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Mar 2014 · 572
bone white shards (recast)
mark john junor Mar 2014
he gathered the bone white shards
with great care in the near darkness
of the kitchen
the streetlights toxic amber light
burrowed into the silent house
curtailed by the narrow window
and lay unchanging on the pitted and greasy floor

his feet shuffle across that lighted square
he watches it intently as he passes over it

a few leaves of an intervening tree are
are silhouetted there as stark contrast
but he is numb to the contradiction
lighted floor tile with shadows of leaves
it makes him giggle inside like a giddy schoolgirl
the light is diseased and its so so nasty
ain't it delightful
saturated by shadows
his mind shuts off the unquiet thoughts
replacing it with something warm and fuzzy
like a warm blanket
a blanket party for the mind...
yes yes yes...beaten senseless

morning collapses the streetlights
mesmerizing light/shadow
for another day
he picks up the fine white china cup
that he drank coffee from all night
and smashes it on the floor with mock violence
where the streetlight had lain
the seed of his madness all night

the bone white shards
will lay as a dangerous reef until nightfall
when he will gather them to their grave
one more fine white china cup
one more day alone in the
not my usual thing to do this but it was requested by a friend, so here is the "recast" and we shall see what it dose
Mar 2014 · 406
thief of light
mark john junor Mar 2014
as the brazen thief of light
leads his army of ten thousand stout spears  
under the shelter of storms sweeping force
with as his dark eye fixed on the jewels of the kingdom
with his dark eye fixed on the crown of creation
his leathery skin glistens with the sweat of his labour
as he quietly moves his army forward

the soft light of fading sun
resolutely clings to to this small room
in denial of days end
in spite of the mighty arms of darkness approach
hear its struggle as the wistful dreamers of late day tries
to rouse themselves to battle this darkness approaching
hear daylights noisome futile pact to remain

the striving of darkness bursts in the door
and begins to fight its way across the room
a faceless army of shadow
knives threaded to the poison of light
spears aflame with the heat of battle
and before this irresistible tide
sunlight retreats with weeping and resolutions to return
fill the void with a vast force unkempt
with a mighty host blade tried and true
liberate the world from
darknesses cold hand

darkness reigns in the room for
seeming untold hours made up of years

look to the east
and see the rising might of sunlight
feel the furnace hot vengeance as it now strives forth
ten thousand swords emblazoned with the suns anger
marching out of the east like a tide
to reclaim what was so wrongfully taken

the brazen thief of light too late catches wind of his doom
and with frightened eye calls upon
the rushing tide of his army to withdraw from this doom
but they are locked in conflict
and torn asunder
he flees with accursed fear upon his face
and limbs flogging the hard road
back to the darkness from whence he came
to raise another dark army
that will fill the horizon with the spears of spite
reclaim what was so wrongfully taken
mark john junor Mar 2014
winters day getting a tan in my yard
i can feel the ocean of the spring breeze
taste its intoxicating salt and sand on the air
feel its breathtaking beauty as the sea washes up on me
only a few hundred feet through that tangle of palms and
tangles of quick brush
lay wide open lush sands
and forever summers soft light
and the beautiful breaking waves

in staunch hand needed but the
deeply tanned smile on the old mans face
as he holds out a greeting and offer to run out to your skiff
but you'd rather swim
at last the days full face comes to bear

a hippie family roasts hot dogs in a pit fire
and you share some white wine
music plays from a transistor radio
that has seen better days
but this is the land of forever summer
and nothing can taint the smile you share
with your lover
nothing can touch the soul deep
expression of joys
Mar 2014 · 1.8k
no more running
mark john junor Mar 2014
the choices made
just the sitting alone in the dark
of your own waiting
the waiting for the truth to come on up the road
but that could be a long wait indeed

counsel yourself not to spend what
you got foolishly
cause you never know what tomorrow will bring
it might bring rain
mayhap the burning season will come again
mayhap the road will finally take me home
stead of further away

sitting here listening to the steady approach of thunder
like a parade in a lazy summer town
i been thinking perhaps i should just keep running
till there aint no more running to be done
mayhap ill cry till there is nothing but salt water seas
perhaps ill do evil things till there's nothing but darkness
mayhap ill set the night on fire
then maybe we can see a safe place to be
been thinking i should just keep running till
there aint no more running to be done

cause iv gone the distance
and nobody cared
still it rained
and still the men dressed in black
laid innocence out for the plunder
still the evil men came two by two
and all i could do is watch as the world swept her away
and all i could do is die a little bit inside every day since

been thinking
i should just keep running till
there aint no more running to be done
there aint no more running to be done
Mar 2014 · 1.7k
mark john junor Mar 2014
she came in out of the dark rain
her guns hanging loose at the ready
her worn leather death hand just driftin above
the handle of her colt
eyes searching for the hard glint of steel
in the faces of the saloons crowded floor
but none had noticed her come in from the storm

she walked to the bar and called out
for a whiskey
leaned and let all but gun hand rest
as one of the prettiest bargirls came up
and smiled for a drink
without conversation the girl lead her
to a backroom
and this gypsy's night was filled with hot passions
and the gun hand was forgotten
in the sweet arms of virgina citys sweetest rose

but morning came with the rolling
of the steamtrains whistle
and the sheriff calling out the gun hand
she had laid some dog of a man low
for putting his hands on his woman
now she got to hang
cant be shootin our law abiding folk
we don't take kindly

this gunhand
this leather clad hard riding woman
with the softest sweetest heart
the kindest of souls
wasn't gonna let em hang her
for shooting down a ***** dog of a man
so she kissed sweet rose long an deep
and bid that sweet girl fare thee well
took up her colt

out into the dusty raw heat of
noonday sun she stepped with
her gun hand driftin over the **** of her colt
eyes blazin for the fool of a sheriff
who had come to lay her low in the name of justice
in the name of their lie of a town

they faced eachother and drew pistols
both got off a shot
one fell to the dusty earth
never to rise again
the other laid down pistol
and walked away
(for Amy...a humanitarian with a gunhand and a sweet smile)
mark john junor Mar 2014
as the thin snow fell into the darkness time fell with it
her abstract voice tastes to the ear like death
but the rages of sorrow in her words
are a cold road infested with implications
...of a warm home broken
of a world in ruins
of a girl who now lives in slow death

she sits on the edge of the bed
in her torn apart life
knees drawn up to her chin
and whisper/screams why wont anyone listen to me
why wont anyone help
and the darkness mocks with silence

she bathes
and dresses
care to each detail
brush through hair fifty two times
but it all feels so empty
it all belongs to another woman's life
there's something wrong and she just cant stand it anymore
she's screaming inside but goes on brushing her hair
but it all feels all so empty

standing in the yard
torrential rain
her makeup and clothes ruined
but she just stands there limply
staring off into the night
searching for an answer that she knows she will never know
but searches anyway
doesn't even know why
its just so empty in here
its just so empty
Mar 2014 · 661
mark john junor Mar 2014
great poems and death defying
feats of magic and wonder
of the romantic knight as they laugh and play
at this obscure bus stop
'neath the shady oak
spent years in the moments
cigarettes and dancing jester jig
for the smile of her laughter
this poorboy knight and his patch of dust
regales her with grande tales and epic poems
by the verge of the boston post road
waiting for the ramshackle bus
its steam engine labours creaking along
to bear us like king and queen
to our palatial kingdom behind the gas 'n go
(("Grande means "large" or "great" in
many of the Romance languages..." Source: wikipedia))
Mar 2014 · 479
slip into slumbering
mark john junor Mar 2014
this days bread
not a boastful feast with veracious laughter
but the quiet sharing of bounty
between thouse gathered
the conversations saunters like a comfortable man
of evening stroll in the bordertown marketplace
stop to taste of its local cuisine
savour its exotic beauties
and subtle touch

with the world withdrawn to night
we all sit on the veranda
and our laughter and words
fill the space the small light provides
with a rich deep texture
and scents our hearts with
feelings of togetherness and comradery

one friend who young face
gives credence to his optimistic forebodings
eagerly leans into chapter and verse
of politic and its verbal knives
seeking to blame with wit
the narrow disasters of finance
we all love our friend dearly
and shush such nonsense
turn the face on conversation back
to her warmer natures

she is my woman's friend
and  she spent the night with us last night
in our bed
soon to leave for humanitarian mission
to some obscure world away
she sits in my woman's arms like they have
been with eachother all their lives
it is such beauty to see two women
in such comfortable ease as lovers
they are both a delight to me

our hours grow thin
as sleep calls us all one by one
and gives us one by one to such dreams
as may our collective loves may bring
this is the best moments of my life
and are enduring in my heart
as i too slip into slumbering
in the arms in these two women
in the arms of love
Mar 2014 · 288
empires end
mark john junor Mar 2014
we stood together and watched
we were there at the empire's fall
watched as its tattered battleflag fell to
the ashen earth of its conquered cities

the weary children
of the empire scavengers in the rubble
of its lofty towers
and its grand palaces beaten down to hovels

our glorious empire
turned to dust
and the great men whos stout hearts
became that of legend
and forged our beloved empire
have now all fallen
their mighty deeds now only ink on pages
gathering dust on forgotten shelves

wail in the cold night
cry out in this darkness overcome our once bright homes
the shadow of proud people now cower in the ruins
as the heavy boot of foreigner's oppression takes root

and as the fires of our swift downfall now wane
the bitter and the cold seep into
the hearts hearth and home
my young ones weep now for the future
three white carts bearing the misery's of sorrow
three black carriages bearing the plague
approach in utter silence
mark john junor Mar 2014
the day like a beautiful woman
beguiles you from the dark path that
your troubles lead you
the spring air itself seeks to
enlighten and revive

but stained is the canvas on which you
are painted
and while they are rich in flavour
the hues in which you are rendered are
filled with traces of the darkness that begat you
and even the hint of which leads you to this place

a whooping crane glides close to the chop of the water
wheeling on the turn of the breeze
the lakes dark waters give no tale to its depths
only reflects the jewels of the sun

you stand there in the shade of a pinetree
and with stillness grasping you heart
watching the day unfold unhurried
it tries once again to beguile you from these
shadows of thought
with the sounds of children's joyful play
and the rush of eagerness as a passenger jet rises high above
delivering its fragile cargo to bright futures
to the travellers quest to discover the lost country
and find their own kingdoms under the sun

but after such time as this
it takes more than mere distractions
to bend a life's path

i would give much to see your smile
would offer to stand the night-watch
with the weary men of the dutch gate
would render worlds with the pen
but you cast aside such things
this is your own dark road and
alone upon it you must tread
((begat, beget...apples and rocketships))
mark john junor Mar 2014
leaning on the far side of half awake
fragments of poems flowing and falling round
with glimpses of things real and imagined
roads taken and thouse that only dreams tread
out of this soft maelstrom she moves like a ghost of blue silk
out of the silent dance of half sleep
on the edge of reality's cage
she lay down with and with ever gentle hand
brushes away all the fragments floating
and gives with beautiful gaze
a single perfectly formed phrase
like a piece of music in the larger symphony of her life
and after making sure that i had a firm grasp on the lines given
because she knows what a silly forgetful boy i can be
she kisses me awake
with that giggle that i was so fond of
twenty one years
twenty one years
Mar 2014 · 507
a lean mean cruelty machine
mark john junor Mar 2014
a lean mean cruelty machine like her
saunters into the room
thick with the thieves in her eyes
and the slow drawn tongue on her dry lips
as she lowers her thin hard frame onto the couch next to me
and vomits harsh words all over me
before placing one pale hand softly on my thigh
and begins to move it ever so slowly in a circle
like a suggestive vulture circling a piece of meat
now her phrases are a songbird of beauties
as she narrows in for the ****
pure cold viper in ripped up t-shirt and filthy jeans
i was in love before she even made it across the carpet
Mar 2014 · 2.1k
of a lesser throne
mark john junor Mar 2014
she turned the questions in her eyes aside
and stealing away in the quiet
of the pine forest winters day
the taste of wood smoke was tangible on the sharp cold air
and his eyes hunted the ridge crest for sing of flames
as they hurried their steps along the rough hewn track
she carried the child whos silent contemplation
showed his understandings of the gravity of this flight
the bundle of possessions on his shoulder
weighed upon his mind
counselling himself not to regret casting it all aside should need arise

the woman and child so fragile and dear to his heart
mean so much more than mere trinkets of gold
he would surrender without pause life and limb to spare them
she was a smoky version of bobby dylan
complete with winged snakes in each hand
complete with a crown of jewels
and the thousand words dance
he was a seafaring man

they reached the shore of the sea
and found the wreckage of a sailing ship
her fine line speaking clear of her swiftness
and her appointments show without shyness
that she was of the finest portugal shipyards
they spent days making her seaworthy
laying up in the harsh tropical sun
neath the palm trees drinking *** from her stores
they put to sea in the birth of the new year
singing 'goodbye spanish ladies'
the three of them on the skiff tacking up-channel
trying to determine latitude by sighting
but a fog rolls in off the coast of grande bahama
as dawn breaks

man woman and grown child
the miles and the treasures cast aside
each wore on open hearted face
but neath the weary of sea miles
was their joys in the true riches
of eachothers soft hand entwined as they sailed into
a golden dusk
of a lesser throne
a kingdom of the sea
(Viana Castelo shipyard to be precise)
mark john junor Mar 2014
the metal man sits in the nights comforting shadows
only the utterances of his steam engine soul
reveal his presence
phrases like prayers still fall from cold lips
on his polished bronze face
but the conviction they once held
now bitter and faded
taste of rust and tainted oils

the metal mans hand twitches
and folds on the armchairs rest
unconsciously seeking the comforts of its creators hand
seeking comfort and absolution
at the counsel of soulless

pity this dark creature stitched in misery's shadows
his metal heart labours on to his fate
like the mindless apostles of hate
but neath that cold dark lens lives a soul

no man or woman is beyond redemption
none can speak to that tale that have not walked its bitter road
pity this dark beast as much as you ware its hand
we are all children neath the anvil of the sun
we are all born innocent
we all die alone

the metal man now unmoving
silence slowly spreads over him
as the rust of the living world creeps upon
and claims him
i stand there next to him
watching the fires of his engine dim and flicker
watching as the phrases like prayers falling coldly
from his brass carved lips slowly trickle to a halt
as his will returns to the sand
that created him

pity this creature as much as you ware his dark hand
the darkly world comes
lens of his eye dose not perceive you
only what its design impels it to believe
only the tissue of lies that are its dreams
sanguine the metal man now rust
comes undone
Mar 2014 · 442
with the disciples of ink
mark john junor Mar 2014
my hand drawn to the pen and the pen to page
like the need to breath
like the need to struggle to better my lot in life
i am drawn to the desire to speak with this ink on page
it fills my dreams with visions and
leaves me with burning desires
to lend my hand to the struggle against the darkness rising
its pushes and pulls upon my soul
as it wrestles these words from my heart
and strikes them upon the page
like hammer striking stone

and the fire of these words consumes me
with the stretching and longings
with the need to speak what they say and
to find  any ear to listen

like a bargain with the devil himself
i cannot set the task aside
cannot leave the words unspoken
like addictions it would leave me starving
and un-mourned in the dark gutter
so its face see the light of day
so its truth both beautiful and bitter not be known

listen you now to these things
know that its no passing whim
know that its the death of me
with my devoted love to the last letter
for this thing is a dark beauty
it will repay your devotion tenfold
with joy or pain
and thats the bargain i made with
the devils of the dictionary
with the disciples of ink
mark john junor Mar 2014
the metal man
his arms weaponized and poised at the ready
sanguine his face carved in bronze
the 'darkly world has come' is the lens of his eye
disturbs sublimely the world as it peers
in narrow perception at the swift and reckless
life of flesh and bone that moves all around his cold body

darkly come are the phrases like prayers uttered
spoken with reverent malice
spoken like evils true loves

neath the forest of life's sounds
the labours of the steam engine that fuels
this poor dark beast of a metal man
sputters and heaves as its malformed intents
work to move him to his destiny's grave

peaceful is this place in the world
the winter sun dazzles the walkway neath snowbound tree
as if by design such tender care made such devices
to reach such metal creatures hidden heart
to wrestle its soul from its dark purpose

  twisted is the logic that pressed innocent metal
to such dark works
enslaved it to the meat of vile tongue
and the bitter wine of such inhuman misery's

so here it tread in the gardens of eden
its weaponized arms matching its uneven gait
as it moves slowly neath the leaves
its 'world come darkly' lens forever focused
on the ever narrow path of its fate
pity this creature as much as you ware it
neath that dark eye the innocent metal
it knows not how to break the iron grip of its master
Mar 2014 · 338
focus number five
mark john junor Mar 2014
the addled man sits
with his eyes wide as the photographer focuses
his lost scraps of tangible thought
he sews into a tapestry
of foolish creations
such charm may be found
in the playground of amused twisted creatures

but the grip the shadow he casts
crawls across the sun strewn lawn
like a creature of thirsts
tangled in its spoken vision is the
frame of the house of the mad
this shadow he bleakly thrusts at me
is rife with the rumours of tomorrow
but make for a thin meal in the aftermath of today

he sits with his glasses on
smudged with stained greasy fingerprints
like a visual history of his labours to seek this
understanding with a brutal sunny day
the scraps of his meager thoughts
swirl round and round the stew of his mind
the bitter things float
the sorrows pool to one side in toxic lakes
edged by the serene images of summer

the shadow his eyes chase finally reaches the church wall
and he bemoans a loud spectacle of a prayer
to the divinity of the photographers gentle hand
redeem me with your lens
stitch a new meaning to this tattered life
mere reflections of the world captured by her hand
through the lens
through the shadows he flings with
careless abandon wherever his raggedy preamble
of a life gathers him
mark john junor Mar 2014
the room is devoid
but she sits there with a weak candle flickering
its barren carpet reeks of death
but the trails in its dust speaks of life's presence
water falls through the open window
and along the line of its realm things like children grow
but they are children of a dark wood
and their frightened faces make methods of
fleeing the sun
so we can neither aid them nor deny them passage

she waits and watches this theatre of the macabre
and except the plate of food and the mug of ale
nothing but the pages she has burnt remain
on the oak desk
thouse pages held within them a world unto itself
a seaside town where a man lived once
a seafarer and scholar who had understandings of
these things like this accursed room that holds her
in an addiction to the corruption of souls
she hungers the dark
and dreams that deaths kiss is warm and loving
she dreams that she is a creature of the night

drink of the ***
drink of the wine
but you will never wipe away such visions
they will remain near to thy heart to the end of your days

and the stair with the wood about
is a midnight palace of the legions of mighty creatures
that cannot be seen in the light of day
moonlight is her companion and her friend

i sit in the easy chair
with the refuse of a thousand years of learning scattered at my feet in useless protest at the futility
to love someone who loves death
her slow daily death is her complete pleasure
its a death that crawls slowly up her tender bare skin
like the caress of timeless lover who's sharp teeth draw blood
who sup's and drinks at the deep well of her soul
like a creature of the night

its a death full of dark romance and pleasures endured
like she is a creature of the night
and her words are written in magical verse
unsettling to the ear to behold
but brings such fires to heart
bring such longings to the bitter cold night
in the north yonkers weddings park
that she walks in with such beautiful life in the arms of death
have him as a lover
his cold hands finding the delicate lace of her tongue
and in his forever kiss
she breaths on
like a creature of the night
(for the north yonkers girl with the keys to the wedding park...
for thouse familiar with the legend of untermyer park in yonkers new york (i lived in yonkers several times) will no doubt get a bit of a laugh out of this little ditty, everyone else will think its just dark poetry.)
Mar 2014 · 3.6k
true love of her girlhood
mark john junor Mar 2014
she pours me a glass of wine
and with overgentle hand caresses my cheek
tells me a tale from her long ago
in a strange voice like smoke
tells me me of a love that chimed like the bells of spring
rang straight and true
like carefully crafted glass slippers on the night dancer
like all the comfortable things that she keeps
in the closet of her heart

pulling out the decorations in dusty celebration
of the summer night years past
with the photographs sad with their smiles
that true love of her girlhood
standing in the dusk holding his hand
and the kiss like a king and his blushing princess bride
she was so nervous she left her shoes on the lake shore

and when he was gone to the distant winter gate
she lingered by the icicle window tracing with
a finger hearts with his name
she laughs with a ghost of a tear
over how silly she had been
her first kiss hadn't been with such fanfares
and flowing silken robes
but with some handsome lad
who is now lost to the vastness of years
but she still has the picture of her in that dress
standing on the lake shore with shoes in hand
while the carnival spun in the background like a drunken man
whos song has given way to his lament
mark john junor Mar 2014
the grey sandy soil
gives neath footfall
as he hitches up his oversized jeans
and nervously fumbles with his broken glasses
a caricature of indecisive recluse

his worked hands covered in soils
grips and relaxes with the rise and fall
of the conversation
his tattered shirt haphazardly buttoned
has a lone cigarette sticking its bent form
from the lip of the pocket
like the last standing solider
content to remain till his fiery end

the ditch he labours in
stretches back in crooked line
along the fence
deep in places and shallow in others
like a drunken hedgehog making a shoddy home
he stops and looks back wiping the tide of sweat
from his face
and squints against the setting suns
brilliant golden light
mumbles some rational reason invented
and dismisses all concept of repair

this earthen work of the hobbled mind
shall remain into the windswept rain and years
slowly loosing its form
as the world itself shifts in discomfort
but the man himself will remain to memory
forever unchanged
a hearty laugh rich with the
earthen tones of life well lived
a man that remains forever in sunlight
a man among men
my friend
mark john junor Mar 2014
the silhouette of two girls kissing
deep into the caress
deep into the tender
like they are plundering with feather light touches
in the flickering lamplight
the music drips through the dark room
like the leaking of bobby dylans mind
his voice torn asunder with spoken tears
with the gravel of a thousand hard roads alone in the heat
of an unforgiving sun
the girls are wrapped tight to eachother
like bubble gum wrapped in satin
you cant cast aside such delicate force of nature
it will saunter down and ask so sweetly
for you to take a powder while the girls get nasty

i sit on the hood of her buick
primer grey and fast
as fast as thick blood
and watch the stars dance on the chrome
and breath the thick air and see death dance on my fingertip
but most of all i see her silhouette leaning down
over me and sweetly asking
for my last breath
put cowboy boots to pavement walkin into the future
dragging the past that she wants
into the motel of the sun with its neon moon
where these two lover girls lay out by the pool
and soak up the sun till the world is in darkness
soak up the love like cherry soda
and plunder

the dance slow on the bed
while i'm curled on the carpet
but there's no desperation to be found
except in poor bobby dylan as he drips
like fine wine from the speaker
and intoxicates my dreams
with her eyes
with her thin bright wet lips
and her softly sweetly asking once more
to give it up honey buns
gimmie your last breath
silhouette of two girls french kissing plundering tender
so romantic
so loving
so long bye bye
Mar 2014 · 664
bread of the mind
mark john junor Mar 2014
she breaks the bread of her mind
and hand feeds it to her child
its young eyes look at her with
questions unanswerable

the bitter food of her deviant thought
helps sculpt its newborn mind
to the tattered doctrines of her own dark past
to the illness that her heart breeds
this should not be....should not be

years unfold like the passing clouds
silent spectators of the hidden things
that were behind that door
behind the closed shades of that home
the child did not grow
only festered like the weeping of an open wound
this should not be...what is to be done...who will stop this

the worlds days flutter past
the windows without pause
to their endless flight

as the child now sits alone with its tainted self
in the thick air of its room
listening to the sounds of angers in
another world across the hall
a world it cannot understand
a world that should be filled with loves but is only a battlefield

as we see this child now in our hearts eye
we too cry out with
what dark things our empathy beholds
feel helpless in the face of such

as we see this child in our hearts eye
it reaches down and breaks the bitter bread of its mind
and hand feeds it to the plastic doll that it calls
Mar 2014 · 751
sea and sand
mark john junor Mar 2014
just the outline remains
like a silhouette of happiness faded
like a footprint of a past joy
in the dusk cannot perceive where it has gone
only mark its point of passage
in the soft cold sand
where the brittle rough edge of concrete
juts out from the tangled undergrowth
now just a rain soaked ruin
now just discarded shell someone called home

the rotted planks and shattered glass
litter the ground a maze of pieces
like some lunatics puzzle box
spread for contemplation's amusement
there amongst the jewels of rot
a single small face etched in the grey weatherbeaten stone
the detailed portraiture done with
adorations care
a young woman with long hair flowing
a young woman with captivating smile
now fading slowly in tropical sun
etched on the worlds edge
here amongst the spoiled walls
and broken windows

moonlight now casts its otherworldly light
down through the torn roof
like it is fishing here for mens dreams
which it hungers for
to speed it on its journey
i cast it the morsels of my once loved
i cast it a trail of hearts crumbs
which the moonlight follows on down
the silent street
like a small boy returning home late in the day
with a pocket full of strange treasures

i lay here fitfully dreaming
as mornings heat intensifies to full blown day
jaundiced by the seabreeze i crawl forth
and sit once again
to stare at the etching of the girl
as it is slowly eaten by sea and sand
time may not heal all wounds
but it will consume all the wounded
as it consumed her
Mar 2014 · 355
a universe of warm suns
mark john junor Mar 2014
the flower she holds
reflected in her eyes
like a sparkling jewel set in crisp blue satin
with startling loveliness and wistful kind words
it seems to me that the world was an afterthought
she was the perfection that creation needed
the angel to top off the universal christmas tree
the flower tries in vain to compete
but its even a whisp of her in passing
that sends ones mind spinning
just the notion of her makes my heart miss its rhythm

the flowers make wonderful decorations
at the temple each man who has known her
has built
where some sneak away in stealth of night
and gaze up with such wicked wonder at her likeness
but i and others wear her upon our sleeves
like proud hearts singing
like devoted acolytes of a better goddess
she holds up a flower and i see its reflection
in her eyes
the flower is just a thing
she is a universe of warm suns
Mar 2014 · 417
it has no coin
mark john junor Mar 2014
celebration of the softer mind
its weak hand flutters along the edge
of its misspoken and brittle cakes of haphazard thought
tasty sweets to distract
distilled from the lesser thoughts of some brilliant mind
its watered down textures is vile
to the tongue
but one must find the strength to utter it
lest you be thought too frail to press on with the greater good

she shivers inspite the thick bundle  of her cloth
and looks with pleading up to the ignorant sun
can you do nothing to warm me she inquires
but the suns bliss is uninterrupted
as in its daily wanderings it could ill conceive such creatures
so far below milling about under its brilliant beauties

so in celebration of the softer mind
we pick up our lacklustre thoughts
and dragging them behind like some misbegotten
carriage of poorboys laughable creation
we pick our way east along the kings highway
looking for floozies and harlots we could sit and pass the
time with in gentile repose
they know the truth of kindness
and know it has no coin
so while you may think it strange
that my lover and i seek such minstrels of carnal dances
we understand that the finest linen dose not always
make for such fine thread to keep out the worlds cold
the truth of kindness is that it needs no coin
Mar 2014 · 870
she is a poem in my dreams
mark john junor Mar 2014
golden highlights in her hair
she is a poem in my dreams
written in the shadows of the world
filled with gentle light that is my world
she sat with me while i slumbered and we talked away
like the oldest of friends sharing the unfolding of our lives
the smile she has given
reignites my world
the warmth that she herself is
has rekindled my hope
she breaths life into the
mystical dreams of the world
with her giggles
she gives a rose made of smiles
to everyone she meets
her pen builds worlds
golden highlights in her hair
she is the poem of my dreams
every song i have ever sang
she is a living breathing sonnet of the world
written with such delicate beauty
with her heart
with her pen
i said to her
"you are a poem, written in the shadows
, full of in all forms...."
Mar 2014 · 839
waitress in the love cafe
mark john junor Mar 2014
the words only come
as she turns and walks barefaced
into the deluge of night
but they fail to turn her path from
this motorway travesty
the traffic gives no appeasement
and so i retreat alone back to the civility of light
the waitress from the dinner
in her crisp black uniform is a soft vision of
transient beauty in this dark world display
her sharp step on the tiles is made clear by
the click of high heels
with genuine concerns painted vividly
on young face hovers over me
with instruments of refreshment
and implements of less casual soul meats
she gives comforts and care
to my wearied thought
she defines the end of her entertainments
with her sharp pencils pendulum scratchings
with bill in hand
i am loosed upon the night once more
now alone to roads delights
homeward bound
Mar 2014 · 428
wanton desires
mark john junor Mar 2014
the carve of morning light
is hard against the grain
but i navigate its demure maiden
and her demands of devotion
and set out alone for the beach to find the
goddess of night

there along the boston post road
laying in the thick miami sun
with her scented petals and potions in small containers
she lingers her wet lips behind the crisp cold glass and watches
the vivid colours of the flowers and regalia
backdrop her thoughts as she waits for a setting sun

languishing in the ****** tropical night
adorned with only moonlights kiss
she reclines on soft warm sand
with her attentive lovers caress
and give sweet voice to their wanton carnal dreams

her lovers
both man and woman speak to her with
gentle kisses from such tender loves
and with such burning naked lusts
that it feels like they are feasting upon her with
their lips and hands
a deep longing and powerful tide of ecstasy's warmth
washes over her
she releases herself to its pleasures

afterwards with a lingering hand
she bids her lovers farewell
and wistfully walks barefoot up the sandy shore
carrying her sandals and basket of rhymes
she will flee north only to return
like a changing of seasons
to this empty stretch of beach this time next year
to find her lovers once again
and know once more the carefree loves and wanton desires
Feb 2014 · 372
in the winter sky
mark john junor Feb 2014
it was a winters night
the air thick with cold
a thin veil of snow dancin its way to the the
the dead earth tangle of leaves and twisted vines
an odd echo follows her words
as the cold steals them off her sweet lips
it distracts from the meanings of her deity gazing argument
and i allow the conversation to die a fitful death at the hands
of her discomfort
wanting only to hold her hand
but denied by the harsh truths in her stance
by the tears she inflicts by proxy
we resume our walking with a silence between
like a rough thief his filthy hand on our hearts

the snow becomes heavy
and the taste of cold is bitter
she shivers as we reach her door
she pauses me in my distracted mumblings of fumblings
and invites me in with an odd voice unspoken
so we lay warming ourselves silently by the fire
watching it define itself with its own soul searching dance
she reaches out and takes my hand
and without a word begins to weep
i pull her to my arms troubled but not breaking the silence she keeps
like a fortress of shadows
like a dark army dressed all in black
become a funeral procession at war with itself

we did not say a single word to eachother that whole night
we made love there on the dusty carpet
and slept fitfully wrapped in eachothers needy arms
like two lost fearful minstrels wearing the same terrible tale in a mournful song
i can still hear it in the taste of her tears
when she was near her ****** she stopped and looked deep into my eyes
kissing me with such gentle hand
like forgiveness as the tears began to fall once again
we made love again and like the wine dried to the bottom of our well
we pushed it aside to find comforts in slumber
and eachothers nervously tender embraces

outside the snow fell like a soft mountain
deep and thick with its own tale of dark princes of night
deep and thick with its own tears of memory
somewhere in the distant mountains
a stranger run to the river to fetch water
trying to appease the fire that consumes his world
the shouts of desperate urge painted thick on this cold cold wind
disturbing our dreams

till the cold dawn broke the overcast with bright scorpions of sunlight
through the high windows
falling on the wine stained dark wood floor
where she had left a note for my waking minds confusions
and so she had fled my world
on the steam train headed north
headed back into the winter
leaving me in the windswept dunes
watching gulls swim in the winter sky
alone without words to heal
alone with just a aching memory of her body in my arms
Feb 2014 · 574
she is poetry
mark john junor Feb 2014
the trials of the free mind in gilded cage
reflected in the ever changing cityscape of this hovel
but even unadorned ramshackle house
has the beauty of heaven in the grace of her presence

she is the
narrow span of spoken emotional poetry
its free verse flows in her auburn dreadlocks
and in the delicate shift of her adorned wrist
its bejewelled hushed metal chatter the sounds of her bracelets
but the true verse of this eloquent breathing walking poem
is the warmth and loves that shine
in her gothic eyes

she is
ethereal and subtle creature laying
uncovered and ****** in my tangled sheets
with the whisper of sleep on her soft painted lips
Feb 2014 · 454
random optional seating
mark john junor Feb 2014
starry eyed dreamers once caged
by the limits of their lives
push past the fences the world erects
and with their devotions to the freedom
of the heart they paint with lenses the
worlds kittens and cream hidden
in the burnt out shells of cars in a field

and the lost can always be found
by the banks of the rivers dream
with tents shielding from the overripe summer sun
and transistor radios churning out
a tin mans version of stairway to heaven
while the poor girls knit socks the rough boys wrestle
and there's catfish on the fire
for the all night feast

grown accustom to the light hand
and comfortable bed
easy to forgery a smile when the soul is corrupt
she says long as you don't linger where you cash it in
the living is easy long as its another's life
she winks easy as her hand slides like jelly down towards my pocket
but iv done the road and asphalt make bad bedfellows
so i push off serenity and her neon mile dream
push onwards to a place in a sun
river faces and clockwork planes overhead
by the setting sun
and cool sea
Feb 2014 · 490
and we dream
mark john junor Feb 2014
her exquisite laugh
decorates the night air
while the freelance jesters look for
pennys on the ground
she rides the limelight she makes
and dances a quick two step on her
very own red carpet roll-out
while her kid brother flicks the light on and off
parody of paparazzi
its a pizza night and they pass
the special smile round like a litre bottle of coke

long after the party broke up
she lingers in the mirror
debating her narrow hips
and dreamy thinking of some special boy
she would dish the salacious details in full
but  none of that really happened
just like a kid in an ice cream shop
wants all the flavours all the time

its been years
but she tells the tale vividly
while looking at old pictures with such
as mystical tears in her hearts eye
shes all grown up
but we are all still young someplace inside
i kiss her goodnight
and we dream
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
tear drop inn
mark john junor Feb 2014
fled the sun in favour of treading moonlights path
shes become a carpet bagger of the
nights flourishing kingdoms of alleyways
and the treasured dumpsters like sodden jewels they contain

she reeks from the cast off of the popular masses
but it is sweet perfumes to the forsaken
hollow eyed wanderers lost in the maze
of concrete and steel
she lips a sacred song in her temple of night
and keeps a wary eye painted to the ever shut door
the unexpected is the road dogs creed
and she allways got a little something extra
stashed away for the hungry and quiet

ribbons decorate her torn dress
they are fine silk stained with coffee and beans thats our girl
the highest quality in the lowest company
shes a rough house princess with a heart of gold
she wanders me down to the tear-drop inn
rents me a bed to lay up with some pretty dreams

pulls out of her designer jeans a folded and creased copy
of nineteen fifty three complete with greaser kids and hot rods
left me there dreamin i was the tough guy
leather jacket and Indian motorcycle
and she was my betty boop candy sweet smile girl
in the quiet halls of the tear-drop inn
with a sadsack companion picking dreamers pockets
for the smiles to be found
thats our girl
thats our sweet sweet girl
covered in the romance of the hard road
trackmarks and ***** dustbins
the likes of her we may never see again
mark john junor Feb 2014
she gives nothing to the night
just waits quiet for its passing
here by the light of her candle
she waits as nights heavy feet slowly tread their intended path
as its myriad of small creatures
with their fanfares of babylon thunder and roll
their thousands voices wailing bitter and ceaseless
their thousands sharp claws rending the dreams from the dreamers

here in the prayers of her soulful reflections
she hears nights dark hand tapping at her door
hoping in vain to unleash her upon the free winds
hoping to strip away her adornments like a tissue of lies
so that she would stand as innocence in moonlight
with her perfections and beauties to be loved by the sea
until she was empty

here in the cradle of her hour
she awaits the fairer face of dawn
whom with lighted step and naught but the
chimes of birdsong shall usher away the
last of nights rabble sweeping them gently aside
with dawns ever sweet natures
to find and comfort all thouse
waiting for the redemptions that the light of day
sheds upon all thouse who fear they have been slandered by nights hand
she timidly opens her haven
as dawn moves past
and with childlike smiles she steps to the path of her ventures
till night come speeding down the dusty road once again seeking the hand of fairest maidens once again when day flees
to her wearied bed in the west
Feb 2014 · 721
she dances a delicate step
mark john junor Feb 2014
she dances a delicate step
and leans into the whisper of a smile she wears
simple cotton dress
with flowers blue and birds sewn in mid-flight
she spins in the island of sunlight
fallen through the tall window
fallen perfect just for her pretty feet to step on
she bounces to a stop
and giggles
after all the music hadn't even begun
she sings the first line
and it echoes through my heart like
swans and dew scented ponds on spring mornings
like dreamy thoughts of a girl just falling in love

you can taste her fresh laugh
you can feel her hopeful beauty
she steps a languid dance
into the moonlight
at the foot of our bed
and into my arms
like butterfly's in a cloudless sky
like wishes written with the touch of lovers hands
in the grandeur of the nights kiss

shes the prettiest of the pretty girls
and my world in her soft lips
and the way my name sounds like love in her voice
are we tired yet lover
can we sleep
not yet my dear haven't had enough of you tonight
haven't had near 'nuff of you my love
Feb 2014 · 506
silent stone elephants
mark john junor Feb 2014
principals of the measured man
his gait unsteady against the winter sky
watch his limping progress through
the brittle dead leaves
past the silent stone elephants
carved with intricately beauty's
nubile vixens pouting at the exhaustion
of the rivers of gold
of the unquenched thirsts
theirs is a cruel fate as the trumpet calls

principals of the measured man
as he pauses in his walking flight from
this scene of a solitude in commission of a sadness
the strolling red cheeked trollop waves
a neat clean hand
and invites his smile long for the ride
he leaves her with it
entrusting to fate
that one day soon he will smile once again
she is a cold word in a hot book

the measured man
stalks the empty corridors
and backstreets of the hometown
needing the reasons for the thing he has become
but he speaks to no-one so none can tell the tale
doomed to be a spectator in this carnival
of the fair and foul
he will forever be there face pressed against the glass
staring in as the world lives
Feb 2014 · 230
one love
mark john junor Feb 2014
breathlessly she speaks loves
as her body is engulfed in mine
i can feel her heart in her words
hear her desires in her hot eyes
as she consumes me with her passion
as she drinks deeply of my body and soul
and i lust to reach her moment
where our worlds collide
where she touches and i touch
breathlessly she cries out
breathlessly  she grips my body with hers
and looking deep in my eyes
tells me she loves me forever
and as our souls meet for that ****** kiss
we know our futures past days years
together as one heart
one love
we lay cooling off
the room a dizzy spin
breathing hard
our bodies still connected
suddenly laughter catches
and we don't even know what's funny
whispering even though we are alone
we talk of our lives here in this strange place
of palm trees and lizards
of never-ending summer
winter nothing more than forgotten dream
we talk of marriage
and of children
we talk of one love with the one love in our hearts
time is ours and so is the world
we slip into soft dreams connected to eachother
in every way a man and woman can be
and more
Feb 2014 · 426
this treasured moment
mark john junor Feb 2014
this treasured moment
while lover plays with locke of hair
and talks quiet of the day
her smiling voice plays along the
verges of my mind
like a butterfly soaring
on the fading light of the failing sun
her romantic tones
and fingers wandering playful
as treasured moments becomes one
with such tender notions in my lovers hand
she sits with me while i make dinner
laughs with me from her glass of chardonnay
this quiet time between two lovers
living such a normal day

there's an echo following me down main street
it sounds like her laugh but who can
be  sure in this rain
we walked all night
these treasured moments between lovers
and at first light standing in the field
we could see the rusted wrecks
of all thouse who have walked this way before us
all thouse who had given into the night
but not us
her hand kept me afloat
her  sweet words kept me alive
when the waters had swept away all reason
when thoughts divulged like secrets in the night
between two lovers that never shall part

as i dance to the mornings sunshine
she is the song that plays in my head
just like she allways has been
shes there in so many ways
shes the stars that are the roof to my dreams
shes the bed i keep my dreams in
she the harvest of the bluejay at first light
twin suns rise
one in the sky
the other is my lovers heart
burns bright and hot
for me
Feb 2014 · 573
fleet of foot
mark john junor Feb 2014
light in the foot
walks gingerly near the top of the hour
with ear placed lovers close to the keyhole
the candle dim light twists in its reflections
until the burnished plates of steel have
kissed the features of the face with such gentle regard
that you have lost thought of what you see
in the dreaming of what could have been

light in the foot
sneaks away while the fat ***** chimney sweep
who sputters and moans derision of lesser men in his
restless slumbers on the rooftop
resting his weary head against the steam engines of night
their ceaseless labours fuelling the sleeping city below
watched over only by a gibbous moon

light in the foot treads back to
her chambermaids door
and with mock care places key to slot
and looses the yawning mad rabble within
they said her madness was from vapours
but light in the foot sheds new visions on her eyes
light in the foot
need sneak no more
because its candlelight face may have been
undone by twists of shadow
but it is married to the madness of others like her
and none hear what the wandering minds speak

light is fleet of foot
and is loved by even the nails that bind
the deep stone of hearth
to the old grey wood of the home
we sit at the table our dinner now only scraps
her hand in mine
and our eyes feasting on eachothers tenderness
silence skips a beat and
light in the foot sneaks past us unseen
trailing with its children flickering like dancers in
the ballroom of the night
watch them flow cross with such grace
watch them speak in their beauty with lips so cold
watch them dance
sleep slips you from your mooring
and you drift into slumber
drift like light in the footsteps of dawn
Feb 2014 · 668
nevermore cried i
mark john junor Feb 2014
the touch screen reflects my face
past the lines of text and blurred definitions
that they speak
the soft tapping on the screen as i
type each letter into the still and vast void of the page
like footsteps of intrepid adventurer as he
walks alone into a vast white desert
walks alone and unafraid into the
dense resistance of the day
as it seeks to distract
but our fair haired hero is undaunted
brandishing his blade leaps forth
and proclaims the conquest of this page
sets the standard of his queen upon
the bold words he has laid
and stands so proud and cocksure
till i hit the delete button
and he is nevermore
so cried some dumb bird
so cried i
for poor old edgar allen poe...nevermore....such an unhappy fellow nevermore.
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
open sky
mark john junor Feb 2014
fragments of sky
litter my thoughts like pieces of a shattered image
like scraps of burnt wood painted with
parts of some masterpiece scene
of a carnival in the town churchyard
with frolicking jesters and laughing children
a quaint country place where fiddle players
and young girls dance and sing
but such as this place is now no more than image
pressed into the fire consumed wood
no more than some forgotten place filled
with forgotten loves and forgotten lovers
i lay there in the ruins of the church
three hundred years on from the day it met its fate
where now a oak flourishes true and tall
such transient things such as our lives
have such beauty but fleet as birds to roost as
they disappear in the first burst of rain

fragments of sky perceived
in small spaces given by the leaves overhead
the dusty lens of my mind
churns over the unfolded event
like the lost man peering with confusion's
at the undecipherable map of clouds
shifting by the butterfly light wind
i sneak my way into a shaft of
the suns warm light
and await the birdsong to renew its
speech and thought
they look down on my reclining form
in grass below
ready to take wing should i leap to devour
but i will not rise
i am trapped by the changing mosaic of the sky
its simple tones belie the beauty it contains
grey over blue and white edges
such simple ever changing permanence in the sky
the cloud moves swiftly away from my minds grasp
and the birds remark to one another the
lateness of the day
i open heart and eyes
stand and walk away from open sky
Feb 2014 · 361
river of light
mark john junor Feb 2014
the river of light moves out
from beyond a cloud
and fills my mind with a deafening silence
that tasted more of a tomb
than spring day
that disturbing silence scattered
thoughts in its wake as it moved
through my moment
thoughts and crystal clean visions of memory
is its old ages hand at work
his lethargic inked soul moving in strife
against my castles of sand
or is it witless buffoons labouring for illness
that undercut the foundations of my day
the river of light shifts its stance
staring down upon my small plot of soils
and my garden flourishing in its
rows of careworn leaf
i sit neath the palm tree and watch its
slow shade dance with the hard angles of my house
the river of light will dry up soon for the day
so with one good eye to the tilled earth
i ply the tool to furrow
and seek to wrestle another hour from the earth
Feb 2014 · 3.1k
porridge and whey
mark john junor Feb 2014
she hovers over the handwritten letter
with maniacal grin gripping her face
as she devours his texted words
with weeping eyes
and she sings in unnatural tones a child's lullaby in some
forgotten french dialect
delightful reflections in song of the garden gate
leaning broken onto the rough hewn path
where the soulless cherubs cherish their seed

in haphazard rows cherub faces sling silent tears
and labour at the desires never felt and
the dark soils never fertile
seeking redemptions in the rebirth of the harvest moon
which decorates the far wall of the tomb

the cherubs brief delighted laughters
soon sputter and fail
as in the dying light of day
reveals that they must labour yet another day
to no useful end

she lives in this place
a cottage of straw with dark windows
and a wood stained door
she sits on its porch with knitting in hand
weaving futures for her beloved cherubs
weaving pasts for her own
she devoured him like she did his words
and came home to roost
like her innocent faced dragoons
she will someday march forth with this army of doom
but today she is content to be contrite
knitting porridge and whey wall hangings
from the tables of the
steampunk princess
mark john junor Feb 2014
things surface in the darkness
fair and foul alike
from these dark waters
i have swam and wept these ashen waters
when the fevers of fear and sadness
have swept over me drowning me in
their hostile dreams
when the dark overwhelmed me
when the worlds rough hand has toppled the
ivory towers of greed and lust

i found refuge in this darkness
where your face need not be your own
where skill with pen or sword achieve the same ends
but  these long years on the narrow mile
tilling the dead soil have only harvested shadows
i wish for better crops to be sown which to
set the paintbrush of my pen upon
so i stand here at the gap in the breezeway
and step tentative to the light
to meet favour and fortunes
or death and shadow

should i meet death
i shall drink and sup with him
break unleavened breads and regale him
with fanciful tales of the far east
distract him while you slip away
to plant the seeds of our hopes
or wreak the havocs of our dooms
i shall be as a companion of this mad reaper
i shall be as counsel and cage to his worried mind
keeping at bay the ravenous hounds of his delight
and feeding the crying children of his fears
for are we not all children of light
and we should not turn aside this chance to bend
the fates in our favour
against this strong foe
should i meet death and live to tell the tale
i shall feast this night
and drink the strong ale
Feb 2014 · 350
in a winter rain
mark john junor Feb 2014
her bracelets sparkle in the rain
as she runs for the overhang
laughing she shouts her joys to the skies
as he holds her out to the falling waters
laughing with such delights
two young lovers pass me without seeing
too into seeing just eachother
too into the warmth of her hand in his
the three of us go onto the road
she leans over to me offering her smile like a band-aid
the world appears to hang round my jester neck
and its corporate sponsors all have prepared speeches
which they ****** at me with such desperately eager hands
the words they want me to say are verbal fists
for the beating of men
for the night to rationalize the dark things it dose
i call out that i'm a child of dawn
but a voice only bitter says softly they haven't got a choice
everyone else has gone away or
are mute to the venereal disease known to be spoken here
i weep for this terrible turn of events
till she comes to rescue me
with a king james in one hand
and an oxford standard in the other
never knew the girl had such fire in her
thouse sweet eyes will fool ya everytime
she is holding his hand but its my song she's singing
and id really like to know what that means
but the only clue just walked home
in a winter rain
Feb 2014 · 402
in the brisk sun
mark john junor Feb 2014
fragments of that lifetime ago
the sun low to the end day horizon
and my childhood companions shouting
and laughter
the intense feel scent of fresh cut grass
the long shadows garden gate
spiders web and the shell of
brick doorway
the long path with its tangled trees
what man tread there
what past tread through this dark wood
mesmerized by the burnt ruin
captured by the tale
i would stand in that doorway
and ask for her hand
i would ride in the brisk sun
a child no more
free of the things that bound me to that place
were it that i could go back
undo all wrought
but standing here in the sea and sand
i pray that i finally have come home
Feb 2014 · 601
tower of winds
mark john junor Feb 2014
the moment fades
and you had thought to capture to page
but her rapid flow escapes your hand's words
and pen falters its speech denied
you find yourself on cold granite steps
to silent tower who skin garnished with vine
lending it a ancient aspect to its modern line belies

once taken to wing
but tamed by the confused winds
you falter back to the roost of your thoughts
to mend your plans and stock your blades
you eye the approaching storms
and gauge you delemias
once taken to wing a man can think of little more
once taken to wing a man will fight to the death
to reattain the air on wing
that ebb and floe that razors edge of death
that freedom of flight
it will gnaw his conscience
disturb his dreams
till he rides wind once again
ever eyes to the quick skys
ever one hand testing mettle
to take to the wing

your pen sings once more
its voice rising to symphony and igniting the soul
clear and true
by divine right
in the simple phrases of dawns early light
streaming in through the gate
the air cool with the heavy scent of summer growth
the mind giddy with the pleasures of
summers gentle grace
toe touch to the waters surface
spreads a whisper of a wave
across the mirror surface
across the lifetimes edges of dull grey waters
turn the word slowly
its face is its own not mine
its dull repetition is the hammer-stroke
the heartbeat
Feb 2014 · 285
its vacant eye
mark john junor Feb 2014
theifs of the polished face
hoist its metal lies over the far fence
neatly escaping into the failing light of day
while the watchman fondles his superhero comic
and daydreams of saving the day
they load its shiny fair haired face
into the truck at the edge of some tangled wood
embark the dusty fate for the sun flees and we shall follow
see it fly to the worlds edge we shall fly too
for we must
we cast off the dead weight till
all but our very bones lay littered behind us
like a trail of turmoil's
and still the road leads on
still the sun flees
one by one we fall to the dust
one by one with hand upraised push the surviving onward
fall to silent dust
one by one fail
till there is naught but the two of us walking side by side
in the narrow stretch of dry bitter sunlight
bearing between us the copper face
its bright eyes fixated on the fleeing sun
its hour passing with hard thoughts
till there is only i
and this heavy weight
this polished face
this unbearable freedom
mark john junor Feb 2014
her simple pure lines
her light footstep in frigid gloom
open lips tremble over the broken phrase
she casts glances behind as she sneaks up the alley
as if the thing crawling up her spine is
any other than the aftertaste of her own dark urges
anything but the small sound creeping in conscience in the night

she packs her self deceptions into the pockets of her ***** jeans
and shudders at their wet stain slowly spreading
with their stench mocking her and her ridicule
she ***** on her cigarette greedily
the tip glowing like a furnace in the darkness of the room
its thick smoke laden the air with its fearful premonitions
like an oracle she casts the bones like cigarette ashes
and speaks of the future she sees
but my finger traces the dark lines on her arm
a thousand holes of individual crime
a thousand times compounded unholy union between dark and light

but she breaths a smile on me
and i must surrender to her world of mystery's
i must submit to the silence of her dark reverences
her alabaster skin flows beneath me
like a frozen river
each moment a lifetime in the presence of her spoken disturbances
like ripples on the still and dark waters,
of her sorrows released like doves caught in fading light
like scattering dust motes on the bitter winds

forever lingering in the absence of
forever in the desire but never the attainment
please hear me now like you have never heard me before
i cannot bear another moment in this cage of vices
in this silent dark place
forever lingering in the absence of
and her touch
Feb 2014 · 1.4k
Valentines Day
mark john junor Feb 2014
to all of my readers, i wish you a very happy valentines day...with all of my love and some patchouli scented hippy hugs for you...((((((HIPPY HUGS))))))
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