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Feb 2014 · 363
mark john junor Feb 2014
she was born of the cold north wind
she was a divine presence in sunlight
but she was a dark word softly slipping into the ear
not for malice but for her own fears
she thought me a chalice from which she could
sip the fine wine
and so she disrobed her outrageous contagion
and with a swiftly measured dance and desire taunting
she lay out the design of her entrapment
and enticed me to follow her into its sweet softness
because she had known desperation and hunger
and she had once sworn while huddled in the cold rain
that she would never succumb to the whims again
no malice in her intents just
one woman against the reckless world
just one soft creature of light in the foreboding desolation
so i sheltered her from the blistering cold of that winters night
and while the wind flayed the snow across the window
we spoke quietly deep into the night
before she without a word took me into her bed
offering without penance the alter of her divinity
surrendering without attached implications all her jewels
she was born of the cold north wind
but as she dressed in the morning and slipped out into the bright sunlight
i thought to myself she was more a home to the deep summer night
and its passions delights
i never did see her again
but i know that she thrives in some warm dream
she lay supple and young in my thoughts
as she did that night in my soul forever more
a goddess of light in the foreboding desolation
of a winters night
Feb 2014 · 274
staining her eyes
mark john junor Feb 2014
she turned to me with an
ocean of sadnesses in her voice
a girls wish for simple truths without the tangle of tears
i tell her i would tear the universe apart
if it would stop a single tear from staining her eyes
the rough touch of her coat worries me but it keeps her warm
and i could hope for little more on the wider world
her spoken thought with such hurried courage
it holds more courage than i
and while she stands looking back at me i know
she turned in her leaving by her unfinished heart and its fears
she turned in her leaving by the things she wished say
asking of me what my mind held for her
i tell her that i am a product of my world
that i would not leave her if she were with child
that i would lean into the living to provide
that i would love her and no other
she cannot answer
and i am left in a falling rain
with just a image of her looking at me
with such meanings
that every moment i see a different world in the eyes
of the one i have loved
every moment see new lifetimes in her sweet eyes
with such meanings abound in the sunlight that
she represents breaking free of the grey of the world
i would give anything to stop a single tear from staining her perfect eyes
Feb 2014 · 1.4k
little neon green car
mark john junor Feb 2014
her car was painted neon green
had stickers from places she been
and places she dreamed of
the backseat was a bookshelf
and laundry hamper
James Dean has been sighted back there
on nights when she was running the back roads
at a hundred and cup of coffee in her hand
speed talking over the radio playing too loud
you can hear them laughin miles away
shes got a neon green little car
filled with a world of sunshines
filled with a universe of wonders
and a few McDonalds wrappers
few over due books
and a cat named Steve
been up and down the I-95 corridor
living off the beach Hollywood Florida
chilli cheese dogs and coke
and they share the world with the smiles
she has a little neon green car
you don't need much when you already got everything
mark john junor Feb 2014
the dying candle throws itself
in shadows across the silent places of the room
one of the sleeping figures stirs
disturbed by distant daylights sound
but she diminishes once more into the
innocence of shadow and dream like temporary deaths
an escape from this life

sleeps whim carries across the threshold
to walk on the road leading away from this life
and explore the empire that exists between
shadow and light
a carnival encampment draws you in
the painted faces garish delight
all manner of creature welcomed
even the darkest beast may find home in this
game of shadows
this temporary death she lives tonight

we are reborn each time we slumber
coming back to this life renewed
coming back with the strength we found
in the loved ones waiting for us on the other side
with the strength found in the knowledge that
we can be reborn from our ashes

i tread this morning on a far mountain road
while the fiery colours of some worlds dawn
crept up into a foreign sky
and was joined by a lover awaiting my return
and we laughed at the pure simple beauty
and revelled in eachothers joys
i awoke renewed
i awoke with hope
Feb 2014 · 788
truth you already know
mark john junor Feb 2014
the branches silhouette against the sky
spiderweb of leaves and wood
against damp cool air
languages spoken by the world around me
words in tongues of the mysterious night
the dreams that come into focus
are ones that vividly center on moments
never truly lived
conversations that should have been
love made but never shared
the branches silhouette against the night sky
watch slow procession stately and pure
as the web woven by branches and leaves
gives slow silent birth to a tree in dawns
revealing light
so it is with you and I
look at me silhouetted against the
darkness of her words
wait for dawns light to show the truth
you already know
for Liz
mark john junor Feb 2014
her dark eye deflected
the fan ceases it mechanical blur
slowly grinding to a halt
and the air of the room breaths of its own
it breaths her day old sweat that is deeply ****** and
it defiles you as you slake your thirst with its filthy thought feel
remembering how she tasted as you had her the night before
but the room is oil and burnt tastes
old fires of longing never capitulated
her sweat is cold as she shuts her legs this time
denied a second adventure into her tangled eyes
you pick a spot of carpet and wait

as she sits by the silent sealed window
watching the rain engulfed street
for signatures of approaching quick footsteps
lover who bears with them the tightly wrapped balloons
she waits with a spoon gripped with brutal tightness in one hand

her lips twitch over unspoken phrases
but some linger loud enough
to endure the air and your ear catches them
darkness is a dead souls delight
she has carried the corpses of both
her soul and conscience for years
she revels in their decaying weight
she bemoans their dead hand cold fingers
on her purse strings
you can perceive them sitting by her side
grinning with absent humours

her fingers tapping the frail glass of the window
one is compelled to wonder but fails to ask aloud
when at long last he returns breathlessly
bearing the seeds of her bitter contempts
she dives into the mixing and measuring
with skill and ****** devotions
you leave them to the whisper game
peek peek shuffle shuffle

leave her with a gentle kiss placed with care
on her bitter lips
and as you say your long goodbye
you reach up and button her shirt
hiding her exposed breast
she laughs brushing off attempts to cure her
of deviant behaviours
she is a watercolour study of rain
its mood and substance are flowing vagueness
the statement of grey in all forms of her existence
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
come a crusader
mark john junor Feb 2014
no more than a boy trying to be a man
i once had come a crusader down from a far country
proud and strong with a sword swift and sure
wrote my name in the battles and beerhalls
but as my years travelled i began to wonder until
in the failing embers of a nights snowstorm
i came to this place to her
where i had come a crusader to this the last mystery
where i had come a warrior
set to do battle with some dire foe
only to surrender with willing hand
in the chapel of her soft face
in the sunset birthplace of all mans deepest desires
in the fragile breath she leaves upon the very air
i dare not breath lest i disturb its soft flight
she tells me of a love that had forsaken
she tells me of a land from which she has fled
her eyes a dark fire like ancient pools of magic's
her lips supple like heaven creased with tender folds
in the chapel of her tender face
i did waste away my former days
wandering in the starlight musings of her soft laugh
dazed by the intricate dance of her deep words
she romanced me into the quiet of a man forgotten of himself
laid aside my sword and took up the ploughshare
laid aside my warring nature for the robes of a gentle man
now on this far distant night
with the crisp winter eve
a deep snow leaving a heavy silence all round us
the sound comes to me from a far land
the drums of war calling all true sons to defend hearth and home
i came to this place a young man
crusader to this mysterious place
where such dark fires burn in the eyes in such beautiful women
now old i pull on my armour
and unsheathe my sword and sharpen the arrows to fly true and swift
for even the chapel of her tender face cannot undo
even this the fairest of women
cannot deny
what dark wind has laid at our door
come a crusader with his stallion and steel
come a crusader to reap the careworn and the strong
come a crusader seeking his glory in the sun
i must go out to meet him
i must stop his plunder before he reaches her
i must slay what i once had become
a crusader no-more
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Charles River cowboy
mark john junor Feb 2014
his baby blue buick
and ten gallon cowboy hat
made him the lonesome rodeo star
of Nantucket beach
but it was when he would sit by
the Charles River and play his banjo
for all the kind folk walking in the
summer sunshine hand in hand
walking neath the sycamores
and laughin sweet and free
that boy really shone true and beautiful
his played that banjo like it was part of his soul
it played him like it was alive
together they made such a lonesome sweet sound
that'd chill the hardest heart
he would sing till the summer moon had run its
trail chased by the stars in innocent game
he sang of the girl who had stole his heart
gone to Vegas or some such to be a showgirl
and live the bright lights and cheers
he sang of his mamma who cried for her wayward boy
he sang for the pretty girls
sunning themselves there by the banks of the Charles River
sweet sweet songs carefree and lovin
as he should be
he's there still
if you listen real close to that gentle stirring sound
of the trees in summer breeze
you can hear him sing you a sweet song
just to see you smile
mark john junor Feb 2014
the asphalt solution bears no fruit
and it wears on my already threadbare sneakers
i hobble a shifting house out of the rubble
but its paint is chipped and its metal worn
so there's little doubt that it'll never last
there's no roadmap and doubts are abundant
but no there's nothing to go back to
lets lets plunder on into the wild blue
so we three poor-boys set out to see the kingdom

the asphalt asphyxiation
and somewhere near at hand
a mechanical voice mutters an anthology of misgivings
the door is ajar...the door is ajar.....
we can do little but count blessings
and covet the coin another man carries
cause they are morally bankrupt and socially diseased
the asphalt solution near at hand
i step sore foot to road
but am stopped by the rolling of thunder
crashing of wave or was it of naive

somebody gotta save poor-boys like me from ourselfs
the knightess in shining armour rides in on her trusty steed
her quick wit makes short work of dragons and trolls
to save the kingdom and the poor-boys alike
for the world needs more women superhero's like her
a knightess in shining armour
with sensible shoes
wicked ways no more she says
go home to your woman and be at peace sillyhead

so put sore foot to road and tread my way
back on to safe and sound
the asphalt solution get put away
after all the only road i wish to see
leads me right back to my happy little florida home
my woman and my cat waiting on me
a hobbled home knitted by a midnight thief's slippery hand
a knitted life stitched by the memory foam of bad dreams
cup your head to your woman's soft features
your gonna be all right kiddo
i swear on a stack of comic books
about women superhero's
Feb 2014 · 3.6k
storm warnings
mark john junor Feb 2014
the nature of this night
spreads its thin harvest upon my table
a gruel and water porridge feast
with the fanfares of her jaundiced hand
many more lined up with eager grin
for the warmth of paupers kinship
thin blanket wrapped round our shoulders
snow gathers at feet
she captures the moment on paper
the image of all of us gathered like when we were young

the grandiose illustration
with its brilliant colour fanfare with
jugglers and wine swilling laughing men blinded by drink
chorus line of female dancers who wear costumes of the hundred years war
lead the assault on the last bastions of the ignorance of bliss
all descrying that we can ill afford to be sleeping
while empires are built in our namesake
the so daintily shod soldiers whos feminine wiles misunderstood
have taken over the dancehall beneath us
and have taken up song
the grandiose illustration
caught by her pen on sketch pad
has leanings to the Marxist revolutions
and philosophys of the rhetorical
but in the end we join them and
drink the port sing the song

a thousand years of tales to be told
in the eyes of a single girls sweet thoughts
epic landscapes filled with noble men and storybook girls
the grandiose illustration
shows the two of us on the beach
with the sun racing down to touch the high towers of miami
and fill the laughing joys of thouse who toss and
tumble in the breaking waves
the nature of this night
in one small corner of the illustration
a simple window with the shade drawn
that says goodnight
Feb 2014 · 797
garden gate
mark john junor Feb 2014
he stirred from the waking dream
the only sound was marching feet
the roll of drums keeping the pace  
in the cold distance
the sky was cloaked in grey
and the air was thick with smoke and the scents of war
there was a reckless air to his demeanour
there was a dangerous glint to the steel in his eye
as he rode slow up the hard dirt lane
past the old stone wall carved with the names of the fallen
the thousand faces to go with thouse poor names
haunt his soul
the caskets were empty cause not a single man returned
not a single soul but him
so he stalks these hills
the grey wood barren trees
the trail wet from a late rain
his  tattered and stained uniform hanging loose
from his gaunt form
his cutlass in its scabbard by his side
he had drawn that sword  
all along the trails of the north
all through the desperate years of war
regretting each life he took
now old he eyes reflect only the passing days
he hitches his dead pony to the garden gate
and he will take some rest there
by the sweet roses
they smell like the grand ball that he attended
as a young man with that girl
back when he had promise and a future
back when before he had drawn his sword in battle
when he was just another handsome young man
in his neatly pressed uniform
now he falls to sleep at last to sweet dreams
of her and her gentle hand
time has come for reckoning
the last face he would behold
would be hers
and she was singing softly
as he slipped away
to join his loyal troops once again
for the final march into the kingdom come
and oblivion
his statue now gathers pigeons on the college quad
his face obscured by the shadows of academias desire to analyze
but you can still trace the track of his tears
Feb 2014 · 628
if one had flown
mark john junor Feb 2014
transient the day like her eyes
ebb and flow to paths of least resitance
her soft hand full of hopes releases them
shatter on the hard slate
but if one had flown
if only one had flown
but night overtakes her on hands and knees
gathering with gentle tear each fragment
and placing it in the coldness of its tomb
like children of ideals wrought too soon
they prematurely meet such dire ends
but she is not one to surrender to odds
and her strong tounge is razors to the whetted ear
the barbs of its treaty with its gentle nature
like spikes driven by brutal hammer in pouring rain
no rest from the cold labour
no break from the fast
if only one had flown
if only one had opened delicate wing
to warm sun
and with imperceptible beating wing carried itself
upwards out of these shadowed times in shadowed lands
if only one had flown
i would not cry to you such lament
but it is done
the best of our age
the bright jewels of our generation
spent like crushed hopes
on the cold slate
if only one had flown
if only one had flown
mark john junor Feb 2014
the unattainable girl in cotton dress with her untouched hands
her perfections body and soul are store purchased at trending boutiques
she illustrates the room into vivid colour with her casual presence
she becomes the motion in the still life drawing you live
she is the utterance of everything to be attained by dreaming
by hope
for you
the unattainable

she leads you through the broken gate
a backyard overgrown and
past the rusting skeleton of a child's swing set
night has rendered it life
and it looms large in the minds eye with terrible
wrath for its cheated years
inside the bare room
streetlight filtered by the boarded up window
sound is muffled in here
her voice strangely stagnant and heavy
as she clumsily removes her shirt
laughing a small embarrassed laugh
so unlike her cool and convincing hardcase appearance
the two of you rest a few hours cupped in eachothers arms
till daylight leeches your sleepyheads of dreams

but the tattered cover of your romance novel
is by no means a feat of strung out fairy's on a mission to condemn
they only want recompense for the time they spent wrapped in the
soiled leather sheets entertaining some middle aged naked man
and his sole desire to be pretty
she sees all this
she sits in the dry corner
eyes wide but unseeing
a song of terrors paused on her lips
the reality's of reality has not yet sunk in
but its soft spoken voice is whispering to her now
it sets its christmas card well wishes on her mantle
it lays its warm gifts on her bed
careworn toys of her bitter embraces
sit in the grey snow abandoned like her lovers
now that she found her nirvana

she will spend her days
in hard red leather and fishnet
plying the flesh pots and the mystery's exposed of naughty naughty
the unattainable girl is just a photograph now
one dimensional image of a four dimensional demon girl
Feb 2014 · 4.5k
paper airplanes
mark john junor Feb 2014
paper air planes made out
of tiny pieces of a torn up heart
they are red
but they have these streaks of black in them
it is a terrible blackness like rotting
thats unhappiness
it is poison
paper airplanes
tiny paper airplanes
he folds them quick and quiet at the stone wall
end of the driveway
at the bus stop where little old ladies dither away
long summer afternoons
tiny paper airplanes dogfight in the air
watch one go down in flames
made of the ripped up pieces of a broken heart
they are red
like fire trucks for the burning desire for her soft flesh
like alarm bells to warn off the unwary
they are red
tiny paper airplanes
one slips free
sees a cloud high up there where no paper airplane has dared
so far up in the wide open sky
none have ever even dreamed such a thing
he slips free and climbs
faster and higher
he climbs
Feb 2014 · 928
comforts cold and thin
mark john junor Feb 2014
an empathy face
comes into focus out of the grey rain
with her own set of capitulations to the greater good
with her own price paid for the comforts cold and thin
an empathy face alabaster finely carved
with tears in stark contrast to the brightness in her eye
comes into slow resolution out of the grey grainy surface of the rain
with its harsh aspects felt like nails slowly driven
her thin red lips and blue shadow
her divine voice as she talks to some side person
her eyes never leaving yours
she is drinking you
with a deserts worth of thirsts

graceful she flows across the tiled floor
like she was born to such places
like she was born to glide where all others had crawled
but when she reaches you puts her hand to your arm
her fingers trembling her breaths short and swift her face flush
she pauses and lifts her head and plunges her soul into your eyes
with breathtaking abandon like an ******
her black sweater with a golden bird stitched into
her bracelet silver and bejewelled
her perfections catalogue in your mind in that momentary glimpse of heavens unattained
that she breaths in deep
drawing breath and strength
before she opens her song
before she cries out in such sweet tongue
at the bitter night

an empathy face
with her own set of capitulations to the greater good
with her own price paid for the comforts cold and thin
and i cry with and for her
as she cries with and for me
an empathy face
in the grey rain
Feb 2014 · 1.4k
king johns lament
mark john junor Feb 2014
the devil in the details
retain the written
cast off the spoken
like the table scraps from
some dark kings feast
his richly clad hands gripping the meat
with stranglehold
the other clutching the spilled wine
his rages echo in stone hall
pronouncements of beheadings
and tax collectors greedy hand

poor king john and the riddles three
poor king john and his bride to be
poor king john and the fate he did not foresee

it was a bright kingdom
long ago
its glory days faded but still it shone brightly
rich in its fair folk and fertile lands
sit down here by the fire
take your ease
let me spin you a tale
let me weave you a storybook kingdoms dark fall
drink up your wine and steel your heart
for its a tale of a king
of love and lust
betrayal and blood
its a cautionary tale
of a young princess and the bright hopes
that blinded her
to the terrible man she loved

poor king john and the riddles three
poor king john and his bride to be
poor king john and the fate he did not foresee

she had come across the channel waters
in fine sailing ships
stood in the deck expectant eye to the distant shore
in her lace and silks and jewels a three
her hair flowing like a river of dark chocolate
her eyes of crisp blue
she was the finest of maidens
a princess caring and true
the kindest heart and the wisest mind
she thought she was destined to be a queen
but fate has terrible twists cruel and careless
cry now for this sweet princess

poor king john and the riddles three
poor king john and his bride to be
poor king john and the fate he did not foresee

all these years later it is a tale had to speak
so sit yourself down here by the warmth of the fire
gather the courage of your heart
for this is a tale to test the strongest not to break to tears
this is the tale
of king john and the kingdom of the forest

poor king john and the riddles three
poor king john and his bride to be
poor king john and the fate he did not foresee
Jan 2014 · 899
and Abe Lincoln
mark john junor Jan 2014
december 10th 1982
sleepless in the the neurotic wastelands
she has fifty two cards
each has a face none of them are mine
but the jack of hearts is there and with her childbearing hips
they could pump out a couple of rug rats
start their own little civilization
here on the backwaters
she gives me a ride to the edge of the glades
and drops me off at a truckstop in the rain

december 10th 1982 4:22am
the salt of the earth diner on route 1
with the waitress chewing gum at the counter
staring off into the distant light of highrise miami
a sheen of sweat glistens on her deep tan
but its not as sticky or deep as her mind
thats wandering out in the Catskill mountains
looking for Johnny Appleseed

december 15th 1988 10:00am
doves take flight in the
soft white afterglow of day
with a stir of wings
and her tender lips let slip
of her longing for innermost peace
her eyes seeing nothing but
the golden glow of some distant day
some half remembered day
the time i wait for
summers sweet song
has been far too long
this is a winter world

december 15th  1993 1:00pm
leaning over the balcony rail
she shouts her smiles down
to the regular faces on the rows road
petticoats of fine linen
and her hair up
shes a sea of smiles
as they all shuffle in to see the show
Broken Bernie and his girl Christa
who snowbunnys down to the neon Florida sun
round this time of year

december 13th  1996 6:00pm
desperado's gather in the setting sun
hunger in their eyes
between the rock and hard place
and with a hard eyed thought they
move into the town
she pours him a cup of coffee
and lays a hand softly upon his shoulder
urging him to stay and leave such things
to lesser men
but he knows he must rise to the call
to do less would be treason to his nature
to do less would betray everything he has stood for

today, now*
the words waiting on lips as i stumble out of sleep
make little sense at least to the waking mind
but the world makes little sense when fully awake
so this dream fragment hardy seems out of place
wearing a stove pipe hat chewing on a whales tail
and chatting with Abe Lincoln
my guess would be he wanted his hat back
Jan 2014 · 672
fru..freaking fru
mark john junor Jan 2014
bourne the weight of the day
with the faded strength of yesterdays hopes and dreams
but it suffices to carry me forward
i light a candle
curse the darkness
stand against all the things
which try to lay me low
i have come this far
**** if im going to let anyone knock me down
im not hurcules
im stronger
im not superman
im faster
i belive in me
i have people eho love me
and belive in me too
thats enough to get me through anything
this life can toss my way
and if anyone reading this needs superman
you got my freakin number
peace the **** out my friends
Jan 2014 · 896
winter birds
mark john junor Jan 2014
glean from the grey light
of storm infested day
knowledge and rumour of
portent and potions which are
the ingredients of her heretic mind
and its tricksy path through the thorns

her face defends against such conversation
deflects the angrier intents and sends them off
like petulant schoolchildren to
stand in a meadow of butterfly's and balloons
their angry little faces red with envy
at the good kids who get ice cream
think bland thoughts children
live bland lives and you can have cookies and cake
all day long

quiet now here on the back porch
'cept Cecil who is mumbling his disgruntled
mind to the saints above
while he sips his bottle of red wine
the soft rain and winter birds
are the symphony to his lone act stage production
of another mans life
which is well lived and hardy
a life without such rain
a life without winter birds

winter birds
huddle next to eachother on tree-limb
waiting for a chance to join the swift sky
dance in its rivers of air
dream in its wondrous star laden halls
breath its wide open sea
winter birds want to fly away
just like me
just like me
Jan 2014 · 879
lumpy batter
mark john junor Jan 2014
her moist candy lips decorate my eyes
with thick intentions **** sweet
she moves across the room like a liquid smooth and wet
her hot skin sends chills up my spine
as she unwraps herself and melts fluently into my arms
like my body is a second language to her
moist candy lips taste so good
her dreadlocks scented with roses
entwined with beads
she swallows me down to my heart and soul
hours later in the kitchen
visions of better pancakes
make her inspect the lumpy batter
with narrowed eyed suspicions
cluck the tongue and
natter natter natter the bakers pie
neener neener neener shes got my weener
you spoon out the day
like it was ice creams
flavours of the mind a rainbow of reasons to love
she hovers over your stove puts a pipe in your hat
and talks over your carefully chosen words
with her own reasons for her lumpy mind
poor girl never really got her batter really stirred by somebody
we laugh the day away
this is how life should be
her one comment was "oh good lord your silly" her :-)
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
overcast afternoon
mark john junor Jan 2014
it stopped raining after
some long hour had passed
the rain had simply faded like
shawled figure moving through the afterlife
just the signature of presence evaporating into the still air
like the quiet thunder of a doves wings in the evening shadow

a sense of walking the day down through its years
a child at dawn full of promise and wonder
a man full of strife and the heat of passions at noon
an old man gasping by the witching hour
see the day walk its life to the tomb
before the grand spectacle of night has finished

and the very damp ground was littered with leaves
pulled from their high towers and cast down by
the winds strong hand
dirt in clinging clumps decorate the once
vividly clean surface of her lawn chairs
she pecks at the debris with a rapid motion
wipe away the inglorious world with
her chatter is subtle but not unfriendly
as she offers tea
the long hour passes
as we instilled with small conversation watch
the overcast slowly dissipates
like her charm
it is fleeting
she at last asks about your day
with hands folded in her lap like two neat doves
fearfully waiting to fly in panic at such slight provocations

the rain left its signature on my life
both beauty and troubled thoughts gather beneath its wet canopy
all reach life in the waters of the world
all rise from child and fall to tomb
like rain falls back to the earth which birthed it
we all return to the soil
thick and rich loam full of the savaged remains of the fallen
and the seeds of the yet unborn
Jan 2014 · 758
mark john junor Jan 2014
she estimates the night
counting the stars laid out
in a sweeping gesture in dayglow paint
across the ceiling
with technicolor comets
and a ladder from the plush carpet
to the dusty shelf with the snow storm crystal ball
a tepid little scene with a campfire
and a small grey wolf
the ladder has a small man climbing it

she lets her hand wander to the
plate next to her
two thousand one a space odyssey plays
silently on the television
she picks up a chicken bone
holds it up to the dim light
whispers 'show me some magic'
and smiles to no-one in particular

bright blue hair
knee high rainbow socks
one lip pierced and a hungry for hope eyes
there's music playing
some neatly polished teen heart throb
and his prettier than thou *****
her walls are coated with
random pictures trimmed from magazines
some neatly polished life she dreams on sometimes
where she is fashionable
and the world is her playground

she drapes herself on my lap
all the while speed talking about a hundred things
and touching each subject
like a queen bestowing gifts
she playfully teases
'show me your magic baby'

she a neo-glitter kitty
ninety seven paces from the surface of the moon
but she keeps complaining about the dust
wants to take a vacuum cleaner to the whole place
i'm gonna clean too
tongue bath
starting with her earlobe
Jan 2014 · 784
in the pouring rain
mark john junor Jan 2014
the radio has a voice
its loud in my mind
its as bright as sunshine
it talks to me personally
it has a voice that sees right through me
it knows what's happenin
and it knows that im spinning at the center of the world
i am the center of the universe
she can see it
i can feel it
its bright as sunshine
its warm as hands

hands that pulled me from the water so deep
i was down there listening
to the world get small
to the sound of my dying
its a glass eye
in the world
its as bright as sunshine
it makes me dance with no music on cobblestone
it makes smiles painted feel real
she sees it
she sees me
and its loud in my mind
i can do anything

real i tell you
here in my corduroy jacket pocket
i look so joe college
cause its fast as light
cause its smiling in my mind
like madness
she can see it
i can feel it
its bright as sunshine
its warm as hands
as  she walked away
in the pouring rain
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
stickmen enraged
mark john junor Jan 2014
its a daily bread
wolf it down with your daily grin and bear it softdrink
talk out the night till  you are a sleepyhead
and you mix and match your yawns with frowns
you carve it all out in your journal
little doodles illustrate the page
stick figure men battle
stick figure women try to look ****
and the bird flys free on a paper sky
the bird flys free
like the hopes that this will someway be you
in some incarnation of your
ever changing life spectacle
your ever changing detox from her poison pen tongue
be a bird who flys free on a paper sky
high above the noisesome stickmen
and such dire devils of nervous hands
twitch and fumble through compulsive motions
draw to keep the hand from being idle
draw to keep the mind flowing
and the bird breaks free
of the paper sky
and floats free in a realistic appearing world
in your sleepyhead dreams
paper birds deserve to be free too
just like you and i
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
birdsong on a spring breeze
mark john junor Jan 2014
her soft humming like birdsong
in springtime breeze
warms my winter heart
opens my closed eyes to
the new found sun
blooming on the eastern sky
petals of light rose tinged
lends such delight to the eye
lends such beauty to the day
it promises a passing of the harsh days
where a small cold sun only touched the world
with its weak pleading light
her soft humming caresses the ear
like a lovers kiss
it comes from her soul
she is a summer nymph dancing
in a storm of the solstice
winter a cunning woman tries to show
but this warm heart
banishes the cold
her soft humming reaches me
through the noisome day
reaches my heart
like birdsong on a spring breeze
like her soft voice saying good morning
Jan 2014 · 1.6k
leather skinned harlots
mark john junor Jan 2014
leather skinned harlots
in their pre-washed jeans
and make with sticky fingers the shiny jewels
and the keys to proverbial kingdoms
but nobody notices
everybody is too busy celebrating the
return of the same old same old
and her ten trick pony
shes a fire in the ***** of many a man
good thing most of them take medications for it
but she is as hard to cure as her burning desires

the happy girls are neatly dressed
perfumed and powdered in evening dresses
nothing it would seem can get in the way
of tonight's entertainment
song and dance numbers performed with zeal
and more than a touch of class by some famous actor
who name has faded away
but his dreams are still alive
up there in bright lights on the marquee
all he wants is that second chance
like lightening striking a third time

the townsfolk all gather there at the edge of the stage
to see the show and cheer on his rise to stardom
everyone except the girl with the rose tattoo
she was still at the bar trying to drowned her sorrows
in whiskey and spilled tears
her and her pony had enough of this town
but they had no place else to go
aint much room in the world for someone like her
the same old same old is hard way to live
she tries to smile but it comes out shouts of misery
her pony nudges her arm and looks to the east and the rising sun
time to go but she dosn't care
shes got a few tricks of her own
shes gonna marry the actor
squeeze out a few ankle-biters and get the picket fence
to put around the little brats
keep em in check

seems like every time you turn around
there is somebody trying to one up you
the new girl in town has a mechanical pony
and comes with a text book on std's of the soul
she will make alot of men happy someday
but not today
today they all have leather skinned harlots
Jan 2014 · 757
fleetfoot soul
mark john junor Jan 2014
the expanding shadows of my depleted day
stretch out like fingers
trying to gain purchase on my
fleetfoot soul
but the past is a parody of the now
with all the same actors playing different roles
and i know who will let me
slip unnoticed out the stage door
while the drunkard nightwatchman
sings sea shanties and laments the poorboy pay

out the door and up the alley
and skate along the thieves highway looking for treasures
with the maiden of dumpsterdivers in tow
she is carrying little red riding hood on a waitress's salary
but the two of em love eachother
so the three of us make scary bandit faces
and go on and on about how we don't
need no stinkin' badges
the alley treats us all to a few jems
and more stinky socks than a reformed
cheerleader like little red riding in the hood
can shake a stick at

by the time i shuffle back to
my home on the shooting range
don quixote had turned off the lights
and driven off in his VW bug
the band had packed its gear
and the bartender was three sheets to the wind
all i could do to mend my own fences
was sing old cowboy songs at a winter moon

fleetfoot to from the greasy lock of hair
to the itchy feet looking to travel
its all just another day under strange skies
we all got questions
but few got answers
i just got a pocket full of dust
and a pair of running shoes
so here i go....
dedicated to jaybird by tapeworm :-) the bird caught the worm, but they ended up just hanging round and dancin to some fine tunes :-)
Jan 2014 · 834
weak lights
mark john junor Jan 2014
the lights from the street below
shine weakly into the silent room
she lay in the tangled sheets
staring off into the night
a television set oddly turned to face the wall flickers while
its low volume garbles its incessant whispered babbling
like some deranged man talking to himself
the scents of ******* thick in the air
there is a tray of food gathering dust
a bottle of wine untouched
she is motionless
the **** skin of her face glistens in the
shifting shadows of her silent thoughts

i sit in the hardback chair
with difficult breathing apparatus trailing my mental footsteps
i tread carefully through the narrow dark wood
of her languid eye with small talk
laying out a feast of interesting topics
she is not hungry

a storm flashes lightening far out to sea
images come to the mind of a ship chasing the dawn
desperate to break free of the natures fury
and the captain at the helm
heroic figure standing fast against the odds
holding to the wheel and shouting to all hands
the rain falling in tangled sheets
focus returns to the room
she is falling motionless entangled in the beds sheets
i am the brave helmsman standing fast
this ship has already sunk

daylight appeases the minds of the
littered minefield of broken and bent on the bedroom floor
so they now allow begrudging paths safely to be seen
her eyes have closed
the dust encrusted food and the stale wine
make a feast for the birds who's small wing fluttering
are the only sound
the sun's heavy light falls in a narrow shaft
that glows against the dark wood background
i slowly ease my hand into its warmth
like a swimmer testing the waters
i dive in
and my soul swims the shaft of light
up to the bright world
leaving this place of shadows
and this woman of darker dreams

she awakens hours later
to find me laying on the floor with one hand extended out to
where the sun once held sway
laying there wrapped in my dreams of liquid light
dreaming of the day just past
and the days to come
she lay next to me
and cups me in her arms
while weak lights from the street below
shine up into our quiet room
Jan 2014 · 426
the eye reflected
mark john junor Jan 2014
the eye reflected in reading glasses
with ease it distracts from what is seen
it tracks its own motion
like chasing its own tail
removed the glasses wiped and placed
back in the groove shielding my face from the world
a transparent defense
when uncomfortable make a big show of having to stop and clean them
the eye reflects the man within
i come clean but with such show of effort
under such duress
she prods for answers and mumbles do not suffice
i make epic production of clearing throat and purging thoughts
the lens cleaned i find another way to obscure vision
tracking my own motion
with detachment
chasing my own proverbial tail
remove the introspection and wipe clean
lets begin again...
the eye reflected....
Jan 2014 · 982
dried stain
mark john junor Jan 2014
this maligned soul
speechlessly awaits with lips bound
by butter soft feelings
forever melting on the tip of tongue
with its lies and doubts forever right
there graphic and visceral in minds eye
having reached the edge between this and all other human beings
she asks from the other side how it feels
asks if it would be all right to venture
my emptiness finds no objection
just objectification
pant and release the guttural sounds
where they seem to be heard
wish  it was more
but its just empty push push push push
i cant  feel anything
should that make me sad
she asks how that makes me feel
i just look out at her perfections and softness wares
with a maze of questions
and a thousand lies
to cover the obscenely unclad
to remove the dried stain
in my eyes
don't touch me
don't touch me
for riwa
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
bikini atoll
mark john junor Jan 2014
we  left the old home just
before first light broke to the east
she looked weary and her head hung low
knew she didnt want to leave
but our song had run its course
and it was time to be movin on
and we knew it would never be the same
the summer sun on the rusted wrecks in the field
the cool cool deep waters that we would swim in
at the lake with the pine trees
the old house had one last night
and we had spent it talking on the roof
watching the stars doing their dance
and as the light creeps on in
we gathered ourselfs for one last kiss
at the door where so long ago had carried
her as a blushing bride across the step
starting our time
starting our lives
never thought we'd have to start all over again
nothing you can say
bank man came and posted his sing
and now we got to roll on
fore they roll over us
time is long in the tooth
but we will be ok im sure
as i look out into the breaking bright sun
and the wider world waiting for me
mark john junor Jan 2014
she was a desperado's tale waiting to be told
she had it nailed down to the cold hand drop dead eye
she swaggers into the song
with a loud preamble that she will brook no delay
in the proceedings
the fat man just laughed and broke into another barrel
wine soaking his paris hewn three piece suit
with jewels encrusted by the professional eye

her drunken violin sweeps you along the winding road
of the heroes return
sends you crashing through the pearly gate
and walks you through the dancing beggars
their rags a fine linen
their riches a feast of a frenchmans table
and the sweetest and darkest of wines
her drunkards song weaves in and out of your conscience
with her theft of jewels too many to count
with her rescue of babes defenceless in the wood
she makes her rough love a lullabye
she makes her hard bent hand a soft caress
she is a feast to the starving mans eye

by the final hours of night
the fat man was laughing his way through
the very last barrel of wine
his soaked suit no longer such fine thread
his poorman eye no long longer filled with such easy mirth
he knows she will come collect her due

at the end of her song
the henchmen of karma are approaching with the
steady thud of steel shod boot on the cobblestone
and the fat mans laugh slowly dies in a puddle of
regrets and well wishers sorrows
her song was over and it was time to pay the piper
he tries to run
but as we all know
you cant outrun yourself
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
we all got a price to pay
mark john junor Jan 2014
his heavy face drags his head down her shirt
pleads innocence but the grin on his
face calls him a liar liar pants on fire
she just nods knowingly and unbuttons the next one down
cause she has been through the catalogue of this fools parade
and knows a good catch when she has her hooks in him
he starts flapping his arms like a fish outa water
we all just laugh we all been there
we all been a bird in the air

i make coffee but they are intent on the the sideshow
taking place on the couch
i turn to find the girls choir locked in dire straights
with the ****** circus clowns
they will be singing the blues soon enough
cause we all got a price to pay
when the penny comes to a pound
when the carpet bagger comes to call
and the price you pay equal
to the tears you lay

i sit back and light up the room with my handy dandy
nightwatchman flashlight
but soon realize that there are things here id rather not see
as the girls choir gets down and ***** with the clowns
they would rather have a warm bed now
than the cold promise of better kitchens two car garage tomorrow
and im not one to say they are wrong
iv swallowed enough swords
iv seen enough of the bitter bread
so make some room sweetheart
cause you look like you could use some company down there
in your dark corner of the strange parade...
is that a horse head you have on?

this room gets real wild at a quarter to three
the old man has come down
and is talking up the future to some young honey
who knows better but has an eye on his wallet
we all got a price to pay
he gonna give up his riches
shes gonna give up her dreams
all got a price to pay
when  the carpet bagger comes to call

i shake off the dawn
and stumble out to the street
look back to find the whole circus waving goodbye
they all look so happy and content
even the ones with the bloodstains
but that's the price i gotta pay
looks so pretty from this far down the road
looks so warm and inviting with their smiles and lollipops
the circus clowns and the pregnant girls choir
even she seems friendly
in the heat haze of the long hours away
but something reminds me of all her warts
all her filthy fingers grabbing at the shirt-tail
he eyes pleading a different case before the high court
of her own self doubts

when the carpet bagger comes to call
he opens his bag of tricks
and shows you a world of wonder
all glitter and lights
but it isnt till the bill is due
that you remember we all got a price to pay
we all are fish out of water
Jan 2014 · 716
the rio grande
mark john junor Jan 2014
the sun setting on the high mountain passes
brilliant colours in the sharp cold air
he rode slowly along the path
holding the reigns in one hand
the other resting on his colt revolver
his dark coat pulled up
covers his face
from the biting cold
some hours from now
further down the trail he will rest a bit
before pushing on
make the rio grande before the week is out
make the border and freedom before
the hangman can claim him
he shifts his weight on the saddle and
his horse flicks a worried ear
his appaloosa was his friend
too many miles shared and they had come to understand
and know eachother too well
from the desert towns dry and bitter
to the rain swept mountaintops of colorado
from saloons and dancing girls
to the long hard chase of the lawman following
had seen more miles than care to think
such a sweet tale
such adventure as he had dreamed of
when he was a boy
robbing trains and gunfights with bad man
but mostly he thinks of his country rose
and her little house near topeka
and how she said that there was always be
room for him in her bed and heart
with the hard won smile she gave him
rough round the edges but she was soft in every way
that a road weary man like him could hope for
thought of her now
all these miles away
as the sun sets on the high mountain passes
so deep with winter snows
so silent under crisp moonlight
her face there in his heart
as he drifts through the darkness
drifts through the years and miles
forever more
one hand on the reigns
the other on his colt revolver
some men were born never to rest
born never to know a home
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
dry bones
mark john junor Jan 2014
these troubled thoughts
this collection of disquiets
like dry bones gathering dust
their lifeless forms encrusted with
the fine thin black ink
her diary of desperate longings
written on each bone like magic runes
like roadmaps to dark kingdoms

she keeps the bones
in a wooden box behind the concreate wall
with burning incense
to mask the smell of fear
unfounded in these the enlightened years
but illustrated neatly in comic book fashion
by her masked superhero natural appearances
just that little somthing dangerouse in the
steel glint of her grey eyes

these troubled thoughts
are loud in my mind
broadcast to all who are not too blind to see
like the garish sound of transistor radio
just off a station of cheap music
these dark feelings run like knives down my spine
the seep into my own bones
which are also handwritten chapters
of her diary of self deceptions and denials

i manufacture a vehicle of escapism
in the words i tap out on my kindle
but it rings hollow in the face
of her beautiful decay
of her own disquiet tears
unable to shake free of these dark feelings
i throw the dry bones in the sea
and listen as she demands that i drown the
remainder of my unkind words with them
we finally stand hand in hand
at the edge of the world
watching the dry bones sail
into the crisp dawn
like a sailboat making for spain
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
majestic eyes
mark john junor Jan 2014
there was a small bag hanging
on a gold chain round her sweet neck
woven with a pattern of roses
with a single jewel like an eye
it hung there on the musky damp of her of her hot skin
just showing neath the folded
collar of her deep blue shirt
with one painted hand and its bracelet sparkling
she fingered the small leather bag
reminding herself within lay
and the line that was crossed and her desperate hour
and how i was there with solution in hand

she looked out at me from behind thouse majestic eyes
from within the temple of her softly beating heart
from the very center of my known universe
and spoke to me with a small gentle sound
her words caressed the worried brow of my perceptions
the things id been dreamin on in such dark ways
the rumors of worry that haunt my steps
and with my hand held in hers
she walked me on down to the end of the day
scattering dreams at my feet like a path to mystery's
deep satin night sky's with the heat of blazing stars
summer evening with its long gentle hours
comforting lamplight of home golden and safe
all within the majesty of her simple pure eyes
and the soft pink of her lips
as we make love once again neath the spinning stars
surrounded by the landscapes of summer
and the endlessness of time when hand in hand with
your lover
and the small bag now folded
gathering dust in the shadows
fading from memory
Jan 2014 · 565
fell to dust
mark john junor Jan 2014
he grabbed his shotgun and ran out into
the early morning light
the island was silent except the
sound of the waves and the dump ducks
his forlorn voice shatters the quiet
as he cast about in vain searching for her
in the empty fishing shacks
and the towns alleyways
under the cold canadian sun
sitting in the lighthouse she looked out to sea
and with hands folded neatly in her lap
she had broken the figurine and it lay there at her bare feet
its porcelain shards showing whitely against
the grey canadian wood of the floor
she had shed a single tear
for this life that she has broken and surrendered
and that tear lingers there still on her pale cheek
he finally finds her
bursts in like a shout of infidelity and curses
his face a burning red of rages
but the catches sight of the shattered figurine
and stops to stare suddenly humbled to frightened silence
and like the fool that he is
he gathers up the porcelain shards like a child
and mumbling his sorrow cradles them as he carries them home
leaving her there in the breaking day
with her broken heart and a new life to begin as she sees fit
but she will stay here in the lighthouse looking out to sea
because she is just as lost as he
the years will pass
he has his shotgun
she has the light
spend your loves with someone here and now
or spend it cold and bitter in the tomb
eventually she got rescued by a homeless man who gave her a rose
and they live happily ever after in the jewel encrusted cardboard boxes
in some southern town
he is still there on the island
standing in the shadows of his life
waiting for some reason to explain it all
enough to make sense of his own actions
he believes she will return someday
and mend the figurine make things aright
but like his shotgun he just rusted
and fell to dust
mark john junor Jan 2014
the goddess deadlocked sweetly
her pale eyes pierce my soul
with the words i hear in her face
reproach me for laying loves upon the alter
of her freedoms
she lifts one delicate hand
but it is her warm hand that catches my eye
for i know within that strength
within that tender caress of a woman's gentle forgiveness
i could find redemption
tears break upon my face like waves
as i struggle to find the words to sway her
this dreadlock princess goddess woman
lifts one hand
her swift eye
and pale thin lips do shine far too brightly
the goddess deadlocked sweetly
please forgive me
Jan 2014 · 396
listen with your heart
mark john junor Jan 2014
the image layered on the minds eye
a shifting of shadows held in still life
a fragment of world seen
through the reflections of the photographers mind
through the images living story
it breaths it emotions into your heart
without a word or sound
tells you the tale of child and the dog
they protect eachother
the house its empty halls waiting to be filled
with noise and family
the yards threadbare carpet of grass
clinging to a wildness that it longs for
this photograph
listen with your heart
mark john junor Jan 2014
she leans into my words
and with a deft motion
scatters the playful children of her amused thought
that are trying to distract her
she liberates the pen and paper constructions
that i built with yesterdays words
and places them with a lovers care
on the table before us
as if to bring to attention their needy faces
but not to conversation their actual words
like photographs of passing of couples whispering
the intent but not content
she leans into my words and pulls them apart
showering my souls breach with new light
disrobing the layers of spanish thread
deeper intents to mislead and withdraw
before the mute face can speak
she tosses her hair to one side
i evaporated on her smile
it was just too **** sweet hot
it just set my city afire
so she stood up and walked to the streets edge
to show the ***** dawn a true light
to show the sleeping a new way to dream
to show the new goddess to her waiting world
while she makes sunday morning breakfast
of dollar cakes and crayon drawings
landscapes in polluted purples
coffee strong and the child cries in the crib
she lingers by the table playing
with a lock of my hair
while we spoke soft of the day
to the rainswept beach to hunt for shells
paste them in the scrapbook of my soul
long as shes here with me
sunday afternoon rain
laying in the bungalows shady porch watching
the rain roll in singing softly
long as shes here with me
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
in the dirty rain
mark john junor Jan 2014
like a hollow version of bobby dylan
she peeks out into the alley
before dashing out to
dance in the ***** rain
its grey face stains the asphalt
with strange designs
i wait for her to grow weary
before i try to rescue her from the wet alley
someday she will get to replay
her misspent youth
but not today
the agents of mystery remind me
she sits on her college textbooks
and towel dries her golden dreadlocks
as she excitedly tells me of her adventure
of how light she felt
as the ***** rain danced with her
how it romanced parts of her
that would make a good girl blush
she finally slows down with a great big yawn
put her to bed
wrap her up in my loving arms
and gave her a lullaby in perfect country english
she will cherish this
like she cherished the ***** rain
seeing things in our moments
that no-one else can ever know
magic is your lovers eye
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
river of dirt
mark john junor Jan 2014
the hard pavement brittle and broken to one side
the other only a place for the breezes of swift metal
keeping eye to the small pebbles a pace ahead
i venture up the river of dirt and rusted cans
the trapped paper bearing sad tidings of yesterday
and the cast off cloth of some
middle of the night maiden seeking fresh appearance

i glance up to gauge the travels remaining me
but catch only the watching eye
of a shadow neighbour and his questionable dog
its head to one side as it figures the angles
and debates the meanings
i return to the gutters skeletons
rusted cans and bottles
the cast off of passers by
and the sorrowful deposits of a mournful winter wind
a shattered lightbulb
out in the field
what could it have lit in such a foreign place
who could have forsaken its warm glow
in such a strange place

i tread on
but find no signature
of this nameless faceless soul
who once stood
on the edge of this tarmac
and lit the world with a hot and urgent shout
now only trampled dust remains
with the crushed cans
and trapped papers
only a minor sketch
in a world of masterpieces in motion
but while it lasted it was her hand in mine
walking home to that room
just one night in a lifetime of nights
but what a night
what a woman
mark john junor Jan 2014
there's a hard silence here
and there is a fresh echo of the dim kitchen light
in the ***** linoleum tiles that zigzag the floor
even the air feels broken as it limps slowly
through the room
i stop near the door upon entering
and gather myself
like a ragman gathering the tattered remains
stitching the fragments of self with the thread of awareness
weave the image of self into the reality of the moment
with the hesitations of someone who has lived this moment too many times'
it will come to naught
she is alive but her heart is dead
the dust on my worn coat is from the graves of my
fallow field where we once laid a crop of hopes
but i cannot abandon her to this barren place

i know i perceive only the narrow sunstricken pages
faded and stained with the words legible only to the hardy eye
but its the deeper tale which
even the gardener of times bloodstained trophy's
would fear to tread
his leather shod hands worry the intricate gears
of the mechanical face she wears
he manipulates it to wear a lopsided grin
pantomime of happiness for my birthday
but i watch the vacant places behind the face and see that
with a blemished mechanical eye she looks out over the oncoming
evening through the livingroom window
its cracked and ***** surface turns
the setting sun into a parody of dawn

she greets me but just stares out the window
as if she is waiting a lovers return
i stand infront of her blankly
we wait for the hours to pass
i fix her tea even though it isn't broken
and make small talk
as she makes mechanical sounds
till she sleeps
i leave with the dawn
and make my way to my own bed at last
to fend off dreams that something somewhere could be different
and wake to the sorrowful song of a passing bard
his thin feet dancing on a moonlight hilltop
meant for lovers only
and he is dancing alone
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
summer like
mark john junor Jan 2014
from the cool recesses
of the dark house
came her soft words
as she sought out some rational
meaning to endless day
as she sought some way to capture the world for her own uses
to shield her from the harshness of the unfiltered sun

the world outside the house flows
but inside the stillness of inky shadow
leaves one creeping across the carpet
disturbing the dust in the shafts of light
watching it swirl in the whims of breeze
so finally you come to rest at the edge of light
and mesmerized you loose yourself in the expressions
the day makes out of the small spaces
between your every moment

this shaft of light near me moves and
falls to the floor in neat lines along
the bright surface of cream tiles
like a face revealed one empire sad eye at a time
as day shifts so dose the light
it slowly walks to the walls frozen clock
its silent face dusty with regrets
and strolls finally from golden sunset to
the distant cry of night
leaving us still in the silent room
with the images of majestic time
and feelings warm with passing smiles

she once again calls out
from the cool recesses of the house
pleading that day be returned to her
she was cheated of her share of its warm light
and now desires it with a lazy lust
she wishes to sip its cool wine
she wishes to adore its colourful dawn
and its heavy air before thunderstorm

i await the dawn
so i can retreat from this theatre
of the incarnate dream
so i can breath again of the summer like air
so i can forgiven again
so i can be young again
in a shaft of sunlight
beneath the summer trees
mark john junor Jan 2014
she was a quick pencil sketch
nothing more than a moments
hurried hand
her perfume and brushed hair
an echo in the worlds soundtrack
she was a quick pencil sketch
in a world of masterpieces in motion
but thouse few dark lines
were spent here in the walls of this silent room
sketched in the afterimage of her presence
sketched in the lingering words of her farewell
each line cast down to page with a quickness
but drawn out in the mind
to slow abandon
to slow capitulation to a lesser dream
one of crying
one of loss
her perfumed brushed hair
catching the light
as the door closed
a masterpiece of motion to the world
a sketch of dire love to me
Jan 2014 · 2.4k
spring moon's grave
mark john junor Jan 2014
shuffled into the hallway
the laughing ignorance
stews in its bathrobe and cigar
at the edge of its own manicured lawn
with a pale eye it it calculates
with a thin cold lip it ponders
he makes his lazy way to his bed among the spilled leaves
makes his way to the comforts of eyes closed visions

the laughing ignorance proverbial
fool in ragged cloth dancing a jig
on a spring moon's grave
flowers in hand and wreaths of holly adorning
his head like a crown of soft thorns
his skilful laugh echoes across the barren field
littered with the passing of days
strewn with the formulations of nights bitter embrace
no mere words can delay or
mislead the way that darkness creeps into the mind
when alone with its own devices

done with his jig
he sits on the springs moons grave
and sips at the christmas wine
savoring its crisp life on his tongue
the laughing ignorance still wearing
the dancing fools leather shoe
is a hobbled prisoner of his laughing jest
no other time or place has room for his kind
for his pantomime of long lost victory's
on beachheads of distant sandy shore

his rancid eye calculates me
in all my rumoured mistakes
and he speaks to that dream not to me
so i will leave him here
standing in manicured existence
of his own sour pain
the fall will find him sleeping sweetly
on the spring moon's grave
and it will renew him
leaves swirling down as the world steals the crown
of the tree above
he will be a young man once again
renewed by the promise of maidens dancing
and the dance of winterlight on snowbound fields
Jan 2014 · 2.0k
humanity's circus
mark john junor Jan 2014
sunset faces
seem filled with thoughtful reflection
eyes drawn to their own page of living
 and their own written in stone paths
the golden light of the westbound sun
gives its kindness to her weathered face
hides the lines of worry
that have shadowed her days
and in the dark hour
it will be the afterimage of her golden moment
that will sketch this day in ink for me
that will define this place for me
the profile of her face in  golden sunset
her proud strong frailty
that her standing spoke so loudly
as to confound the darkness
and in thouse dying embers of daylight
behind and by her side all these silent spectators
to this strange day shall mark it within their own hearts
what they beheld on this side road of humanity's circus
one old woman stood and defeated the darkness
Jan 2014 · 949
the monk
mark john junor Jan 2014
utter the truth only in whispers
is what she wrote in small letters on the wall
and each morning she would pass the spot it was written
and would run her fingers gently over them
and she would say his name is a passionate voice
full of heat and longing
like the miles and years could just be wiped away
if she had enough courage
if she wished hard enough

he stood in the rushing rain
his long grey coat blended him into the background
his placard was written some phrase
meant to catch the eye
but not a single face paused in the busy street
it would have taken only a word from him
and they would have all stopped in their tracks
and enthralled they would seen...
but nothing would ever come of it he knew
he knew that someday he would have to pay for what he done
it was only a matter of time

the monk grinding his eye
against the hard truth of his thread bare life
the world teaches to take your rest with the moons tides
the world teaches to mix your loves with the wines of fortune
but the monk dances in the middle of summer night
to the weary horses delight
he sees a bright jewel in the eye
that others consider naught but a bauble
but the monk knows a smile is worth a thousand golden chariots
and will lift you higher

all of us on these ***** streets
the noble and the strange
stand and look at the rising tide of light
and marvel at the crisp colours
and wondrous visions
of dawns light
even the most hardened of souls
can still see beauty
even if they can find nothing in it
the monk turns away
and limps slowly back into the shadows
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
rolls royce of romance
mark john junor Jan 2014
this devilish craft
by which you lead me down the wet road
down through the spent leaves littered along the side of the pavement
some with their open faces upwards
fine lines intercepting
trace them with fingertip and craftsman's eye
paste them in scrapbook
keepsakes of a fall romance now that its spring
but they resurface
bakes a sunday morning bread filling the house with earthen tones of scent
and filling the mind with cravings from childhoods fable
and i pass this dark bread to her
but she refuses it
i eat of my own conversation within my mind
going over and over the exchange of ideals
that have never been held
beyond the borders of thought
its within this madness she foils my defences and
pulling me forward into the afternoon's slow lazy breath
and rifled through my brazen pocket treasures
thinking to have daring crimes of her own
from which she would someday
be an old hand like me
foiled by my poormans lint
out of my pocket and into
her device of night
its forced lock lay broken against the breached wall
but she is the pretender's delight
and make great noise and show of denial
seating me at a banquet for hungry hearts
her healed hand burnish and clean
leaves me at last
sitting among my peers
with a rolls royce of romance
she just laughs
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
brittle grotto
mark john junor Jan 2014
braced against the brittle winds
no voice in the twisting swirling dance of falling snow
no traveller in the dark
no footprints decorate the expanse
the small golden light of the candle in the window
the silhouette of the mountains encasing this quiet place
from which no road or path leads
with no tale or ***** song to comfort the traveller
seem impassable
to even stout hearts
here in the small cabin
with only the light as companion
with the tenuous hours drawn thin
awaiting the breaking of dawn
awaiting the beauty of day to find its way
to my doorstep
with fleet footsteps
guide me on the trek
to find her warm hope filled hand
to find my way to that lover i searched a lifetime for
i know your out there
my sweet one
my world in your hands
i will never stop seeking your arms
a true haven in this valley of shadows
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