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Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
الشمس مشرقة                                                                                                                    بجمالها الآخاذ                                                                                                                   و لم يعد هناك مطر ...                                                                                                            تضيء الشمس كل شيء                                                                                                        تقع علي حتى وجوهنا ...                                                                                                        لقد اشتقنا لشروق الشمس                                                                                                        بعد ان حجبته الغيوم الداكنة و الممطرة                                                                                         و ظلال من القتامة في الايام الماضية ...                                                                                         حينما تشرق الشمس                                                                                                                يحس المرء بالسرور و بالسعادة                                                                                            و بشعور عفوي مختلف ...                                                                                                  جمال الطبيعة                                                                                                                     ما هو الا عطاء الله لنا ...                                                                                                      تدفئنا الشمس                                                                                                                     و كأننا امنا الحنو ن                                                                                                            و هي تحنو على اولادها ...                                                                                                   نمتص اشعاعات الشمس                                                                                                       كي نقوي اجسادنا ...                                                                                                          نتشمس بسعادة و                                                                                                              تخدرنا الشمس و نحن نقف قرب اشعاعاتها ...                                                                               اته يوم جمعة في يوم من ايام شباط .                                                                                         -----------------------------------------------------------------­---------------------------------------
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
That pretty alphabet counts twenty-six                                                                   For us to make pretty words                                                                                     For our loved ones ...                                                                                                Our loved ones appreciate                                                                                         Our pretty words                                                                                                       We write for them ...                                                                                                  We write the best words and                                                                                    The lovely terms of love just                                                                                       To express our true love to them ...                                                                             Our love is always true and sincere                                                                      In its words and in its contents ...                                                                          As long as we have this pretty alphabet,then                                                     We can make as many lovely words                                                                    As we can ....
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Although February is always out of control,but                                                     Today it's sunny and pretty !                                                                                     I don't know what's going on                                                                                   With all February's days ...                                                                                     This month might have twenty-eight days or                                                       Twenty-nine days ,but                                                                                             It depends ...                                                                                                               Some days are sunny ,                                                                                                Some are cloudy and rainy ,                                                                                    Some are crazy ,and                                                                                                Most of the days are in-between ...                                                                         No one can predicate well                                                                                     What's going on with this crazy month ...                                                            Indoors and outdoors are mixed with                                                                      Its cold atmosphere anytime ...                                                                             Although cold and rigid ,but                                                                                We still keep that pretty love for it ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
راحت علي راح                                                                                                                و عمرو اللي راح ما يركعشي ...                                                                                           تلت زهور بلحظة راحوا ,                                                                                                   شو هالدنية ؟!                                                                                                                  هيك الحياة                                                                                                                     للي بدو و يلي ما بدو !                                                                                                        مالو الواحد الا عملو !                                                                                                         يوم ...تنين ...تلاتة ... حزن                                                                                                 بس بعدين بينتسى الواحد و الوحدة                                                                                         هيك الحياة !                                                                                                               رح منئول مبارح كانوا                                                                                                 و اليوم راحوا                                                                                                             و بوكرا رح ينتسوا ...                                                                                                  ناس بتموت و ناس بتعيش                                                                                              و ناس ما بيهمها مين بيموت و                                                                                         مين بيعيش ...                                                                                                             و بتضل الدنيا ماشى                                                                                                     و اللي ما بيموت اليوم                                                                                                    بيموت بوكرا                                                                                                              هيك الدنيا !                                                                                                                 ____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Everything and everyone are burning                                                                   Including our pretty memories                                                                               Anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                                  Just a little and tiny spark ignited                                                                           All that craziness that extends endlessly ...                                                             Everything is on fire                                                                                                 Simply because that tiny spark led to                                                                   Mass murders, chaos ,and disorder                                                                        Anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                                  No one believes what's Going on up to this moment ,but                                                                      Everyone believes that fixing things                                                                  Needed only some wisdom                                                                                 From here or there ...                                                                                          Childhood , womanhood ,and manhood                                                           Have all gone away with what's going on ...                                                     Horrible images of destruction and devastation                                               Are clearly visible in all directions on the ground ...                                          That spark threatens all neighbors to extend global                                         If wisdom and wise men come forward to fix it ...                                             The ugly sounds of bullets are heard to remind us                                            Of what's going on around and in all directions ...                                           Death tolls climb and misery stands up slapping                                              A pretty nation on its face without any hesitation ...                                         Nothing remains in a pretty land even that little                                              Is fading away with its tail seen sinking down .....                                            The whole pretty land has turned into that ugly                                               Wasteland that prevails as a reminder of man's cruelty ...                              ___________________­_
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
I am sad ,heart-broken,and                                                                                     Unhappy ,but                                                                                                           I don't have reasons to tell you ...                                                                            I simply feel sad for anything bad ,                                                                        I am heart-broken upon seeing bad images of                                                      Dead people                                                                                                              Here and there ,and                                                                                                 I am unhappy for many reasons ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
I walk like a broken heart ahead                                                                             Looking for remedy to myself and to my whole entity ...                                    I force myself and my legs to go ahead                                                                  Simply because I have no choice,but                                                                      To do this anytime ...                                                                                               I made up my mind to go ahead into my loneliness                                             I picked by myself                                                                                                    In a cave I built it for myself                                                                                    A long ,long time ago ...                                                                                            Being alone means I am looking for loneliness                                                                       In my own cave ....                                                                                               This painful life that I feel makes me go forward                                             Looking for a saver haven away from everything ...                                        We suffer painfully in our life                                                                             Simply because that's the way with our life ...                                                 The whole world is not ,but                                                                               A big jail for each of us                                                                                      Simply because we're besieged by the world's                                                 Ugly pains and painful sufferings                                                                     Anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                             My destination might into a grain of sand                                                        To be in there for ever and ever                                                                          As a permanent place and a safer haven for me                                                Away from all our world's problems and troubles ...........................................
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