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Jul 2017 · 404
Life's own magic
Mariya Sidi Jul 2017
My pounding flesh is plagued
He says
When the storm takes your heart
Now half swain half insane

The fibres of your core tremble
Being strung by another being
A bewitching melody being song
The strings of your heart being struck

Do you hear it he asks
The speech from my veins
A new language i can't gauge
Though i know it speaks of another

When there's thunder in your ears
And earth quakes beneath your soul
When all words are bare noise
There's just one heavenly voice

Bloodshot eyes
Spellbound hypnotised
When something else works the mind
'Tis black magic he says

Its life's own magic he feels
Strange sweetness taking its course
Enslaved now he is
To that unseen force that conquers
Jun 2017 · 854
Mariya Sidi Jun 2017
I stood in awe of this being
Who commanded my heart
Took hold of my attention
And worked my mind
Like a master puppeteer...
May 2017 · 798
Her, me
Mariya Sidi May 2017
The person in the mirror isn't me
Why is my right on her left
and her left on my right
She smiles at me
I wouldn't smile at me like that
If i were her
She looks me in the eye
though i never look at others like that
Like i know them
If she knew what i knew about me
She won't want to be me
She wouldn't stay either
But then she's still there
She is the only one here for me
There is no one else
But her, me.
I'm here for me.
May 2017 · 681
Desert Weed
Mariya Sidi May 2017
I've been through this before
But Its ok i know i will endure
I've walked through it over and over
I've created a worn footpath like a constant trekker
With my eyes closed i can navigate the heartache
I know when the pain will overtake
I know precisely when my chest will burn
Exactly when the tears will return
But i'm now excellent at stifling the sobs
I know the perfect position to curl up and stop the throbs
I am perfect at stretching my lips into that smile
The precise tone of 'i'm OK' always in line
More than that i now know how to overcome
Because my love is way to strong to be undone
My roots run deep
That ordinary storms now can't rip
Sand storms don't scare me
I'm no spring rose you see
I'm a dessert ****
Come rain come shine i'll always keep
Apr 2017 · 631
Rain on Me
Mariya Sidi Apr 2017
I used to dance in the love you rained upon me
Soaking up my skin
Washing away my troubles
And when it stopped raining
I would step out and look to the skies hopeful for a cloudy day
Until my heart got caught up in a draught
Now my veins run dry
My lips are perched
Save me... please
Rain on me again
Apr 2017 · 507
Mariya Sidi Apr 2017
I used to dance in the love you rained upon me
Soaking up my skin
Washing away my troubles
Pervading my senses with intoxicating rainbows
And when it stopped raining
I would step out and look up to the skies hopeful for a cloudy day
Until my heart got caught up in a drought
Now my veins run dry
My lips are perched
Save me... please
Rain on me again
Apr 2017 · 384
Broken art
Mariya Sidi Apr 2017
I sit enveloped in chaos
Broken bits of my life before me
Cant walk past them
I stumble upon them trying to move on
And i break into smaller pieces
I put myself together again with more cracks to show
Each new line my very own garland
My medallions i call them
A medal for every blunder
I display them you see
Because i'm not afraid of showing my flaws
They now see my crevasses and fissures and they call it art

— The End —