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And it's rivers, rivers flowing through
the veins of the earth.

Clean the filth, dear rivers,
drink the filth greedily with your mouths
and store it in your banks, lovely rivers,
store it in your banks.

Oh rivers, rivers carry us all
into your beds,
into your heads,
lay us down to rest.

But rivers, rivers never slow
that rushing white noise,
the white noise like snow
carrying a forgotten voice.

Deafening rivers, rivers, forever.
Don't mind their eyes,
staring at you,
Don't mind their lips,
talking about you.
They are just
the bitter taste of fate,
Some people
are just born to hate.
I've found heaven
by looking into her
stained-glass eyes.

Though I fear
she has found
hell in mine.
we were lying down on the grass,
watching the beauty of the sky;
she had her eyes on the stars,
i had my eyes on my world
 May 2015 Miranda Francella
Trembling with every thought of him
I ache a love I can never achieve
I hold my emotions captive in this dreadful tin
I mean no harm, I just love, will it **** you to believe?

I’m not trying to take him from you
My heart is red and not blue
He’s something completely out of my reach
His heart is extremely difficult to breach,
you’re the only gifted one here
don’t worry it’s not that difficult to bear
or maybe it just is...

I have but accepted my place
within the zones of friendship
I've only suffered from a fallen grace
and a heart which has been ripped
But who cares about the shattered love
Maybe it’s just the one above
God Almighty,
I shall never doubt thee
For he knows best

Come to think of it,
What have I lost?
Nothing to be exact
It is he who lost something
something real and true;
my love that is.

idk if i still feel it but you avoiding me because of her is helping me.
you both think i don't know but i do know
i wouldn't tell you guys ofc not, i love yall both.
i can't be a treath for something i can't achieve.
my little love will remain where it has always been, in my heart and mind and now HP <3
He paints the insides of his nostrils
with whiteout and glue,
and takes a deep breath.

Scotty colors his teeth in with a sharpie
standing before the bathroom mirror,
he exhales and smiles blackly.

The whiteness of his eyes irritates him,
so he sprays them with double-you-dee-forty
and they roll in his head smoothly and reddened.

His beautiful hands catch his eye
and he grabs a thumbnail with his incisors,
pausing to glance into his intentions.

When Scott sees himself reflected,
his head jerks and the nail is ripped from his skin
as his pained grimace turns into an insane grin.

As he becomes beautiful again.
 May 2015 Miranda Francella
Sitting on this addictive desk
Staring at the wonders of the world via the internet
From the modesty to the grotesque
It's funny how they all forget
The life outside of this intoxicating bottle of wires
But who am I to complain, for I am one of them
Lost inside these eccentricities that I admire
Wondering, conjecturing all about the beautiful eerie emblem.

What if just one day, one day we all stood and went outside?
Smell the breeze of the isolated air
Feel the earth, the dirt, that we denied
The earth we wear and tear
And yet, the ungrateful spends no time to relish
What we have, inexpensive
But all the care is for the wires; hellish
This is the mysterious truth
Of the brute
Of mankind and their neglect
Of a life that may never resurrect

I believe that this generation spend a whole lot of time on the internet and behind technology. They aren't realizing but they should try an look back to where tag was fun, it still is, just not to the memories of us.
envelop my heart
enfold my being
cocoon me in kindness
cover my doubts
encompass my thoughts
cloak my vulnerabilities
shroud my fears
enclose me in Love
shield my tenderness     
encase my charms
veil my uncertainties
engulf me in your arms
swathe me with tenderness
encircle my energy
sheathe me from harm
envelop my heart
enfold my being
envelop my heart
envelop me

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
envelop my heart

— The End —