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Mica Kluge Jan 2016
My best friend died today.
And it's the same as when
I lost other family members,
Why should it be any different?
She was family.
People line up. They ask me
How I'm doing. I answer
With the polite obligatory
"Okay," or "Not so well,"
But I never say what I'm
Really thinking.
I want to answer
"Hand me something
Flammable, please."
I can't possibly be okay,
And you're an idiot if
You believe me when I say otherwise.
Yes, my best friend actually died today.
Mica Kluge Jan 2016
I got the call while I was at work.
Your mom found you lying in the floor,
You're still unconscious in the hospital,
I got here, doing the speed limit and a lot more.

They wouldn't let me see you, ICU is for family,
You're one of my best friends; they finally relented.
I finally see you and I honestly can't believe
The sight with which I'm presented.

I hold your hand and your hand is so cold,
Not like the lively girl I used to know,
I can't say the words I want to say,
But they all boil down to, "Please don't go."
Mica Kluge Jan 2016
It is the shape that your life forms
When you're chasing him and he's chasing you,
But you never get anywhere.
A beautiful thing that was never meant to be.

It is the ring on your finger when you
Don't listen to yourself,
When you think with your heart,
When you assume that
Tomorrow will be kinder.

It is the hole in the wall you want
Your fist to make when you argue again.
It is the tears that stream down your face instead.

It is the way you turn as you look at the stars
And beg for answers, and none ever come.
Prompt: Describe a thing without actually saying the thing. I chose to describe a circle.
  Jan 2016 Mica Kluge
Sally A Bayan
A poet writes
about truths,
what is, and what is not...
a poet writes about nature,
people....the sun, moon and stars,
a poet dares to see the whole world...

A poet writes...
to vent his/her own shares of  joy
of agony...and aches...miseries...afflictions
as well as those of the others'
a poet reads...sees through someone else's eyes,
face...words...voice...and actions...

A poet writes,
to euphemize the sharp truths and facts in life
make them less painful to the ears
to at least, soften the pointed edges of every hurt less
to pad the impact of a fall...from frustration and despair
and, through words...encourage rise...when fallen...

A poet writes
to cite a hurting one would believe again
have faith in love...again
to reach those who have gone far, in the dark
and take them back to the fold ...of the bright side...

A poet writes...
to tell the woes of those oppressed
the world over
those tortured...violated...and killed
of children abused
their future stolen away from them...

A poet writes
of how nature has been exploited...and maltreated
how human beings
would one day disappear,
how nature...would be matter what...

A poet is sensitive
and vigilant...
A poet is compelled to see and tell all truths...
truths of yesterday...those that are here now...happening
and those of tomorrow.....and beyond...
All these,
A poet must write...
...nothing more
...and nothing less...


Copyright January 3, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

***Guys, you may add your own ideas.....please do...the list is endless...***
Mica Kluge Jan 2016
Took a moment
To close
Her eyes.

In that moment
Heard the rolling
Of the thunder,
The pattering
As the raindrops
Flung themselves
Against the earth,
The creaking of
Trees bracing
Against the raging
Onslaught of both
Wind and water,
The approaching
Symphony of a
Wall of rain.

Could smell the
Rain kissed earth,
The clean fresh air
That accompanied
The cleansing of
The world.

Could feel the wind
Howling across
Her rain streaked cheeks.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.


Wind and lighting.
Thunder and rain.


The sky was clear.
No storm for a
Hundred miles.


Smiled to herself.
"I am the Storm."

Brace yourself.
Mica Kluge Jan 2016
I called her
At three am.
I asked her if
She was awake.
She lied and said
That she was.
I had woken her up.
"Take me somewhere,"
I asked her.

She had a car.
I didn't.

I didn't think
She would actually
Come because she
Hated mornings.

We were in college
Then, and I met her
In the parking lot.

She held a cup of
Coffee and was
Dressed in a hoodie
And sweatpants.

In the darkness,
I couldn't see
Her eyes.
I thought she was
Still asleep.
Was I ever wrong.

She opened the door
Of her car and
Slid in, lithe as
A cat.

I had never ridden
With her, so the
Moment I climbed
In the car was
The moment I learned
Something unusual
About her:
This girl I knew,
Or thought I did,
Drove a stick shift.
She was the only
Girl I knew who
Could drive a stick shift.

"Are you sure that you're
Awake enough to drive?"
I asked her.

She turned to me,
And, now, I could see
Her eyes in the light
Of the dash display.
I had never seen her,
This shy academic,
Look that wild.
She was alive,
More alive than
I had ever seen

She drove like
She had been born to,
Like it was her one purpose,
The one thing for which
She lived.

The empty three am interstate.
The space between three and four
Thousand rpms.
Incredibly loud music.
I could see the appeal.

This was life.
This was living.

We came back to reality,
Back to school,
As the dawn broke.
"Thank you," I told her,
But I didn't know what for.

I couldn't make a list of what
She had given me that
I was grateful for.
I didn't know if I was grateful.
Having lived in that high,
I couldn't go back to
My life, eking out my existence,
Without such intense torture,
Wanting that high again.

I had lived and
Now, I was addicted to life.
All because of a
Quietly wild girl
And her stick shift.
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