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  Dec 2014 Marissa Kay
Kendall Rose
Maybe I don't understand
the Laws of Physics or
Stellar evolution,
but I know that
your atoms are composed of stardust
Maybe this is why the life in your eyes
is illuminating everything like a carbon giant.

In astronomy they told us
that the darkest parts of space
often contain the most energy
And I thought you should know,
that just like the ancient galaxies inside of you,
your darkest parts still shine.
Marissa Kay Dec 2014
Every rumble of tire
Across this lonely crowed street
Creates a wave of emotion
And It suffocates me
For a second I see hope
For a moment I breath deep
The moment has finally come
For my feelings to be free
Then I look again,
At nothing in distance
Im a fool lost at heart
With a heartbreaking imagination
Marissa Kay Dec 2014
I remember having a thought
6:58 AM
I rose and tucked it back behind the blankets

After slumber, uncomfortably searching for peace I rose a second time and crispness in the air reminded me of morning

6:58 AM
So close to seven
Almost fully something new
Somehow-although everything does- that reminded me of you
Marissa Kay Dec 2014
I look up
I see lies
I look across
I see lies
I look in
I see lies
In every man's eyes
I see manipulation
The only truth I've known
Came  only for redemption
So fickle so true
My souls about as good
As one from a shoe
Beat me up take me down
I wont know any different
Inexperience is the death of the innocent
Yeah this is unfinished
Marissa Kay Dec 2014
What makes you think
Of temperature change in tomorrow's weather

better just button up your coat

You fill you're self with poisons and complain when you cant breath

****** father, open your eyes to what you have
Nobody's gonna pitty a man who cries for riches with rubies in his hands
Marissa Kay Dec 2014
No voice will satisfy my hearing at this point

No breath can refill the air in my lungs      

No touch can warm the blistering cold in my skin

No promise can do the undone

None of this is enough
Not is it now
Nor will it ever be
Marissa Kay Nov 2014
What do you gain when you've got nothing to lose
Where do you go when you've got no mountain to move
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