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Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
This large and wide world of ours is                                                                         Painful,gloomy,dark,and absurd                                                                               Simply because we sometimes don't                                                                           Understand things around us anytime ...                                                                   We either don't understand our world                                                                        Or our current do not understand us ...                                                                     We are boiling from inside and we're                                                                           Not appearing very-well from outside ...                                                                       If we go south ,then our compass directs                                                                      Itself north and we get lost in all directions ...                                                           It's difficult to understand a world like                                                                        Ours simply because everything is vague in it ...                                                   We are living in great ordeals that extends                                                               From our births to our deaths straightforward ...                                                     We live in death while we're alive and we die                                                            In life while we're in that long oblivion anytime ...                                                    We're greatly cornered in everything in our                                                            World simply because that's the way anytime ...                                                  ___________________­__
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Love is great in its sublimity and                                                                             It's sublime in its greatness                                                                                           Simply because it's not  a passing cloud ,but                                                        It's a great feeling that brings two souls together ...                                           ___________________  الهوى كبير في سموه و                                                                                                          سام في عظمته                                                                                                                     لأنه ببساطة فليس غيمة عابرة و لكنه                                                                                           شعور عظيم يقرب روحين معا ....                                                                                             ____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Words without  deeds are not like                                                                 Words with deeds ...                                                                                                     We got tired with those words that imply                                                                No deeds at all ...                                                                                                          Words with deeds are like treasures and                                                                    That's the way with life .................
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
انا بدي بس امسك طرف الخيط                                                                                                  لأعرف راسي من اساسي                                                                                                         لأني اذا مسكت طرف الخيط                                                                                                      رح امشي مشوار حلو ,                                                                                                           بس لازم امسك طرف الخط اول شي ...                                                                                       المشكلة هي طرف الخيط                                                                                                           لأنو اذا ما مسكتو فمعناها                                                                                                            رح ضل دور بمحلي ...                                                                                                             طرف الخيط هو الاساس ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Even evil watches us and                                                                                          It stares at us just to prey                                                                                             On innocent people here                                                                                                And there and everywhere ...                                                                                        Evil's ugly eyes stay up all                                                                                          Nights' long and all days'                                                                                            Long just to prey on all of us ...                                                                                   That ugly evil creeps like                                                                                              An ugly snake just to prey                                                                                           On pretty souls everywhere ...                                                                                   That's the way with evil's eyes ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Laws are man-made anytime                                                                                  Where everyone knows what he or she                                                                     Wants about one's obligations and duties towards                                                 One's community anytime ,anywhere,and everywhere ,but                                    A lone wolf might escape avoiding that great sound of the mind                          To hijack those man-made laws by                                                                        Doing evil things anytime ...                                                                                      Always there is a clear crime and there                                                                    A clear punishment derived of those pretty man-made laws anytime ...                 No one can escape one's crime by not being punished well                                        Simply because justice should prevail greatly and wonderfully ...                      Law-abiding citizen are always pretty winners                                                     Simply because they live happily and gladly with their neighbors ,but               There are still lone wolves waiting to prey on innocent people anytime ...       Accountability prevails if justice prevails for all people                                        No matter what they are or what they have anytime ...                                       _____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
If a little or a trivial ,and even tiny dispute                                                              Over a parking lot leads to three murders ,                                                            Then what will happen if it is more than                                                                   This anytime ,anywhere ,and everywhere ... ?                                                          Inevitably this is not the exact motivation                                                               Behind three killings of three innocent souls !                                                             Chapel Hill is another reminder that there                                                                   Are criminal minds anywhere and everywhere ..                                                          No one can take laws by oneself anytime                                                                      Simply because laws were found to solve                                                                  Disputes among people for different reasons...                                                             It is a big lie to believe a liar who witnesses                                                                 That his motivation was simply a parking lot !                                                           Life has taught us different things about                                                                    Criminal people and their criminal minds                                                                  Anytime , anywhere ,and everywhere ...........?                                                           Regretfully three innocent souls got perished                                                            For a trivial,absurd,tiny,and sad dispute ...                                                                Will justice prevail to prosecute that lone wolf                                                            Who assassinated three innocent souls in vain ...?                                                    Even if justice prevails ,but there will a lot of                                                            Criminal minds who might prey on more victims !                                               _____________________
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