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 Sep 2017 mjad
Isha Kumar
It lingers between small talks,
things best left unsaid.
All that remains
is the silence, so dead.

Nervous, little peeks
when the eyes refuse to meet.
That lump in your throat
at every heartfelt greet.

Staring into empty space
like you lost your muse.
Why was the courage hidden
if it was of no use?

The mind begins to burn
and the smoke grows thick.
It creeps into the heart
and makes you sick.

The silence then grows
with each passing moment.
Memories cloud your eyes
and make you repent.

The tongue begins to sting.
So much to be said.
Yet, all that ever remains
is the silence, so dead.

Things remain unsaid
when words begin to fail.
That excuse you make
is just another tall-tale.

That tension in the air
when you pass each other by.
That lump in your throat
stays, and you wonder why.

Dodging the questions
for there are no answers.
Wishing for things to go back
to the way they were.

They still linger between small talks,
things which were left unsaid.
All that will ever remain
is the silence lying dead.
 Sep 2017 mjad
 Sep 2017 mjad
i want you
in every way there is to want a person

from lazy rainy days
sitting around in underwear
wrapped up in the covers
enveloped in each other

to lustful late nights
high happy and in love
too absorbed with each other
to focus on anything else

i want you
and i see so much in you
that counting all your perfections
would be like counting the stars
there's too many to keep track of
and they just seem endless

i am utterly in love
with every inch of your being
every corner of your mind
and everything in between

i might not know what i believe
or where i'm going
or what i'm doing
but i do hope
you'll hold my hand
and wander blindly with me
because as long as i'm with you
i don't need a destination
you are the journey

i am simply enamored with your entity
captivated by your character
in love
you asked me to write you a poem, i hope you like it
 Sep 2017 mjad
Star BG
Rant On
 Sep 2017 mjad
Star BG
Rant on, my fellow stranger poet
who speaks with negative rhyme.
Rant, till the sun stops to shine.
and rains come, if you desire.
Rant, as my ears open
to hear your saga
in hopes a space in mind will open,

Come do hear what I have learned
as old age embraces me,
and my stride is slow.

"It is all in ones perspective.
whereby changing the thought,
changes the scene."
I whispered gently like wind.

"The day is filled with opportunity
to rise with sun to dance
and push away the clouds."
I echoed, hugging with eyes
the thin tall figure.

I stood with cane and intention
to anchor my words in his heart.
before continuing again.

"Its time to take the pieces of puzzle woes
and turn them around if you choose."
the wise sage said.
"For the road is wide
with so much to experience.
So much to connect to
when one awakes to the
Divine being inside."

""Oh to align to hear music of love
in this temporary construct of a lifetime
is a grand thing."
A grand thing,
as I turned, bowed and walked away.
inspired by Lee
 Jun 2017 mjad
Star BG
You are humanities angel,
as you walk on earth in human form.

You’re a gift to many
as you give aid to those who gather at your table.

You are like hug of air that caresses ones consciousness
to awaken to know who everyone is, divine.

You are a beacon for hope, prosperity, good health, and bliss
as your deeds enlighten.

You are the guides, ancestors, and beings of light who stand in dimensions ready to assist inside a prayer.

You are the Light-worker, Lecturer, teacher, Nutritionist, Healer, Star-seed and sage that has come to help all at this time.

I am grateful to those who have come.
I am grateful for those in different realms.
And I am grateful to you the reader who begins their journey awake alive and to realigned with the birthright of freedom.

StarBG © 2017
 May 2017 mjad
I recently looked in my journal and saw 7 months of empty space. 7 whole months, during which the pain in my head was so great, to acknowledge it with ink would be the kiss of death. To write it down would be far too permanent, almost as though admitting pain is what gives it power.

I now know the opposite to be true. That the ink that seemed so permanent, in fact acts like a magnet, pulling the pain out and wrestling it onto the paper with all the strength of a fine point tip. The paper-pen-hand-arm-brain succession of atoms fully ready to serve you.

To them, nothing is permanent. To the pen, the ink that flows through it is as fleeting at the muscle stimulation the brain sends through the arm and hand to move. The paper, grateful for the touch of a tip before once again being left bare.  All of these things are grateful and meant to show you that good can come of something so full of pain.
 May 2017 mjad
Libby Freeze
the tingling trace
of your prickly face

down my neck
followed by soft pecks

like the whetted dry grass in the summer
that we laid on until we heard thunder

you were so ******, such a clutter
and i was the lover that had to suffer

you stabbed me and i apologized
after all it was my fault that i fell for your disguise
 May 2017 mjad
Debbie Brindley
Lovers side by side
Watching the sunset
feeling the tide
Makes me think of holidays in
Broom beautiful sunsets
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