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 May 2017 Mildred Sim
LB Parker
There will always be
Something to admire
In the poetic gracefulness
Of horizontal desire
With love, kelsey
 May 2017 Mildred Sim
LB Parker
Love the little spider
Who naturally spins
its thin silken web
Love the little pig
Who is so happy
just to play in the mud
Love the little worm
Who is blind
but still tunnels the Earth
Love the little girl
Who hides herself
behind all those books
Because aside from what
other people may say
Everything that has been called
Will show you true beauty
some day
With love, kelsey
My pen weeps;
It weeps everyday,
upon the rugged pages of my diary.
A rainbow of tears.

The blue ink sets free
Dark shadows
Looming in my soul.
Amidst the hollow wasteland of my thoughts.
They take me
To the nooks and crevices
Of my past.
A yesterday,
So beautiful, So far away,

The red ink,
It paints;
Swollen memories,
That refuse to
Let go of my grasp.
Buried deep within

And Indigo;
That sketches,
The abysmal dreams.
That scar my mind,
When the world Is snoring,
In it's beauty sleep.
As i slowly slip,
Into a wilderness.
A madness,

My words;
Rain upon the blank pages,
With a ink
so melancholic,
It seems like the tears,
Would never dry off.
they do.

Just like the colours
In my life.
Slipping away,
into pages.

How the cage
of my body,
Confines a heart;
That sings like a canary,
Woeful ballads Of freedom.
That begs to stretch,
It's wings.
And taste the dew
Of morning,
Lying upon the half awake
A charming
it weeps everyday.*
Just like my p e n.
My diary knows my sorrows the best.
How many more tears will I drip
On smoldering bridges
Before I accept that
They have already more than burned
In this life I have found you to love
And in the next I shall do the same.
 May 2017 Mildred Sim
Raquel E
pendulum petals
pieces of flesh
fall off my bones
faring gravity
the closer I get
the lighter I am
my right
my left
          *He loves me.
          He loves me  not.
 May 2017 Mildred Sim
JL Smith
I have heard
The waves of the ocean
The songbird perched in height
I have heard
The giggle of a small child
The whistle of a train at night
I have heard
The melodies of grand symphonies
The rumble of thunder
And fireworks, too
But I considered myself deaf
Until I heard, "I love you."

© JL Smith
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