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mark john junor Sep 2013
its unmistakable
not just another caravan of faces
not just another passing year
under a strange sky
iv reached the edge of the world
nothing but open sea to my back
as far as the mind can see
and i'm riding a west wind on a quickness breeze
on a middle of the night skiff
to the the small island
where she waits for me
where she sleeps tonight
the bold song gone soft an slow
the guarded smile relaxed into a champion of joy
and conquers all her sadness
with a single tilt at the windmills
like a knight in shining armor

nothing but deep sea
nothing but night salt and sea

and as i draw near
she sings from her soul to mine
come to me lover
yes cry out loud with all your joys
laugh pure and easy
i'm the mood for you boy
i'm in the mood for your hand in mine
dance in my heart
its a warm night in the tropics
and we got the world to ourselfs
so may i have this dance

ballroom of sand
laugh with me
run with me
we are free
all our lives people have tried to put us away
keep us down
now look at
dancing in the stars
look at us free and easy
dance with me baby
make love with me honey
on this ballroom of sand
laugh pure and true
with simple joy
here by salt and sea
be young with me

tonight on this ballroom of sand
come home to me
warm me with your touch
comfort me with your eyes
iv waited so long come home to me

nothing but open sea at my back
and i feel so alive
i feel so free
and my lover is near iv never been so alive
running a western quickness breeze
on a skiff heading home
to her
"riding a west wind on a quickness breeze" LOL not to be mistaken for a nautical term LOL
mark john junor Dec 2014
one kid shoots another
for expensive headphones
while the guy who put his name on them
sits in his beverley hills mansion
and counts the hundred dollar bills
mark john junor Dec 2015
a thin black silence settles over my head
not even the sound of falling snowflakes
in the semi-darkness of mid-winters night
my eyes capitulate trying not to see
the cheapened nickle plated christmas cheer
the road stretched out in into the pine forest
so near to perfection of decorative seasonal lights and toys
so rudely packed tightly into the open mouth
of wailing babes

her pale face painted
with expressions fleeting
joy flickers past sorrow
intense thoughts like shadows cross her eyes
but her words blunder along
crept up against stone wall and without effort
she makes her way past
to center herself in my heart

singular thought comes to me
as the sun's shadow creeps across my eyes
written there in obscure language
christmas wishes and dandelions in summer sun
all the very best of our world wrapped up in one
mark john junor Nov 2014
her eyes are oceans of silence
let me drift there for a lifetime of moments without care
let me know what its like to drown in sweet beauty
let me live the quiet life in her heart
and delve into the silken smooth wine of her voice
while i let her lips ****** me
why am i so lost without hope of her
why must i know this idyllic life in her arms
the sugar of her heart is salty and bittersweet
but oh to taste her presence
perfumed and subtle
soft skin
her eyes are an ocean of silence
bathe in her perfect perfections
lay in the cool waters of her sweet heart
live the quiet life of her
mark john junor Sep 2022
Wrapped in the warm
prison of the bedsheets
a cold foot sneaks past
and dangles in the air at the
end of the bed

I shiver like sailors of old
in this cold wind that blows
across my toes

I wrestle the blanket
for the sleep it maintains
all elbows and thumbs
****** this way and that
restless wanderers of designer sheets

I shiver like sailors of old
in this cold wind that blows
across my toes

As I grumble
look to the clock
Four AM glares back at me
a cold foot wiggles
a cold foot waggles
Ode to be a cold foot
sorrowful tale to be sure

I shiver like sailors of old
in this cold wind that blows
across my toes
mark john junor Aug 2013
oh chest pain
oh chest pain
what a pain in the tucas you are
your no fun
your no fun

oh chest pain
oh chest pain
dont come knockin at the door
really hate having drop by
such a pain in  the ***
oh chest pain
oh chest pain

oh chest pain
oh chest p[ain
dont make me pick up the phone
call the paramedics
they make all kinds of noise
and make such a mess
oh chest pain
oh chest pain

oh chest AAGGG!!
(and the chessy poet drops dead pen in hand)
and oh chest pain roams the land
being a pain the tucas
to young and old alike
"tucus" is yiddish for your ****...for thouse of you who did not grow up in new york
mark john junor Mar 2014
she turned the questions in her eyes aside
and stealing away in the quiet
of the pine forest winters day
the taste of wood smoke was tangible on the sharp cold air
and his eyes hunted the ridge crest for sing of flames
as they hurried their steps along the rough hewn track
she carried the child whos silent contemplation
showed his understandings of the gravity of this flight
the bundle of possessions on his shoulder
weighed upon his mind
counselling himself not to regret casting it all aside should need arise

the woman and child so fragile and dear to his heart
mean so much more than mere trinkets of gold
he would surrender without pause life and limb to spare them
she was a smoky version of bobby dylan
complete with winged snakes in each hand
complete with a crown of jewels
and the thousand words dance
he was a seafaring man

they reached the shore of the sea
and found the wreckage of a sailing ship
her fine line speaking clear of her swiftness
and her appointments show without shyness
that she was of the finest portugal shipyards
they spent days making her seaworthy
laying up in the harsh tropical sun
neath the palm trees drinking *** from her stores
they put to sea in the birth of the new year
singing 'goodbye spanish ladies'
the three of them on the skiff tacking up-channel
trying to determine latitude by sighting
but a fog rolls in off the coast of grande bahama
as dawn breaks

man woman and grown child
the miles and the treasures cast aside
each wore on open hearted face
but neath the weary of sea miles
was their joys in the true riches
of eachothers soft hand entwined as they sailed into
a golden dusk
of a lesser throne
a kingdom of the sea
(Viana Castelo shipyard to be precise)
mark john junor Jun 2014
the old man pushes his lens
into the soft salt of her thoughts
trying to decipher the meanings of whispered cries
trying to divine the truth to the tale
he peered at the living moving thoughts
as they spun and danced just out of reach
just out of perceptions touch

teasing and laughing at his fumblings and grasping
the lead him on blind to his destinations
they lead him on of their own accord
you could just see him in a rapture of her lights
stumbling down dark road
walking like the sleeping innocence into the wilderness
into places only she would know
the old man muttered curses for the elusive dream
muttered wishes to see the truth of the daylight dream

he sipped from the dusty jug
and wiped a trembling hand across sunburned lip
still his gaze locked on the pretty lights
locked on the enticing thought
follow me my sweet i will give you loves and comforts
follow me my lover i will lead you to safe warm heavens
locked in the twisting turning spinning song
of her bright lovely thoughts
you can find him sitting in desolate wilderness
staring into a thimble of bright light
with a grin of rapture on his withered face
with a death grip on the glowing promise of joy
of her pretty thoughts
mark john junor May 2014
caught in a dark romance of shadows
she said she could taste a wilderness of tears
waiting just beyond the soft candlelight
and she just couldn't face it alone again
so held her thin hand clasped in mine
while her heart thundered like madness
and we spent the hours talking ever so quiet

we lay awake under the moving darkness
we lay entwined in reassurance
we lay skin to skin
like lovers do
i drifted in and out of restless dreams
of sailing ships testing the tempest
i dreamt of gypsy's dancing in the dark wood
these dreams were a tangle of a dark romances shadows
****** you to believe that path you tread
was meant to be

her smoke filled eyes
lent favor to the idea that somewhere
deep within there burned a flame
but her voice was cool like the first kiss of autumns wind
was deep as the craft of her thoughts could devise
for she sought to weave such a tale
as to sway the heart
and repeal this dark romance
mark john junor Oct 2013
i dreamt
i moved into a apartment
with an old brick wall
and its decaying face
the old light hanging from a thread
swings on the open breeze
from the window
time seems to slow down to a crawl
so i can see each and every flaw
so i can feel each and every thing she wanted me to feel
so i can know each and everything she saw
and so i see the the moment captured in ink
on her sketch pad
a drawing of the wind in the trees
a image of the smell of the fresh cut grass
the thoughts of the passer-by
who looked with such stark wonder
at this open display of what we have all taken
for granted we could never achieve

the old brick wall
leaned into the wind
and held
for one more day
kept safe the world she held so dear
safe for one more stormy night
the old brick wall
with its spray painted messages
like how joe loves daisy
and how we should make love not war
the old brick wall
holds back the world
from coming into her quiet soul
into the paper flowers and lace curtains of her life

the old brick wall
was once the west most piece of
the boxers rebellion
he was sad all his life
torn from his violent profession
and forced to retire
and his fists lay idle
with objections written on them like scars
but after years he came to terms
with the reasons great and small
with the rationalizations made up and real
and found peace
he found his fists could be hands
and hands can pet a cat
hands can paint a masterpiece
write a love poem
hands can touch another person without hurting them
and he suddenly he didn't want to hurt anyone ever again
because he loved having hands
and all the beautiful things they could do
he would never have fists again
and that change in him  
was so profound that it became magical and
part of the old brick wall

so it will endure past its years
to protect her little scavenged world
her delicate life
her frail thoughts
because beauty isn't always
what the world thinks it is
a boxer can tell you that
mark john junor Apr 2014
apathetic her eyes glued to the autumn door
leaves gathered there rustle like dry skin
feel the memory of hands cold and dry
smell the christmas ornaments and cookies
the knowledge hidden never really known only hinted
that knowledge has eyes that watch
has a mouth that silently recites each footstep
each tenfold lie

apathetic the spurned take root in shadow
and there delve ever deeper into the dark hand
its ever present fingers prying at the minds cavities
seeking that wet meat stench
and the apathetic eyes shudder and turn away
you cannot bear this alone
speak to me
but small gestures don't suffice
apathetic eyes locked away behind silent white doors
muted by the sound
of autumn leaves rustling in the doorway
like old dry skin

she shudders and a sound like fear escapes her dry lips
standing she turns to leave
but finds the plain white door barring her way
its ornate handle defies her
she collapses to the window
where she watches mutely fall leaves
dance in cold wind
scraping on the wet pavement
with a sound of horror's
christmas approaches once more
an old man in the cold of night
brimming with terrifying cheer
his blood red suit his sack of corpses
(a product of a rainy day)
mark john junor Jan 2014
4am sunday morning they broke into song
unable to contain their smiles
they cast aside the spent wine
and took their ribald song to the streets
with a fanfare of sound and light
like jesters of old
they painted smiles on the frowning old men
and placed rainbows over the bridges between
the carpets of the mighty and the halls of fable

by 5am they had made it all
the way in to the center of town
where a roadblock of uniforms thought to make sense
out of tealeaves and mint cookies
as the jesters just dance around their confusions
between their orders and
what the truth of the heart tells em is the song
and then we see the ugly show a pretty eye to the cause
as it marches in through the double dawn
one dawn for the sun
the other for the hearts of the lonely
and a secret one for me and her
in our lounge chairs by the top of the spike hill
kissing our sweet hearts to eachother

by 10am all but the most die-hard had fallen to dreaming sweetly
neath the juniper trees
while thouse few who clung to awakened hearts
sang softly and sweetly
of summer nights and fresh loves
unearthed from the ashes of the desperate pasts
all things made anew from all the things made old

by sunday evening
we had all danced all the dances
and kissed all the kisses till even the heat of passion couldn't fade
held eachothers hands
and smiled sweetly like memory's saying fare thee well till morrow
i would be crazy if it weren't for your hand in mine
here in the tropical sundown

sunday night so deep
and the only one left dancing is old harold
he's doing the charleston with the moon's echo on the waves of the sea
don't think he's ever been so happy
and as i drift off to sleep
with her in my arms
i know that i don't need to explain to anyone
that we are all jesters looking for a
song to dance to at 4am in the tropics
mark john junor May 2014
so i took liberty's with my lockpick and freud's diary
and went in search of the reasons for dry thunder
and for pictures of the rain locked away in some peoples eyes
some hearts are waterlogged silent forests
grey clinging to the wet pine needles
some are deserts of the twilight
like dust gathering at the least disturbed path
their hearts are heavy with dry weight

i found her in the cold light of candles
mapping the unknown with her thin hand
her perfections chiseled softly into all of my senses
like a michelangelo paint by number sweet summer dream
her immediate and urgent presence on the night air
makes me breath in deep and feel to the bottom of my feet
that she is tenderness personified
she is light perfected
she is fresh off the pages of some steinbeck novella
she just has a grace that gives
she is in love with its concept and rumor

with lockpick in hand and the image of
old man freud smoking something funny in his pipe
traveled through this place with an eye to the depths
a girl out there provides a sultry version of hopes in a song
from within her place of televisions flickers
as i sit by the window shade as it stirs to life
approaching rain
the lockpick also comes to life
as the complexity's of a strangers smile
fluctuate in the eye
a grain of sand lodged in the crawlspaces of the mind
grinding in the gears of thought
the song drifts to an end
with her smile
mark john junor Jan 2014
but it was only the old man
sitting there on the dock
his weathered smile and dancing eyes
when he spoke it was a rough sound
like cadence of seafarers raising sail
in the long rays of summer eve setting sun
off the ancient shores celebrated in song
he spun me a tale of uncharted lands
and beautiful maidens in tropical forests
wild nights in some forgotten port
*** and the dancehall glow in memory
they are the stories shared on the long voyage
they are the smile in this old mans memories
the scent of salt and the rhythm of
the waves breaking on the shore
surround as he weaves his story
with the years flowin like the waves neath the prow
tacking east to a rising sun
it seems like a living breathing dream
as alive as the sea herself
as alive as the sparkling beauty in the memories
of an old man
weaving his tale
by the seaside
mark john junor Mar 2014
mook was a strange old fella
could blown him over with a breeze
thin as a train track rail and just as rusted
he drank hard but his heart was soft
never had nothing but a kind word
always gave a helping hand

mook was down by the old platte river
fishing with an old line
lazing in the hot summer sun
when lucy happened upon him
now lucy was a fast talking girl
loose with her wares and cared not for a single soul
good lord never carved something as cold
as that woman's heart
mook wasn't no rich fella mind ya
but he always managed to keep his pocket full
and lucy laid into that poorboy with a vengeance
laid him low from behind
never saw it comin

lament the poorboy gone to rest
gathered like spoilt wheat before his time
can almost see him with his old
rucksack and a bottle of wine
laughin like the sun
dancing on summer lake
dancing like you was truly free
his was a time of life to see
always put a feast to the table
even if it was pork-n-beans an sour dough
never let a man go hungry at his table
lament the poor boy now he's gone

fool lucy went into town to the ***** house
laid about with cursing and braggarting her dark deed
she laid him down low with her cold hand
shes laid up in the old jail now
theres nothing to be learnt from this sad affair
nothing good ever comes  from dark deeds
but at least 'ole son is resting easy now
walking up the river road with his rucksack and bottle of wine
smiling like the sun
and holding love in his heart for everyone
(for "mcdonald's mark" old friend from miles past who is in a better place)
mark john junor Oct 2014
tookie winfeild was a friend of mine
from way on back down the way
back in my river days
mean old man with a heart of gold
ugly old geezer with a silver tongue
ole tookie could talk a mile a second say nothin at all
ole tookie was as crazy as a jackrabbit in heat and twice as slick

used to see that ole codger strolling on the avenue
with some young honey on his arm
carefree as sin and twice in its debt
yes sir...ole tookie was a friend of mine
back in the day we ran that river
like it was our private playground
mean old man with a heart of gold
ugly old geezer with a silver tongue
both barrels for the lookers
and a bottle of shine for the sippers
yes sir back when i was young that river was ours

they found old tookie winfeild up on the river
frozen to death in the dead of night
took to drinking up there by his lonesome
and shouting at the moon
aint no good ever come from no crazy man
least thats what they say
but old tookie was allright
in his own crazy way
mean old man with a heart of gold
ugly old geezer with a silver tongue
he was a friend to many a poor boy
down the old river way
mark john junor Mar 2014
such a graceful woman
her face the very concept and truth of beauty
her voice one of reason
her mind beautiful and enriching
she is empathy's gift
as a poet i live and breath words
but language lacks what nature can speak fluently
when nature spoke the word beauty
Olivia Wilde was born
mark john junor Feb 2014
breathlessly she speaks loves
as her body is engulfed in mine
i can feel her heart in her words
hear her desires in her hot eyes
as she consumes me with her passion
as she drinks deeply of my body and soul
and i lust to reach her moment
where our worlds collide
where she touches and i touch
breathlessly she cries out
breathlessly  she grips my body with hers
and looking deep in my eyes
tells me she loves me forever
and as our souls meet for that ****** kiss
we know our futures past days years
together as one heart
one love
we lay cooling off
the room a dizzy spin
breathing hard
our bodies still connected
suddenly laughter catches
and we don't even know what's funny
whispering even though we are alone
we talk of our lives here in this strange place
of palm trees and lizards
of never-ending summer
winter nothing more than forgotten dream
we talk of marriage
and of children
we talk of one love with the one love in our hearts
time is ours and so is the world
we slip into soft dreams connected to eachother
in every way a man and woman can be
and more
mark john junor Aug 2014
raised a passionate voice
against the darkness
and standing as one in the setting sun
we held hands and looked on with
wonder in our eyes and joy in our hearts
as the banners flowed in the late day breeze
as the children of our beliefs carried the day
as our trusted man took the field with victory's cheer
saw the fruit of our labors come at long last
peace had defeated war
love had destroyed hate
caring had swept away all the cold hearted
and we could at long last breath free
long last we could thrive in the sun
they say that the time has passed for such dreams
that the sixties are so long ago
but history is filled with men who stood up
and changed the world luther king...
so take my hand and lets not ever stop trying
to change the world
one smile at a time
mark john junor Nov 2013
the palace of the moment having sold out
of her usual tear soaked apparel
and her casual wear fascination needing a
quick fix lead her across the wastelands the shopping plaza
to this wind-soaked backlot and its hidden wonderland
the store has no sing
just a off green door with the words
only the accursed may leave
she shimmies through the door

he makes his way up endless sidewalk
doing a little dance step every few feet
because he knows that is what a madman
would do in his place
his rags are the best he could muster
but they will serve
to be mad is fashionable
and appearance and substance is everything
he mutter to himself
he walks the rainswept backlot and its blatant ****** factory
and finds a green door with the words
****** your own pretences
he slips inside to gaze with open awe

she keeps her politics in her pocket
the latest soapbox to preach the ******* line from
politics fashionista who dabble in whatever
the latest trend on facebook seems to lend
new age drivel or some bomb throwing **** with
a distrust of anything that might be another point of view
got a real open mind
long as it something she wants to hear
shes occupying the breeze block in the backlot
sitting by a green door with the words
believe in nothing and that's all you'll have
she whimpers at the thought
but she trots in to take a look

he washes the blood off his hands
but it never washes away
don't judge me you aint
seen enough
been enough
known enough
to judge much of anything
sleepwalk through your days
with your  diapers and handbills
inviting to the great change that'll never come
its all just a fashion statement
social tyrants protesting political tyrants
go find your green door
find out if its a lion or lamb
i don't mix well with them cream puff warriors
mark john junor Feb 2016
a thousand regretful wasted words
and i'm no closer to painting my masterpiece
of the soulful songbird gently sweeping aside
the weary cares of the hearts soul
no closer to giving tangible truths to
the heartfelt dream
no closer to giving life to the dreamers struggle
as she sings the song of redemption
i paint in a rush
the flurry of words that let fly
like the ****** white snow late september night
which gives the unexpected beauty
to the lush green that still clings to the landscape
now the words echo inner truths
illustrating what i want your heart to see
bound up in the promise of newborn late fall daybreak
bound up in the beauty only the dreamers can see
but still i linger here in the false start of a masterpiece
still with only the bare bones of what i wish i could say to you
i will stay here with my craft's labors
until i can give to you
such a sweet song
that would touch your soul
that would free the joy within you
that would show you how much you are loved
mark john junor Apr 2014
her dyed blonde hair
stood out starkly against the grey concrete
as me and my girl take up squating
for the momentary grease on the public step
as the alligators swim round the stoop
looking for the next strong-arm sucker
they keep time tapping one raised finger
on the humid air
she rolls up to us
and tosses herself down ontop of me
my girlfriend slides exasperated smile
and shrugs off the bleach blonde sticky fingers approach

the rest of the sticky fingers chase eachother
around the parking lot hoping  to make ground scores
off eachothers trash by numbers life in motion paintings
she chases my illusion
her dyed blonde hair tangles my thoughts
so i lead her to a quieter spot on the public steps
and settle her into her vibe

the diameter of her rig matches the close quater passageway
so she greases the way with a wall to wall smile
thats more scary than reassuring
and brushing back the bleach blonde
and tries once more to speak to my billfold
with her open shirt peeky-boo
i dont bother to say it but i woulda opened
up and spilled the greenage to keep her from folding
just outa keepin the peace
my girlfriend glares fifteen flavors of
get rid of this clown at me
so i dish dirt and bills to slide her on her way

i feel bad for her
she is our friend
but shes just to much of the gain game in her
to see that we have long since moved on
i cant play captain saveahoe
turned that caped crusader out to the history books
and im just looking to do my
morning breakfast circus
scrounge a coffee bean and a honey roll
my girl rolls a smoke
the tropical sun dances on sandy soil
we are a happy pair of clowns
and thats all that matters
figured id give hello one last chance before i delete my iposted a few,
mark john junor Feb 2014
fragments of sky
litter my thoughts like pieces of a shattered image
like scraps of burnt wood painted with
parts of some masterpiece scene
of a carnival in the town churchyard
with frolicking jesters and laughing children
a quaint country place where fiddle players
and young girls dance and sing
but such as this place is now no more than image
pressed into the fire consumed wood
no more than some forgotten place filled
with forgotten loves and forgotten lovers
i lay there in the ruins of the church
three hundred years on from the day it met its fate
where now a oak flourishes true and tall
such transient things such as our lives
have such beauty but fleet as birds to roost as
they disappear in the first burst of rain

fragments of sky perceived
in small spaces given by the leaves overhead
the dusty lens of my mind
churns over the unfolded event
like the lost man peering with confusion's
at the undecipherable map of clouds
shifting by the butterfly light wind
i sneak my way into a shaft of
the suns warm light
and await the birdsong to renew its
speech and thought
they look down on my reclining form
in grass below
ready to take wing should i leap to devour
but i will not rise
i am trapped by the changing mosaic of the sky
its simple tones belie the beauty it contains
grey over blue and white edges
such simple ever changing permanence in the sky
the cloud moves swiftly away from my minds grasp
and the birds remark to one another the
lateness of the day
i open heart and eyes
stand and walk away from open sky
mark john junor Oct 2013
the absurd
and the cynical
the elegant
and the beautiful
have all spoken here
voices raised in secretive hope
of being the one heard above all the rest
being the one to rise and soar
unfettered and unleashed
the night is filled with these
thousand fold whispers
these untold tales
clothed in the fine silks
and filthy rags
a ballroom dance of silent partners

the grand opera house
its silent hall so strange to tread
where hours before was filled with
the rushing stream of chatter
now echoes the hard shoes of the nightwatchman
the empty seats mute witnesses to the
loneliness of this passage of hours
the passages backstage
filled with absent bustling labours of
the arts lovers and
children of the arts lurid steamy affairs

the art itself
lingers all around this hallowed ground
it is more than the lines and scenes
of thouse who nobly take the stage
more than the curtains and lights
of the labours of its love
the art itself is a grand and
beautiful creature
a dignified and noble creature
hard taskmaster and passionate lover
for which time itself has no meaning
it is here in the wood of the stage
it is here in the bones of the world

the nightwatchman
treads this quiet place
and sees a face of the art few get to see
her quiet home while she rests
her repose before the curtain of
tomorrow is raised
before once again they all gather
for the art of live performance
((i was a nightwatchman in a venue for a experience that i shall never forget))
mark john junor May 2015
how do you feel
lost and alone at the end of your dime
someplace on the road between the here and the now
out of smokes and outa luck
barefaced to the carnival of night
the day passes slowly into the vastness of the past
hungry eyes puddled with traces of regret
for all the places you've been and think you belong
for all the treasures of the past yet to be plundered
and all the sweetness to which your heart has succumb
convinced of the need to find a home
a place to breath easy
you take a few tentative steps to the road
in hopes of finding its easier than it seems
to kickstart your old bones
and write a new tale for you to sing
how do you feel down here at the end of your last dime
finger-licking good or foretastes of gloom
waiting here for the prize you know aint comin'
waiting here for the explanation you aint buyin'
thin and looking a little like a ghost
see you on the other side
mark john junor May 2013
hollow night
has sharp colors and
places deep where faces hide
places forgotten where even the hopeless dream
calling out along the night breeze
she held hope to hear answer that never came
she held out against fear and dared to dream
and then she found poems scrawled on the walls
a wordsmith who spoke to her soul
and she knew
she knew

opulent places of exquisite beauty
and desolate strip malls
with a single shopping cart in the empty
parking lot
she climbed in and he pushed  
her faster and faster
laughing free they
conquered the night and smiled
up at stars

two am in the summer is a palace
of the hopeful romantic
of the lonely shuffler dance seeking a song
and in the depths of hollow night
anyone even i can find a reason to endure
even i can seek a hand to hold

opulent palaces of the soul
and the magic is the heart that wanders
the hour with love in his or her mind

two am
and the suburbs are filled with distant sounds
the ever flowing highway
to the shuffle of the man carrying his home into
the depths of the night whistling a song of youth
the suburbs are moving in slow motion on the nightbrezze

two am and a shopping cart
lean down and kiss her
and in that moment love everything in the hope
and wonder you see in her eye
even a shadow like me could find life there
even a remnant like me could see a future there
mark john junor Aug 2013
ornate cage
lay in the small clearing
its rusted door shut
but it could not contain
it failed its birthright
it has an odor
like the blades of murders
like the taste of living in constant apprehension
drag its heavy steel frame
to the edge of the road
thinking to take it and destroy it
to be free
to be running

loaded heavy the truck
labored in the long hot miles
the ornate cage towering over its transport
the heavy air tears at it
and it leaves a reddish black trail
of rust like a decaying mind
and even the lesser of the nameless can track
as you race the tropical sun to the
killing floor

the rain is the whole world smashing down
from the livid grey sky
and the cold scrapes at my lungs
hunched over i grasp the cage
by its greasy handle
and drag it to the fire
the one that has burned here since time was forgotten
im gonna break this evil spell
i cast the cage into the flames
she breaks free and
the horrible cage of her lust
is running amok once again
the disassembled disease
of her lie is free to destroy
ornate cage is still nothing but a cage
no matter how much makeup your put on her
mark john junor Oct 2014
winter day
the cold burns
the music in my brothers room is loud
so i walk downstairs and outside
to the garage
and stand silent in the bitterness of winter
angry that i cannot have loud music
angry that i am not my brother
my heart thunders in my chest as i read the written phrase
this was madness in its infancy
this twisted place
i called home
this paper thin disguise
that hides us all
from ourselfs
she looked at me
but i could not see her
i could only see what i could not feel
this paper thin disguise
ugly and distorted
mark john junor Sep 2013
its late
and the stale September air feels
to linger on a hint of something impending
search for its meaning
but the stars are muted by sky
and.she lay here sleeping peacefully
so all the known
is reduced to stark words
penned to page so long ago
the instruments of its creation have since
turned to dust and bones
have become like September air
the forever transition
between warmth of loving summer
and the cold grip of winter

its late
and the September air is stale
in my chest
as I breath quietly next to my lover
as she dreams
of me
I entwine my hand in hers
and urge sleep to overtake me
so I can join her smiles
and run with her in our dream
mark john junor Dec 2013
the sun spreads her delicate wings
and gently taps you on the shoulder
as if to say that the
time has passed where the dearly have departed
leaving their notes of sad tidings
and their mortal skins upon the alters
have gone forward with eyes of open wonder
in search of the epic
in search of the great grand symphony
only to find the tale was spun
by a drunken monkey on a player piano
and now that the little ******* sleepin it off
we are left to our own devices
on this strange stretch of miles broken road
released from the sense of fear of the unknown
the separate faces finally get to speak their mind
all the fair and foul gets to crawl out
but if you can see past the prepared meal of crow
you find that its all about how you
spent or squandered the moments in that 'one' persons arms that
means the most
that's the real meaning and sum to all this
a shadow of regrets
or the warm golden glow of a souls true love
only you know that
only you know
if you travelled all this way
out into this cold night of a world for nothing or not
was that moment in her arms
worth it
mark john junor Sep 2014
night is the worst
so easy to believe that it'll never end
try and distract yourself
but the empty room presses in on you
no compromise with the lonely darkness we all carry
no half measures will suffice to rescue you from this living tomb
just please remember me in your darkest hour
just please know me in your hour of need
for my heart is with you always
no miles or years will change
nothing can undo
remember that my hand is always holding yours
remember that i have always loved you
even in your darkness
even in your madness
please remember me
that my heart will never leave your side
and know you have the strength to survive
to see our sunny day once again
mark john junor Jan 2014
it stopped raining after
some long hour had passed
the rain had simply faded like
shawled figure moving through the afterlife
just the signature of presence evaporating into the still air
like the quiet thunder of a doves wings in the evening shadow

a sense of walking the day down through its years
a child at dawn full of promise and wonder
a man full of strife and the heat of passions at noon
an old man gasping by the witching hour
see the day walk its life to the tomb
before the grand spectacle of night has finished

and the very damp ground was littered with leaves
pulled from their high towers and cast down by
the winds strong hand
dirt in clinging clumps decorate the once
vividly clean surface of her lawn chairs
she pecks at the debris with a rapid motion
wipe away the inglorious world with
her chatter is subtle but not unfriendly
as she offers tea
the long hour passes
as we instilled with small conversation watch
the overcast slowly dissipates
like her charm
it is fleeting
she at last asks about your day
with hands folded in her lap like two neat doves
fearfully waiting to fly in panic at such slight provocations

the rain left its signature on my life
both beauty and troubled thoughts gather beneath its wet canopy
all reach life in the waters of the world
all rise from child and fall to tomb
like rain falls back to the earth which birthed it
we all return to the soil
thick and rich loam full of the savaged remains of the fallen
and the seeds of the yet unborn
mark john junor Oct 2013
she turns to smile at me
and my head fills
with her voice
with her eyes lips thighs
like she has simply stepped into me
into my soul
and there she dances
there she lay
filling my senses
filling my heart
and i am just overwhelmed
willingly overdosed on her scent
on her lips
her soft skin
her every lovely inch
mark john junor Dec 2013
her words laid out before
me like a feast of the fanciful mind
and her inner demons like ravens of the soiled soul
hold themselves at the ready with wary eyes
her words spill in slow honey
smooth on the minds tongue
and leaves an aftertaste like mull wine
leaves one lightheaded and without inhibition
i become a drunkard of her thought
forever lounging near her lips in my mind
waiting for the intoxications to begin

my own words come like the unshaven behemoth
like the fair maidens foul brother
my conversation a meal with dance of the clumsy attempt
each step has a sticky note of scrawled apology attached
like new lovers trying too hard
being overly tender with eachothers words

her heart has spoken its mind
and she feels childish recanting its
written in stone meanings
so she follows
silently behind with her head hanging low
trying to be picture perfect
in the pliant girlfriend role

the inner demons like ravens of my own soiled soul
each moment spent like a misers coin
harpie fingers oiled grip
on the narrow metal
slipping ever so slowly past the eye
each day i sit here and watch as the sun settles
like dust onto the deadpan horizon
each day i pray fervently that i find
a better phrase than the one i live
mark john junor Oct 2014
her paint by number love affair
was planned down to his kisses
was everything she expected it to be
wasn't long before truth showed
it was a love like a paper flower
but it would never grow never thrive
it was just ink and paper rendering of
what could have been
her paint by number love affair
so sad and forlorn
pasted there on the wall
like child's keepsake
gives no warmth holds no future....
paint by number lovers
never argue
never cheat
hollow smiles carry no joy
meaningless pleasures under the covers
meaningless words that have no answer
paint by numbers love affairs so easy
so hollow
sad and forlorn
mark john junor Oct 2013
gathering dusk shrouds her
her voice pale and drawn
reaches me in a quiet storm of words
pale rider in the salt rain of her regrets
the armour shows the ready malice of intent
but the armour is tin foil
and the straw man fails to show a face
when his laughter is disrobed at its weakness
slowly the rider moves
devoid of expression on its painted face
a japanese folk song plays distant and tinny
as if from a cheap transistor radio
its forlorn singer pleads her knowledge
but the world had no response
but the steady pouring rain

the gathering dusk
he like the common household illustration
of poison control
'do not swallow'
is etched on his forehead
but the epitaph is oh so often ignored
he adjusts his fractured glasses
on the imbalance of his face
and grins the broken line of teeth
a warm inviting laugh full of happy intents
bubbles from within
he looks out from within the battered vessel of his life
and wishes in vain

in the border town
they meet
in the grainy and harsh candlelight
in the broke down cabin
at the woods edge
a pale rider and her now intimate companion
who's waterlogged life now
hangs in the balance of his random words
this is no tale of whimsical musing
this is the narration of enduring pieces of my life
frozen in the moment
and pasted with caricature to illustrate
the methods of madness not my own

she get up from the table
having finished her meal
washes her dish
and melts into the bed
without a trace of her words
or the darkness that she birthed
mark john junor Oct 2013
the echo ran along the wall
across the dew moist grass
and fell like a plea upon my ear
the sky was bruised to a deep blue
and as i fell to a dizzy thought
and found myself on my knees
isnt it strange we never notice
the pavement till we kiss it
and i frenched this piece

her southern belle voice
reached down into my dizzy thoughts
and with a strong finger grasp of her will
pulled me back to reality
and up off the floor
lest a skeeter get 'cha
i humbled a thanks
and together we made the parkway

the echo danced a little
ballerina twirl on my eye socket
for half the night
sky beginning to clear like my head
after all that deep winter snow is thousands
of miles north and a million years from here
the flashbulbs start popping
as some celeb wanders by
catch his drunk eye
and without having to say so
he wished he could swap places with me
as the camera hounds followed him up the road
poor slob
lest a skeeter get 'cha

the echo
waited in the denver snow
and followed to the motel down on broadway
where she probably still waits for me
to come tapping on the door
but that town is far behind me
and for that im grateful

her thin pale white hand
trembles on your arm
and she looks up at you
with a clear desire to be heard
push your yesterday
but your strength waxes and wanes
as versions of yourself
echo down the wall
across the dew moist grass
mark john junor Feb 2014
paper air planes made out
of tiny pieces of a torn up heart
they are red
but they have these streaks of black in them
it is a terrible blackness like rotting
thats unhappiness
it is poison
paper airplanes
tiny paper airplanes
he folds them quick and quiet at the stone wall
end of the driveway
at the bus stop where little old ladies dither away
long summer afternoons
tiny paper airplanes dogfight in the air
watch one go down in flames
made of the ripped up pieces of a broken heart
they are red
like fire trucks for the burning desire for her soft flesh
like alarm bells to warn off the unwary
they are red
tiny paper airplanes
one slips free
sees a cloud high up there where no paper airplane has dared
so far up in the wide open sky
none have ever even dreamed such a thing
he slips free and climbs
faster and higher
he climbs
mark john junor Apr 2013
shes wearing a jacket two sizes too big
and you can see she has been crying
but she smiles all shy and says shes fine
her voice little rough
but her hand is sure as it takes hold of yours
you know that no matter what
she wont let go
im scared
mark john junor Apr 2013
her obscure face in the cold bathroom
cigarette hangs limply from her
smooth lips
her words are few and spoken very softly
she asks if i like the girls room
her hand rests on mine
its so warm...too warm

she spent hours cutting paper into butterfly's
and taping them to the motel wall
all different colours
all different sizes

she removes her shirt and splashes water
on her bare skin
glistening in the buzzing overhead florescent light
there is a slight smile pasted on her face
eyes open a slit
i am worried about her
im not good at pretending
and she laughs at me a soft laugh
cups my face in one hand and tells me
thats shes fine
that if i wasn't her sisters man
she would jump my bones
i make her put her shirt back on

paper butterfly's
and her very human face
filled with tears
filled with fears
mark john junor Sep 2017
news paper pages
scatter along a ***** wind
some caught in fences separating
some free to climb into the forever of
deep blue sky pure sunshine
washed clean of the sins printed on its page
only photographs remain
a black & white image of the old man
feeding pigeons along the empty path
that lead him there

news paper pages
forever silently burning in a collapse of worlds
so old the smoke has died away
pages with masterful words written
never finding lips to uncage their meaning
a beauty of phrase that has never faded
a chain link barrier between what its
long dead author spoke eloquently
and the world disguised by years of dead dust
only photographs remain
a faded image of an old man
walking the sunset
a scattering of bread crumb's
stretching back along his trail
leading not into the living sky
forever shifting between dark and light
but into the dusty caverns of twilight
forever twilight

by candle light
he will pour over the things he never spoke
wishing only for a voice once more
a way to tell her
about all those yesterdays ago
the why's and whatnot's
that he fiddles with
like wooden toys ever more finely crafted
never to knowing play
never to escape the gathering dust

here he sits
in his comfy chair
tea and biscuits gone cold
and his lips ****** with gentle care
words written on discarded news paper pages
like bread crumbs scattered for
birds that never come
© 2017 mark john junor all rights reserved
mark john junor Apr 2014
paradise's parking lot
vast field of asphalt and lampposts
empty in daylights hours...
on its most distant edge
where trees overhang and
weeds have encroached in pavement's fissures
the buick sits in shade and silence
immersed in birds song and seabreeze

she sits on the hood
her patchwork quilted hippy dress brightly shines
in soft textures and scents
beads and bracelets with bells on her ankle
she is deep beauty in soft sand
an agent of the souls better natures
her form embraces the sunlight
that escapes through the overhead canopy of leaves
it dances on her skin like liberty's celebration
like lovers entwined in
passions kiss aftermath of lonesome song

a bird lands nearby and with
loud cry speaks of the hot sand and threadbare grass
with a hot voice describes the lush life it lives
and its dreams of rivers of wind
my pen has paused
she is talking to me in such soft voice now
asking if i am hungry
we sit in the peaceful edge of paradise's parking lot
where nature has stained manmade perfections
with its vibrant life
eating the salty butter bread sipping the **** wine
and wait for my pen to find its words again
waiting for the time to pass
(fiveashes parking lot)
mark john junor Mar 2015
her paris dreams had become jersey jaded
but she held onto the romance at heart
after all you can take the dreams out of the girl
but you'll never stop the girl from being a dreamer
and its the beautiful things in the world
that were close to her heart
and it was the beauty inside her that counted
and she was a field of stars in the night
she was a dreamer and a lover
she was summer and joy
she had paris dreams that were as big as the sky
she had paris dreams as warm as her heart
alive with every breath her dreams lived for her
and she for them
her paris dreams will never really die
they are sunshine
even jaded they are beautiful
mark john junor Jul 2017
she said the rain reminded her of Paris
can almost hear the cafe's and distant lovers laugh
can almost feel Paris 'neath my feet
she is Paris in my mind
Paris in the rain...

melancholy on her face with that distant heartfelt...

the rain slips away
she said she wanted to walk in the garden
in summer bloom
linger there by shady tree...

rest herself on the wooden bench framed in sunshine
her perfume lingers on the trail
of her soft footsteps
a seductive path to her secret heart
she says she is compelled to ask
but the silence follows her words...

her long white dress
reflecting beautifully in the summer air
her long white dress
once reflecting enticing moment at a time
she hums the tune to that song
the one she so loved in Paris
the one that played on that night of joys
the one that she held him so much
not me    not me    not me
she is Paris in my mind
Paris in the rain...

I am withdrawing from the beautiful image of her
without moving she is getting farther and farther away
no more Paris in the rain for me
no more song for me
she will always be that Paris in the rain
Paris in the rain

© 2017 mark john junor all rights reserved
mark john junor Jan 2016
out to sea
countless miles hand to the tiller
to find that brief moment
on the crest of a twenty foot breaking wave
as a nor'easter wilds the sea
when you glimpse it
in the stillness between heaven and earth

she hid in her bedroom
looking at a late fall paris passing rainstorm
and on the run down east side facing the setting sun
she could just make out another lover fleeing town with
his creditors in hot pursuit
he owed so much for the words he had abused
up on paris's boothill
the gunslingers and thieves wouldn't have ya
it was in that darkest hour she glimpsed it in the mirror

under the bewitching stars
in the anvil of desolation's wasteland of high desert
on the cusp of the suns imminent rise
you can see it in the broiling fire
as the edge of the world itself appears to burn
you can see clearly that this end
of your little world
is but a door which you stand at the threshold
many times in your life
step into the fire or frying pan
step into the next world you will live in
or try vainly to escape into the past
mark john junor Jun 2013
music echoes across the lot
two different songs shouting at each other
from two different pa speakers
it grates on the mind
vendors make desperate pleas for your pocket
but no buyers come round
they are all lined up waiting
for morning to kick in
like the bottom of the five day old
*** of coffee

flags flowing in stark contrast
to the vivid blue sky
and western shore breeze
the day is a carnival of fools
steady stream of
carefully stepping beach hatters
and sand pickers

nailed to my parking space universe
with my table and odd wares
bent back roasting under the heavy sun
rich with the taste of
yesterdays feast for souls
replete with the texture of tomorrows
bright and vivid blue dream

haggle price till voice harsh
feels odd to your mind
but your loved ones smile
at your antics and embrace you

the music has faded from the lot
as the sun slips into the sea
pulling your leftovers in a cart
you breath your way back to the hole
in the streetlight reflections
and under the eyes of the watchers
and the girls with eyes glittering
hungry souls needing coin
look ma no editor!!! its like running down the street with no clothes shouting "haha hehe look at me im neked!!!" LOL
mark john junor Jun 2013
the lazy fool walks slowly along the path
one hand rests comfortable on the instrument of
his own sense of sensibility
but its feared by all behold him
and his carnival of tricksters

my dream walk along the sand
and she sings a small tune she knows so well
one that leaves stains on the soul
like the trademarks of obscene merchants
its a destiny that cavorts along the easiest line
path of least resistance
but denying her was never in my strong suite
it always leads to madness
but that's least of my worries on this thick summer night

drunk with possibility's
the lazy fool
chases us thru the tidal basin
and into the passionless woods
where lovers get lost
among the plagiarism of their hearts
and the thieves of the tender
my dream spends her days
rescuing the misbegotten from that forest of misfortune

no time to waste on this fool
we disarm him of his his instruments
he cannot manipulate the past as easy
as he dose with the future
and we all see finally
that hes the same one we elected last year
and all the years behind that we have suffered
time to find salvation in sending him packing

so leaving all
the lovers to their own mercy
the fool will be forsaken
and we can have some peace at last
mark john junor Jun 2013
misers gather coins at the gate
collecting for the grand empire gone to dust
each coin taken in is caressed with greasy fingers
before being gently placed in the old tin cup
like a band of beggars and a sack full of lies
they are grateful for their small fortunes

outside a stranger passes slowly by
in the heavy rain
a light in his angry fist
that shines out dully with his agony's of doubt
to illuminate the shadows where his love has fled
he spends his days pounding on the doors of every home
seeking the room where he locked away his dreams
leaving no stone unturned he treads softly in the boneyard
seeking the places he may have buried his hope
he will hunt thru the night for a dry fingernail to chew
for a small place to hide and a reason to  bear the unbearable
and wait for the rain to end

the fallen leaves gathered like a tide at his feet
like a spreading death shroud for the days we called our own
the air tasted like blood and wine
the ***** wind gripped our eyes long into the night
carries on it the tears we wept falling from grace
the ones with hope laid it down and took up the faces of fear
we are the ones who gather up such hope
re-sell it in the border towns and dark soulless motels

fools celebrated in the shadows of the hearts crying out
but they fashion tools to carve new lives out of the old
a veritable army of a hundred lackluster minds
as one they commence to make the mountain into a mole hill
when they are done it will be no bigger to anyone except them
so proud of their wares as seen on tv
they buy stock in the ideal that less is more
and its more or less the end of all things
misers gather coins at the gate of this obscene theater
laughing at the ease of it all
its more or less the story of it all
so ends the poem to end all poems
a dark little ditty for a far too quiet night in a spooky motel
mark john junor Jul 2014
she laid her eyes on me like twin regrets
her face was full of the dark hours
full of graveyards of her truths once held so high
now she stumbles in the hasty shadows of
storms riding the coastal highway
in the company of men who had
seen brighter days of their own
they break off a piece of stale bread and pass on the difference
all with an eye to the gathering rain
all with an eye to the long road
i stood near to her
and we spoke a few words before fate could drag her off
her words were plain
but behind you could see the rich tapestry
of what could have been
a life wrenched from its true line
to follow the coastal highway
to follow the setting sun
they break stale bread and pass the difference on
mark john junor Nov 2013
pastel monotone thoughts paint
an image of me in her mind
complete with shrinkwrap
and a bright smiley face sticker
her eager hand sweats the dealt moment
she awaits with impatience for
her daily christmas time package
her daily reprise of her happy moment
she remembers it with fondness
her pastel colours spread slowly
like an intellectual STD
a malfunction of the common man
she is a true modern miscreant
she wants a pretty girl lover
that comes complete with emo look a like
laptop gamer girl
attached the hip down to matchin **** selfies
a hundred smooth moves and cheat codes
she wants the complete package at the discount rate
shes a card carrying member of
some fan girl fandango
she calls me captain saveahoe
street nasty superhero with kung-fu grip
trailing through the dank alleys
in search of the legendary ultimate dumpster
the prize of every divers wet dreams
wandering all night with a few vampire hangers on
looking for a fashionable means to a glorious end
meanwhile the corner girl is waiting on me
thinking i'm just trying to find her a safe place to be
she is my safe place and i'm hers
the few of us that survive the moment
stroll on through the rain
to the dairy queen
to see and be seen
dont cha' hate that whole show up
to show off
she lives to die for it
but thats ok
cause i love her just the same
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