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 Sep 2014 Marley Jane
The ink will leak,
To manifest to beautiful design,
Or simply blotch on available canvas,
It does not matter;
The pen is broken,
**The ink will leak
I have written three ******* books about you,
and all you ever gave me,
was a half finished song
and a broken heart.
Everyday I die a little inside
alongside my heart.
But Love will continue on
like a Phoenix
reborn, re-beating,
in sync to the sunrise.
If God-willing,
I will wait...
 Sep 2014 Marley Jane
The clock strikes 3:30 and the pit behind the school opens.
We feast on the smell of burning skin and sunscreen.
There is chaos as instruments are strewn across the back room,
No exits and the doors are blocked.
My eyes slide past his but I'm too burned out to care.
Freshmen are the worst,
Insisting on acting as if
They are four year olds.
Not a second late, for Whit is never late.
I have lost feeling in my legs
Still I have perfect
Technique just as he does. Water.
Water does not have an existence in this world.
Heat and sun have taken over.
Our tuba players have given up,
There they lay down in the burning
Grass. He never complains.
As I'm close to my breaking point,
Air no longer passes my
Lips and not one note escapes my keys.
The perfect string of notes and rhythm
Sound from my left. He never missed
A note.
March it back,
March it back,
March it back sixteen counts.
An endless routine.
Opening set.
These single words are bitter sweet.
In ten minutes I am free to go home
And write poetry about him.
Out of all the dust, and floating debris,
How did gravity, draw you to me?
Were our atoms made, in the same star?
Is that why I feel you, no matter how far?

It's that force, that binds us together
forever and ever, no matter the weather
We'll stand together, through it all
When the sun rises and the ocean falls
And when the tide comes to wash away
All the things we'd never say
And the names in the sand, in which we made
Encircled by a finger-painted heart,
Two people, not even God could keep apart

I just blame it on the gravity.
<3 I would like to thank all of you for reading my poems. I know I don't do that nearly enough. Thanks for all the love. <3
 Sep 2014 Marley Jane
 Sep 2014 Marley Jane
one day I was sitting in a park,
with wondering eyes,
a couple caught my sight,
they seemed so lost in each other,
that my empty heart,
began to fill with a mountain of anger,

for those two lovers,
melting like chocolate in the sight of each other,
they had what I had never ever felt,
or come close to experiencing,
the love I could see in their eyes,
the way they touched each other,
not only in desire,
but the care and love they felt for one another.
random poem
 Sep 2014 Marley Jane
I shouldn't be calling you
well we haven't got that far.
all those facts you've known,
signals are diminished and stopped

Your silence is killing
you're presence is unseen,
you've marked the days in your calendar
and I am not part of your key wins,

You've deleted my number
in your phonebook and probably your mind,
memories are just shadows
of distractions and pure back draft

Did I just deleted you,
well my memorization is strong.
I wanted to transform you
and sing you a song,

Like a disguise of wise words
words of penned encouragements.
maybe some about love,
and my hidden admiration's bent.

It's a joyful mission
to let you hear,
even for a few precious minutes,
beside me without any fear.

And I love to see you again,
talk about random things you say.
sing songs we try
and find time to take.

I just miss you
more than anything in the world
But I'm that snob or shy
but I'm adjusting my chords

So this is love,
or we're just too lazy to come out our shells?
playing the sweet note's too obvious,
But I hope you can ring some chime's and bells.
9-4-2014 Tired
 Sep 2014 Marley Jane
A white noise, blinds.
Underneath the screeching, mannerisms convicted by thoughts & feelings. A ***** that reveals the blood of sin.
Housed by a cocoon that walks as a ghost.
Walls taking the form of white, when yellow describes the surface.
Smiles of live skin from friends, but just a mirage provoked by an idle heart. I awake as a voice asks "Are you done in there?".
I hear the rushing sink, see the flow of tears dancing around my eyes.
I wash my face, say "Yeah" and leave.
To tell you the truth,
I'm the girl version of you

The way you speak your words
and how a smile masks your sad world

I feel the sadness in your eyes,
how they're connecting with mine

Our heart's damaged,
trust's the blame

We give and give
but never take

We want to surpass the pain
and feel the love again

We want to be happy,
away from em' tears

We want everything
to be fair
and us
to be happy
We feel each other's pain.
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