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I write what I see,
Because I am blind.
I write what I hear,
But I am deaf.
I write what I feel,
But paralyzed.
I write what I smell,
In my burnt nose.
I write what I taste,
The only sense left,
And thank the day,
Because it can be worse.
A heart of stone
A girl alone

You came along,
You broke up the rock
It took time but
It became soil

You were gentle
You were sweet
You grew a garden
It took time but
It became flowers

You were lying
You were cruel
You left the garden
It took time but
The flowers died

You were gone
I was lost
The garden was forgotten
It took time but
The dirt turned to dust

A heart of dust
A lack of trust
Wow this is painfully bad but its a first draft so whatever
As I sit and watch the wildflowers
I think how humans have no roots
Nothing to hold us back, but nothing to save us
From life's trampling boots

As I sit and watch the wildflowers
I wonder why they are weeds
Their only crime in life
Is to spread their lovely seeds

As I sit and watch the wildflowers
I think of all their trouble
We think of ways to **** them
All that should be left is ruin and rubble
Idk if I've posted this before but I just found it in an old notebook so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Speaking of broken hearts
and singed photographs in the fireplace;
I met a boy and I am painting his skies with clementine and petal pink
against the bright canvas moon.

My heart is fairy floss clouds
and you are the ice crystals attempting to cause rain.
I know you're trying hard to win me back,
but you gave up citrus and sugar for the possible promise of a new hue.

Now you stain the ground with your tears.
The harshest and deepest feelings spill
from those blackened heartstrings.

Like all fruit, the sweetest rots first.
So I became wine.
I am the last of the blackberries,
holding onto memories of the summertime.

But it is autumn now.
Pears plop into pools,
leaves fall onto roofs,
and this 'getting over you' thing is not working.

I cannot bring myself to ask you the hardest questions:

did you ever love me?
you've been with me before, can you do it again?
will you break my heart?

first piece of the e-mail series
these are written by me and my ex s.o.
I'm carelessly controlling my life
Or to my knowledge at least
I wish my will was free
So I could have an out for all my discrepancies
But that would mean I would have to believe
In you, and I don't want to
Cause your not real
Or so you say
Which I know is a lie
You prove it to many everyday

I am what I can see
I am what i can feel
I am the one in pain
It's my life you you had to steal
Knocking off hours, days, years
For short doses with no fear
I am in control
I control me
That’s what both you and I want me to believe
But only one of us knows the truth
Of how much you choose to control
How much of you power you abuse
 Sep 2016 Melissa Mhluzi
my fingers never warm up
and you joked about how
cold my heart is,
it must be so cold in there
so I asked if that's the way
you deflect--because every
time I tried to care for you,
you'd mock me.

I felt like your world
wasn't all inclusive
i wasn't a shiny stone
in your rough, just a
***** in a fenced
garden, a breeze in
your wild storm--
but I found what
usually is at the
heart of a tornado--
eery silence--and you.
stripped down and
angry, a self-made victim
shouting you made me do it.

But was I there, Peter Pan?
Did I make you do it?
did I weasel into your
head and take you
hostage? Did I rip
you away from
Neverland, shed
light on what
was never
(c) Brooke Otto 2016

written in April.
Lost in your smile
Lost in your smile
I want to get lost in your smile
Have that feeling I haven't felt in a while
See the twinkle that gleams in your eyes
Like the stars way up in the sky

Feel your hair tickle the nose on my face
As I hold you close; clenched, embraced
I want to whisper sweet lies in your ear
How we'll run off and just disappear

Hold your hands, together in mine
Forever, until the end of all time
I want to press my lips on your forehead, so dear
Make you feel like there's nothing to fear

Rest your head on my shoulder
As we grow older and older
Caught up in a spell to which there is no cure
And never knowing what life has in store

Love, reigns over any ill will
That's hidden, out of view or concealed
There's been nothing more powerful
Nothing so strong
That filled what was empty until you came along

Nothing ever so moving
Nothing more as intense
Could have pleased my dry palette
You've somehow managed to quench
Sometimes we can get too invested in movies. Life doesn't happen in two and a half hours.
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