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Oceans daughter
Knew nothing of sorrow
For her tears felt like home
 May 2015 Mateen Manek
Sam Kirby
If forgiveness was easier for mortal men,
Would it still be considered divine?
If love was simpler for us,
Would people still point at a cross?
If patience was commonplace,
Would they still read dying scriptures?
If acceptance was innate,
Would they need to yell at all?

Vacant pews and busy street corners,
Communion wine misplaced,
The preacher's statements laced,
With the same sins they say were paid for.

The shrinking congregation doesn't believe anymore.
No one does.
But they can keep looking for a savior,
In every place but inside themselves.

We are all filled with the divine light,
Brighter than the sun.
The cosmic radiance we seek is behind the eyes,
Darkened windows that speak our gospel,
We Are God.
We are.

Touch lightly Nature’s sweet Guitar
Unless thou know’st the Tune
Or every Bird will point at thee
Because a Bard too soon—
 May 2015 Mateen Manek
You were made with all the love..
From the universe, you were blessed by the stars..
Now here we are, 17 years on..
In a universe, where we were given our own minds,
and our own little red hearts
And now with ached words, spilling onto the page, I'll try to explain, why it's okay if I don't fully let go..
Cause I was made, to share with you, a thought from my mind, a little piece of my soul

And you don't have to give it back to me
Oh my love comes with no receipt..
I could spend the rest of my life,
Trying to spell out what you mean to me
But I'm sure you get it now
All it takes is just a moment with you
And suddenly everything turns clear
Everything is beauty somehow

And you don't have to tell me I'll be fine,
I know the universe has someone else for me, in mind
You don't have to tell me that space is a good idea..
I'd still write to you everyday for a year
You don't have to tell me that I meant something
I went to Saturn and I found a ring
But someone else is gonna offer you better
Someone else is gonna do more than write you lame things

.. See you are loved, from every thought you express, to every breath you slowly let out..
So it's okay if we don't meet again, but is it okay if I write a poem, to you every now and then?

.. Cause I was made to make brave choices, and letting go is not the safest thing right now..
Oh I'm in love with every thought you express, and every breath you slowly let out..

P.s you're beautiful too
Written in a coffee shop.
Hope no one saw me cry haha.
 May 2015 Mateen Manek
-look at the sky more often, it puts your day into perspective so that all the burn marks you thought were going to be blue holes in your skin feel like galaxies instead; the sky's taken up your problems so that you have none and you're still crying about a 56 on your science test, one that won't matter in the long run.
-drink water, flush out all the worries and fears and bad vibes with each swallow, you're not eating rocks for dinner anymore. you're flowing with so many ideas and thoughts and talents inside, make sure you don't drown them.
-fold your collars back down, you can keep your guard up using the bones in your neck but you're strong enough to withstand a little wind here and there. maybe you don't need the practice anymore but the sun while shine on you anyway like the moon still keeps watch and eventually you'll have nothing to be wary of fighting about
 May 2015 Mateen Manek
Smiles that drip with gold sadness and
Run from estranged places go hand in hand with
Blue perspectives and unheard words,
But I’d escape to anywhere with you
By my side if it meant
Danger and orange sunsets
Stale coated eyes and huge skies
Because you taught me that happiness
Is not viable if its not laconic
And the fewest of beating clocks were
Enough to last both a night and 7
Dollars in mere coins
 May 2015 Mateen Manek
 May 2015 Mateen Manek
If only I didn't feel this way,
The world would be a lot brighter,


It will also be a lot lonelier.
I wish to dream of others
lost in the fate of love
to not know your name
to call love just a game
my desire to live the earth life
as a Star that has made me
I seek you out in the darkness
a night of humanity where the Stars live
to not block my way a Zeus forever
the way of creation I stand on the rear legs
of lions  my hair a mane
my eyes living compassion
to know the sharpness of my teeth
the world alive in change
brought on by nature to go lightly into
the world of Eternity living
realm for ever and ever more
the makings of life to harbor
the love of humanity allowing creation
to live a sustainable healthy life force
knowing no boundary to existing life forms
to seek out to bring together
a chemical reaction  from two
to make one anew my pen soars
these words to up lift the desire of love
over all     words to remember
the heat the battle
of love is yours   gjmars 5/19/15
hmmmmm grrrrgrrr
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