with the paths of endless lives
And the ultimate sweetness of a hard, endless and unquenchable fire

There's no beginning to Truth & Expression
There's no end to Beauty & Passion
There's only love, Love, LOVE... and Love...
And all the Treasures under, around, before, after, beyond, below and above.
Aug 2018 · 979
Moholo Kawahi Aug 2018
If I could, still, I would cry
A well of the tears of my Love for you
And taste the acrid waters
Of a depth great enough to soar
Transcending into the Sublime
The Infinite, The Beauty... off the grime.

But I cannot, anymore.
So I dwell into the Lack, of You
In an emptiness large enough to fill
Each, every and all of the Spaces
Between Here, Now, There, Then
Between You, I, and All...

Between Everywhere, and Everywhen.


— The End —