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MdAsadullah Jan 2016
Unconstrained, Free flowing stream.
Glitters and glimmers with sunbeam.
With obstruction, blockage and dam;
How long its itinerary can they jam.

It cannot be subdued for much long.
With time it will become very strong.
One day all barriers it will surely blow.
Then the world will see its mighty flow.
MdAsadullah Dec 2015
' Id ' in my blood.
' Superego ' in my soul.
Heart is bone of contention.
Both want to control.

While both are in fight.
' Ego ' plays smart.
Balances one with other;
And rules my Heart.
MdAsadullah Dec 2015
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
*********** *****
1. When the heaven is cleft asunder.
2. And when the stars have fallen and scattered;
3. And when the seas are burst forth;
4. And when the graves are turned upside down (and they bring out their contents)
5. (Then) a person will know what he has sent forward and (what he has) left behind (of good or bad deeds) .
6. O man! What has made you careless concerning your Lord, the Most Generous?
7. Who created you, fashioned you perfectly, and gave you due proportion;
8. In whatever form He willed, He put you together.
9. Nay! But you deny the Recompense (reward for good deeds and punishment for evil deeds) .
10. But verily, over you (are appointed angels in charge of mankind) to watch you,
11. Kiraman (honourable) Katibin writing down (your deeds) ,
12. They know all that you do.
13. Verily, the Abrar (pious and righteous) will be in delight (Paradise):
14. And verily, the Fujjar (the wicked, disbelievers, sinners and evil-doers) will be in the blazing Fire (Hell) ,
15. In which they will enter, and taste its burning flame on the Day of Recompense,
16. And they (Al-Fujjar) will not be absent therefrom (i.e. will not go out from the Hell) .
17. And what will make you know what the Day of Recompense is?
18. Again, what will make you know what the Day of Recompense is?
19. (It will be) the Day when no person shall have power (to do) anything for another, and the Decision, that Day, will be (wholly) with Allah.
MdAsadullah Dec 2015
Put 'Goodness' of a good man on test.
In moderate clime it might appear best.

Examine the 'Goodness' in extremes.
It will be different from what it seems.

Leave 'Goodness' under the desert sun.
To help 'Goodness' there should be none.

With magnifying glass check its sphere.
Cracks and fissures are sure to appear.

Now place 'Goodness' on mountaintop.
Keep it in position with the help of prop.

Leave it in Bone-chilling cold and depart.
Within days it will crumble and fall apart.
MdAsadullah Dec 2015
Breathe in Breathe out.
When you are sure;
Or when you're in doubt.

Breathe in Breathe out.
When you are calm;
Or when you freak out.

Breathe in Breathe out.
When you are alone;
Or when you hangout.

Breathe in Breathe out.
When you are idling;
Or when you workout.

Breathe in Breathe out.
When you stay silent;
Or when you shout.

Breathe in Breathe out.
While walking in daylight;
Or while sleeping at night.

Breathe in Breathe out.
But beware, each breath;
Brings you closer to death.
MdAsadullah Aug 2015
Shaped by my tongue,
controlled by my mind;
They were my captives,
limbless and blind.

But one by one my tongue
they all escaped;
Took huge and varied
forms while I gaped.

They stood firmly,
demeanor bold and brave.
Now they were the masters
and I was the slave.

MdAsadullah Aug 2015
O you sparkling , bubbling teen.
O you  adolescent unwise, green.
Time has acquired wisdom in piles.
It is for all immature juveniles.

But wisdom is a thing much valued;
And time is also a merchant shrewd.
To get wisdom a lot it'll make you pay.
Your Youth it'll take n hair will turn gray.
wisdom adolescent Youth gray
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